Sunday, December 17, 2017

Esoteric Twin Peaks II – Doppelgänger and Orgasmic Energy

Esoteric Twin Peaks II – Doppelgänger and Orgasmic Energy

By Jack Heart and Orage

“I walked. I could do nothing but walk. And then, I saw me walking in front of myself. But it wasn’t really me…” – A Bloody Brown Paper Bag 1

[ Note: In keeping with our promise to our readers that if we are sponsored via our Patreon site we can increase production; we have. I want to thank all our patrons to date; we are going on bonus now. So now let’s talk Turkey, no fake moldy scriptures, with Lynch’s help we are gonna tell you what is real. It would be a good idea for you to learn because what’s fake ain’t gonna be here too much longer… – Jack Heart ]
The word doppelgänger is derived from the German Doppelgänger; actually a compound of two words, Doppel meaning double and Gänger meaning walker or goer. In German, there is no plural for this word. Doppelgänger traces its roots back to the Norse Vardøger or Vardøgr which is defined as ‘‘premonitory sound or sight of a person before he arrives.’’2
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
In the collective consciousness of the West, a doppelgänger is one’s evil inversion, their dark double, the earliest instance being Ahriman, the malevolent double of god in Zarathustrianism.
The Toroidal Universe is divided into two worlds, three counting the space in between the worlds where equilibrium is achieved. One world sees the universe expanding as it is being expelled from the black hole and the other sees it as contracting into the black hole. Something like a reflection in a mirror, there is a reversed image, a reversed world. Every individual exists simultaneously in each world. That dual existence entails having a doppelgänger. Even god must have one.
The primary directive of NASA, as the entertainment division of Jet Propulsion Laboratories, is to ignore Quantum Entanglement, Bell’s Theorem and published experimental data.3 Their job is to continue, undaunted by facts, pontificating about nonsense like rockets to the moon and a space program that is seemingly under the direction of Wiley Coyote, blowing himself into outer space. Toward that end, they must never, ever be seen by their more than a little credulous audience as “advocating that faster than light speeds for material particles are possible.”4
Even though by 1937, Bell Labs had already proven the wave nature of matter and won the Nobel Prize for it, tenured professors and all those who make their living at NASA’s particle trough know better than to ever publish a paper that even insinuates Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity is wrong, let alone that there are no particles. Recently Robert J. Nemiroff of Michigan Technological University, Department of Physics, along with his coauthor David Russell, choosing their words very carefully, proposed a thought experiment for “closed-loop time travel within the context of special relativity.”5
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Outer Places, an internet science publication, concluded from Nemiroff and Russell’s thought experiment that “Traveling Back in Time Creates Doppelgängers That Annihilate Each Other.”6 In the experiment a spaceship leaves earth traveling five times the speed of light to a planet ten light years away and returns to its approximate departure point. “From the perspective of a person on Earth watching the launch pad, because the light emitted from the spaceship would travel five times slower than the spaceship, images of the spaceship on its way out and another doppelganger spaceship on its way back would appear out of thin air about five years after embarking. Eight years later, there would be one ship on the landing pad and two phantom ships further away, as if they were traveling backward in time. Then, ten years later, the two ghost ships would destroy each other, leaving the ship on the landing pad.”7
“”The only solutions we could find involved these strange pairs of travelers popping into and out of existence,” said Nemiroff. “We speculated that one member of this pair must have a strange type of negative mass, while the other has normal positive mass.””8
Twin Peaks 2017 opens with a conversation between the now twenty-five years older Special Agent Dale Cooper and a tall gaunt man very similar to the “Giant” of the first two seasons. They are in a room furnished from the early twentieth century and the scene is filmed in black and white. In the distorted vocals requiring subtitles that are characteristic of the disincarnate beings in Twin Peaks, the Giant says “Agent Cooper listen…to the sounds.” They both look at an old gramophone emitting a clicking noise then back at each other and the Giant continues; “It is in…our house now.” Cooper looks at him, saying in clear English “it is.” The Giant answers “it cannot…be said aloud now. Remember 430, Richard…and Linda, two birds…with one stone.” Cooper nods and resolutely says “I understand…” The Giant then says to Cooper “you are far away” and Cooper blinks out of the room like the image on a television that has just been turned off.9
Two crates of shovels are delivered by flatbed truck to Dr. Jacoby who now lives rough in a trailer deep in the woods outside of Twin Peaks. The driver helps him unpack the shovels and asks him if he’s going to need any help. Jacoby tells him “thanks but no thanks. I like to work alone.”10 
Twin Peaks glass box
From dizzying heights, the view pans over nighttime Manhattan settling on a dark and foreboding brick building with few windows. Overlooking the street, far below there is a portal-shaped window big enough for a man to fit through. The portal leads into a small glass box inside the building about the size of a large closet. The box is watched intently by a diminutive rodent of a college student named Sam Colby. It’s surrounded by cameras and is on a pedestal with an elaborate wiring system underneath. The box is in a large room strewn with empty cardboard boxes presumably from the electronic equipment. Aside from the portal, there are no other windows in it.
