Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Pizzagate Comet Ping Pong’s demonic rock poster and barman by Dr. Eowyn from FOTM

Pizzagate Comet Ping Pong’s demonic rock poster and barman

Comet Ping Pong, rumored to be part of Pizzagate, is a popular pizza restaurant located less than 5 miles from the White House.
Its owner is James Alefantis — a former boyfriend of Clinton crony and Democratic Party operative David Brock of Media Matters — who was named in 2012 by GQ magazine the 49th most powerful person in Washington, D.C. That would explain why Alefantis, a “mere” pizzeria owner, visited the Obama White House four times. One visit was an overnighter in which Alefantis’ group of four included a male porn star.
On its Facebook page, Comet Ping Pong has this odd cartoon (below) and describes itself as a “family style restaurant” that’s “good for kids”.

Curiously, the “family style” Comet Ping Pong restaurant has a penchant for hosting satanic rock bands in the evening, such as obscure Israeli “garage” rock band Monotonix on February 4, 2011:

Thanks to a tip on Voat, we are alerted to another demonic music event by Pujol, The Grey A (a “garage” rock group) and Rom, at Comet Ping Pong on October 28, 2016.
Below is the poster for the event from Pujol’s Facebook page, which says performances would begin at 10 pm for “all ages”. Note the gruesome sketch of intestines, suggestive of cannibalism — an obsession of spirit cookers John Podesta and his brother Tony, who has a sculpture in his home which mimics the posture that cannibal serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer had positioned one of his victims.

Then there’s Comet Ping Pong’s demonic barman, Joshua Ryan (joshuaryanv).
Using Comet Ping Pong’s Instagram account, joshuaryanv posted an obscene picture of two people having sex on top of a giant slice of pizza. To see the pic, click here.
joshuaryanv has an Instagram account in the name of Joshua Ryan Vogelsong @gaybashdc @donnaslash @homosuperiordc. Below is his pic on Instagram:

The Instagram account is now set to private, but not before a netcitizen took this screenshot from his account:

A side-by-side comparison shows that joshuaryanv is the demonic bartender:

Whatever Comet Ping Pong’s role in Pizzagate, this “family style” restaurant certainly hosts very dark and disturbing events in the evening which are open to “all ages,” including children
See also:

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