Sunday, May 20, 2018

Santa Fe School Shooting an Arch-Zionist Distraction and Total Absolute Fake NODISINFO.COM

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Santa Fe School Shooting an Arch-Zionist Distraction and Total Absolute Fake

While the Zionists have perpetrated in April and May 2018 mass slaughter in Gaza they, now, orchestrate a hoax shooting at a high school in Texas some 35 miles outside of Houston.
Brother of protester killed in Gaza hugs body in morgue

This explains the basis of the Santa Fe school ‘shooting’ distraction. The fact is it is was a drill, and the Sheriff spokesperson proves it, saying, “Uh, we have a multi-agency response out here at a little bit before 8:00.” Now, how could all such coordinated agencies do so, unless this was planned well in advance? The fact is it is patently impossible, and everyone knows it.
That drill, by the way, was used in order to ‘prep’ the students and teachers for their acting roles.
See this image of the woman in grey with the cropped blonde hair. She is surely a coordinator, and can be seen in other images carrying a mobile communication device.
See the coordinator, here, operating in regard to the bus, which is a component of the staging:
It’s the same woman, make no mistake. She is a mole working on the taxpayer largess on behalf of the DHS.
Nevertheless, there is not a single legitimate image of an actual wounded person, suffering in pain, shock; or of anyone who is bleeding or seriously wounded.
There are countless emergency vehicles found about and many life-flight helicopters, at least three of them, none of them operating on behalf of any seriously wounded. The ambulances are empty. Nothing is going on, here.
It is obvious that all the witnesses are actors. No one is in shock. There is no adrenaline running, here, because nothing of any significance happened. Yet, despite this, people are speaking all sorts of nonsense, such as ‘Something has to be done’ and ‘Guns are the problem’ and ‘Nothing will happen until something is done,’ as well as ‘This is a standard day in America,’ and all manner of other gibberish.
He’s right, it was a drill, and these fake grievers know it as well:
See the smirk of this woman after being asked a leading question by the reporter. She had no option but to represent, visibly, the elements within her subconscious mind, as is true of all those who fabricate such wild stories:
The staging is obvious in this video. No one can dispute it. This is a hoax, no other possibility. The fact is this youth is the front face of the phony, complete with her psyops-related shirt complete with the Batman logo:
Student gives prepared statement to press: To watch, click here
While the Zionists and their willing cohorts perpetrate this fraud, people throughout the Middle East are being systematically slaughtered: such as this man, shot in the chest by the thieves, hoodlums, and gangsters of the illicit Zionist strip:
Image result for images; wounded; gaza; violence; nakba
Where are the dead and wounded from the school shooting hoax? They cannot be found anywhere.

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