Sam sits on the room’s lone love seat on a raised platform facing the box. A buzzer sounds. Sam goes outside through the room’s only door and meets a very attractive young woman named Tracy by the service elevator. She has two take-out coffees and wants to come inside to drink them. Her intentions are overtly amorous. Sam, already folding like a cheap suit, flirtingly tells her she can’t and that what is inside is top secret. The sullen-looking gorilla of a guard whose desk is right in front of the door affirms that Tracy is not allowed in the room. She tells Sam she will bring him more coffee tomorrow and Sam goes back inside the room. He sits down on the loveseat and continues staring at the glass box. There is a faint electrical humming and the sound of computers running in the background.
The view moves in the headlights of a car down a dark and empty country road as the first song on the soundtrack of Twin peaks 2017 blares ‘Muddy Magnolias’ doing a slowed down Lynchian remix of ‘American Woman.’
“I know my worth and who I am Mister if you’re hard up, I can spare a few grand Hell will freeze over and I’ll be damned ‘Fore I take orders from any ol’ man
Do I look like…”11
Somewhere in the night, a Mercedes pulls up to a cabin and Cooper’s Doppelgänger gets out and starts walking. Unlike Cooper he wears his hair long, his dress is casual and his eyes are coal black. A man comes out of the front door pointing a shotgun at him and, with seeming superhuman speed and strength, the Doppelgänger knocks him unconscious with his own shotgun before the man can even pull the trigger. American Woman fades from the soundtrack.
He goes inside and sits down, greeting by name the cabin’s hillbilly proprietor who is sipping moonshine from a jar. Two inbred-looking people sit in the dark and a woman, also a hillbilly, comes in from the back rooms. The guard, by now on his feet again, comes through the door in a rage swinging his shotgun at the Doppelgänger, who unperturbed with a quick flick of his arm casually knocks him unconscious again with his own shotgun. He cordially asks the hillbilly woman to fetch his two accomplices from the back rooms; a man named Ray, and a woman he will soon brutally murder. He then walks out the front door with them.
When Tracy comes back the next night the guard is nowhere to be found. Sam even checks the bathroom for him. Tracy insists on coming in, and Sam wonders aloud how she is going to get out if the guard comes back. In a sultry voice, she tells him “not to overthink this opportunity” and Sam, overcome with lust, brings her inside the room.
Tracy is taken aback as they walk through the door and she sees the box with all the scientific equipment and asks Sam “what is that thing?” Sam replies a “glass box.” Laughing, Tracy says “yea, but what’s it for” Sam tells her “I really don’t know it’s just a job I got to help with school.” She asks “whose place is this” and Sam quickly volunteers “I heard a billionaire, some anonymous billionaire.”
Seemingly impressed she says “mysterious.” He then tells her in a confidential manner “I’m supposed to watch the box and see if anything appears inside.” Surprised she says “What? Do things appear?”
He tells her “I haven’t seen anything since I started. But the guy I replaced, he saw something once.” She asks “What?”Sam answers “he wouldn’t tell me, or couldn’t tell me. We’re not supposed to say anything about this place or that glass box.”
She looks around the room and says “that’s a lot of equipment. Is it some sought of science experiment or something like that?” Distracted, Sam agrees “I guess you could say that. Do you want to sit down?” She looks him unflinchingly in the eye and says “okay.”12
Twin Peaks, red room
They sit down on the love seat and Sam clumsily leans in and kisses her, asking her if she wants to make out. Tracy just can’t get her clothes off fast enough, and they begin having torrid sex on the love seat with Tracy on top. Suddenly the glass box darkens and a humanoid figure with breasts like a woman and a hideously misshapen head materializes in it. They both stop and watch frozen in fear as the creature begins hurling itself against the glass in a manner that makes it appear as a blurred image moving in and out of focus. The glass shatters and they clutch each other naked and afraid on the loveseat as the creature, maneuvering with blinding speed, turns them both into piles of bloody dead hamburger meat.
Madeline Zima is the attractive young actress who plays Tracy. After the premiere she was released from a Non Disclosure Act she signed, more suitable to an intelligence agent than a struggling actress. Zima was interviewed by Vulture, the culture and entertainment site of New York magazine. “With the death scene, it was a lot of blood. I don’t know how many gallons of blood it was, 8 or 9 or 10 or 20. Who even knows! There was a big hose.” 13 
Zima, best known for her role as Nanny in the CBS sitcom, talked about her reluctance to take a role necessitating that she die naked on camera, taking a back seat to having the experience of having worked with the iconic artist David Lynch. Zima, no Hollywood idiot, points out how “widespread Lynch’s influence is on all different artists and literature and on our landscape and society, and definitely all art forms besides filmmaking, music as well.” 14
Zima supposedly had no idea what she was auditioning for. Everything about the making of Twin Peaks 2017 was top secret. But she mentions that the rumor going around was that the auditions were for Twin Peaks. She claims she dismissed the rumors as Hollywood hot air. But she lets slip that in her audition, an unusual freestyle interview where she just talked about herself, her topics were intellectual novelist Kurt Vonnegut and God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, artistically probably Vonnegut’s best work. She even brought the book into the interview with her claiming she was reading it in the waiting room. Zima’s other topic of conversation was meditation. Lynch teaches transcendental meditation and he’s a safe bet to be a fan of Vonnegut.
