Friday, September 21, 2018

1257: Light Unto the Peacekeepers from Lincoln County Watch

Thursday, September 20, 2018

1257: Light Unto the Peacekeepers from Lincoln County Watch

By Anna Von Reitz

I keep getting indications that desperate people are trying to organize their own local peacekeeping forces to enforce the Public Law, but they are often confused about how they can do this and how
their activities are different from those of all the "law enforcement personnel". 

Just as there are "Americans" and "U.S. Citizens", there are "Peacekeepers" and "Law Enforcement Officers". 

You must get it straight in your own minds who you are and under which system of law and government you are functioning---and work within that system,  or you will be arrested and prosecuted.  Any ignorance must be thwarted and overcome and your own proper paperwork etablished BEFORE you embark on a career as a Peacekeeper.

Just this morning I got an email from a group of would-be Peacekeepers in Colorado who made the mistake of trying to order "law enforcement" badges, and who were fortunately rebuffed by the manufacturers of these items.  They don't know how lucky they are, that the badge manufacturer warned them.

Here is what I told them-- and I quote:

We do not need badges.  We need stars.  The Five Pointed Star with the fifth point pointing straight up is the emblem of our Sheriiffs and Marshals and they are not "law enforcement officials" but are "peacekeepers". 

The symbology goes back to the fact that Americans live under the Law of Men and US Citizens live under The Rule of Law.  The upward painting Five Pointed Star is the symbol of Mankind, thus the proper emblem for us and our system of Law--- not corporate badges.  

There is no confusion about who you are or what system of law you are enforcing so long as you know these emblems and facts. 

These people are correct in refusing to issue "badges" to peacekeepers.  

The peacekeepers have to become knowledgeable enough about who they are and what their role is and what their Law is that they don't ask for or expect badges. 

Our American Common Law emblem is a Silver Star, 5 Points, with the Fifth Point Straight up, with the name of the Office inscribed/indented , "Sheriff" for example, and the name of his political domain, "Montrose County, Colorado" for example, on a ring encircling the star. 

The ring encircling the Star and the statement of the domicile of the Office gives Notice that the Office is "limited" to the physical parameters of that County. [Remember that land offices, unlike sea offices, are rooted within and limited to specific geophysical boundaries.]

You can use the same Star and designation for our United States Continental Marshals. 

In that case the circle of metal around the Star would say, "United States Marshal" and "Third Postal District" for example. 

We are not acting as incorporated entities so we never use all-capital letter designations at all.  

"JOE BLOW" denotes only two things: (1) the estate of a dead man; or, (2) an incorporated entity. 

Living men never use all caps for any purpose but these--and since we are not operating in either capacity, we use only Upper and Lower Case Names for Offices and Place Names.  

That's why these are "Proper Nouns"-- any other use or style is "improper". 

Likewise, never use the word "of" as in "State of Colorado" or "County of Jackson".

"Of" means apart from or aside from or belonging to whatever follows it. 

Your State is Colorado. Just that. Period. 

Your County is, for example, Montrose County. 

Put those words on your Star and the have no excuse for making any presumptions or complaints against you nor any cause to object--- presuming of course that you have your own claims in order and on the record and have given the District Attorney Notice of your Non-Incorporated Standing prior to assuming your Peacekeeping Office. 

Peacekeepers act as men enforcing the Public Law of this country. Law Enforcement Agents and Officers are private security personnel enforcing the private law of governmental services corporations on the employees and dependents of those corporations. 


I will follow that up with some additional important pointers for Peacekeepers and Law Enforcement Officers, too:

1. Peacekeepers always outrank all Law Enforcement Officers (LEO's)  when dealing with issues that impact living people on American soil. Always, without exception. The County Sheriff can tell any "US MARSHAL" to take a hike.

2. The only issues to be determined are--- (1) are we dealing with people who have chosen to act as living people, that is, as Americans, or (2) are we dealing with people who have knowingly and voluntarily chosen to act as officers, employees and/or dependents of foreign governmental services corporations--that is, as "U.S. Citizens"?

3. As this has been considered to be a political status and a matter of private choice in the past, the only way to tell the difference between "Americans" and "U.S. Citizens" or "citizens of the United States" has been whether or not the man or woman's name has been registered as a "U.S. Corporation" or not.

4. We are finding that a great many of these registrations have been falsified and put in place without the knowledge or consent of the actual Possessors of the underlying Trade Names, which results in Americans being chronically and unconscionably misidentified as "U.S. Citizens"---and deprived of their natural and unalienable rights and constitutional guarantees, misaddressed by Law Enforcement personnel, railroaded into U.S. Court venues that have no actual jurisdiction over them, and subjugated under foreign private statutory law. Peacekeepers have the right and the duty to claim jurisdiction for anyone who maintains their identity as a living American.

5. Peacekeepers and the people they serve need to establish their identity as the actual owners of their Given Trade Names and record these facts on the public record.   Also as a result of the widespread false registration problem, Americans need to give Notice of their Non-Corporate Status and Standing on the Public Record and stand ready to provide such proof of status and standing to Law Enforcement Officials---otherwise, LEO's presume that everyone they meet is subject to the statutory laws they enforce.

6. Peacekeepers enforce the Public Law, including the provisions of the Constitution owed to Americans, the Unrevised United States Statutes-at-Large, and the General Session Laws.  They do not enforce Statutes, Codes, or Regulations of any kind.  That is the duty of Law Enforcement Officers, and Law Enforcement Officers are only supposed to be addressing other "U.S. Citizens" --- not Americans.

A seminal U.S. Supreme Court case, Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc., has established that Law Enforcement Officers may, if they so choose, enforce the Public Law and uphold the Constitution(s), but it is not in their job description and many of them fail to honor the Public's trust.

7. Peacekeepers except for The United States Continental Marshals work exclusively for and with Public Courts operating under American Common Law and under the supervision of Justices and Justices of the Peace.  The United States Continental Marshals work for Postal District Courts under the auspices of The United States of America [Unincorporated] and the supervision of Postal District Judges.

It goes without saying that many, though not all, Americans, have been purposefully misinformed and dumbed down about these and other issues of law and jurisdiction and the proper functioning of our government ---- including LEO's and members of The American Bar Association and The United States Bar Association.

Final Note....getting back to the problem of securing proper identification for Peacekeepers in each of the States of the Union:

It is in keeping with our tradition that each State and County has its own recognizable Five-Pointed Star emblem, according to Trade Name and applying within the recognized geographic boundaries.  These star emblems  are allowed their own distinctive hallmarks, designs, colors, texture pattern and other
embellishments added to the basic Five-Pointed Silver Star.  These distinctive "Sheriff's Stars" can be worn as a pin over the left breast or carried in a leather wallet designed for the purpose.

They should be made of actual silver and in addition to the Proper Name of the Office such as "Sheriff" or "Deputy" and the name of the County and/or State, should have distinct identifying information incised or permanently engraved on the back of each star.  For example, the Peacekeeping Sheriff of Montrose County, Colorado might bear the inscription:  Joseph Layne Alexander, Peacekeeping Sheriff, Montrose County, Colorado, J.L.A.19560909TNTUSA, standing for "Joseph Layne Alexander, born September 9, 1956, Tennessee, The United States of America [Unincorporated]."

Every element of the design should be strictly defined, including the size and the type font used for inscriptions.

Traditionally, Sheriff's Stars have been made by jewelers commissioned to make the pins and the jewelers have further authenticated them by adding their own "Maker's Mark" to the back of the Star. 

Temporary Deputy Stars are traditionally numbered and issued according to a written roll-call record that keeps track of which pin is issued to who and for what time period using a sign in/sign out log.  This allows the Sheriff to issue identification to Temporary Deputies as needed.

And one final note -- Peacekeepers do not take "Oaths" which are part of religious ceremonies and they do not swear or pledge "Allegiances" which are part of ancient feudal practices of giving allegiance to a king.  Peacekeepers are not Bonded by Surety Bonds.  Those are all provisions that may or may not be work requirements for Law Enforcement Officers depending on which governmental services corporations they are working for--- but in no way apply to Peacekeepers.

The so-called "swearing in" of deputies so often depicted in old Hollywood Westerns is not actually an "oath taking" and is instead a Public Acknowledgement in which the man accepts the responsibilities of the Office he is entering as a Peacekeeper in front of two or more Witnesses. There is no mention of any "God" involved, as our lawful government maintains separation between Church and State.

This Public Acknowledgement is sometimes done by a whole large group of men at once, each and all witnessing the others, and then they hit the leather and ride off to catch bad guys as a Possee.  Far more typically, men are elected as Deputies and do their Public Acknowledgement in front of the Sheriff and a Justice of the Peace under far less dramatic circumstances. 

The purpose of this is to set forth in short order what the duties of a deputy or sheriff are, and for the office holder to make public admission that: (1) he or she is aware of what the duties are, and (2) that he or she accepts the responsibility to perform those duties in good faith.  This creates a Public Record of the Office Holder's commitment and accountability --- to the General Public in the case of Peacekeepers, and to their corporate employers, in the case of Law Enforcement Officers.

As always, rights go with responsibilities, and roles are defined by the duties of the Office and the jurisdiction within which an Office operates.

See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

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Bella Dodd -- How Communists Subverted the Catholic Church

Some history that the people who comment on this blog need to read.

Be sure that you don't fall for the idea that what calls itself the Catholic Church after the Vatican II council in 1963-4, is the real Catholic Church. It's not. It's name is Novus Ordo.

New Order?  God does not change. His Church does not change in what it believes and teaches on a fundamental level.

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