Instead of hearing back immediately or almost so on the results of her interview as is the practice in Hollywood, Zima waited six or seven months. She described the ensuing process to Vulture. “I got the script pages hand-delivered to me, which I had to give back. It was like being a CIA agent, it was awesome. You get these clandestine materials, review them, and return them back to your contact in this amount of time. You have until midnight tonight to let them know if you’re going to move forward with the mission or not! I had a limited amount of time to decide if I was going to say yes.” 15 
According to Vulture “Lynch was notoriously tight-lipped with actors in the revival.” But it is not unthinkable that a beautiful woman as enterprising and self-aware as Zima might have caught Lynch’s attention. He may very well be the foremost connoisseur of beautiful women alive today, judging from the ones he casts in his movies. Everyone on the set was pumping him about the box. Zima admits “I was always trying to make jokes and try to get some more information about the box because I’m just as curious as everybody else. He would look at me and be like, “You know I can’t say a thing about the box.” And I’m like, what’s on the other side of the box? And he would go, “I still can’t say that.””16
Nevertheless. Zima has some very curious insights as to what came out of that box and killed her character, saying “It almost looked like it could’ve been a hologram…”17 
In the same interview with Vulture Zima had just said she never watched Firewalk With Me, let alone read the script where Agent Cooper says “The world is a hologram…”18
Of the box, Zima ostensibly conjectured that “there were aspects about it that were intriguing to me, and it reminded me of stuff that I read about. Like the conspiracy theories about the Philadelphia Project or the Montauk Project, where they manifest a monster out of thin air with psychic kids. It reminded me of that, and I was like, there must be some other thing going on.”19
Yes there is definitely something else going on. Zima, although I doubt she knew it, was playing a prostitute. That is how a guy who looks like Sam is practically raped by a girl that looks like Tracy in a high security area, with a guard who just conveniently leaves his post after just witnessing her try to weasel her way in the night before and promising to try again tomorow. Sex is the secret ingredient of the “anonymous billionaire’s” little “science experiment.” Zima mentions Netflix’s Stranger Things in connection to the creature. “Netflix’s hit sci-fi series was originally titled “Project Montauk”, after the covert government operation on Long Island.”20 
Orgone accumulator, healing device FDA
According to Preston Nichols, besides this author, the only one that really does know anything about The Montauk Project and ever talked about it, the project began as a “weather control project in the late 1940’s under the codename “Phoenix”. The information and technology for this came from Dr. Wilhelm Reich.”21 Reich was a proponent of Orgasmic Energy, as in the human orgasm and the energy produced thereof.
I have been writing about the Montauk Project since I first learned how to type in the beginning of this decade and wrote my as of yet unpublished book, the one that started this media feeding frenzy; unpublished does not mean unread. I am writing about the Montauk Project not because I am fascinated by it, on the contrary, for over twenty years I tried to forget it. “But all the while I was alone. The past was close behind” to quote Bob Dylan. At the end of March we published Peter Pan Meets Pyramid Head in Veterans Today (VT). It was subsequently published all over the internet and appeared on the cover of the June/July issue of Nexus Magazine. It is the definitive piece on the Montauk Project.
Many of the sites that ran the piece were cyber attacked and crashed, including VT and Nexus. What we were saying was never supposed to be said. On parts two and three we explored some of my own connections to it on our blog. VT ran a link to part two titled Philadelphia Experiment in their April 16, 2017 edition. In part two, Preston Nichols “starts talking about some Orgone machine he had built based on the orgasmic energy concepts of Wilhelm Reich and looking at my wife and I like this is what he had been waiting for. Then he says “you two can close the portals with it but I will have to be in the room to operate it while you have sex.” She suddenly sprang out of her chair at him screaming in his face “you fat fucking pervert!” Then she bolted out the door, down three flights of stairs and out into the middle of traffic where I had to chase her and carry her back to the sidewalk…”22
The Sage of Quay Radio Hour Interview Jack Heart – David Lynch, Twin Peaks and the Toroidal Universe (Dec 2017) 
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1 – Jack, Heart, and Orage. “Very soon the Gates to a New Dimension will Open.” Veterans Today, 23 Oct. 2017,
2 – The Vardogr, Perhaps Another Indicator of the Non-Locality of Consciousness (L. David Leiter, Journal of Scienti c Exploration, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 621–634, 2002)
3 – Rodrigues Jr., W.A. , and J.-Y. Lu. “On the Existence of Undistorted Progressive Waves (UPWs) of Arbitrary Speeds 0≤v<∞ in Nature.” CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, 1997, pp. 1–77.,
Dixie Victorious
4 – Nemiroff, Robert J, and David M Russell. “How superluminal motion can lead to backward time travel.” CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, 2015, pp. 1–25.,
5 – Ibid.
6 – Tracey, Janey. “Physicist Claims Traveling Back in Time Creates Doppelgängers That Annihilate Each Other.” Outer Places, 24 Oct. 2017,
7 – Ibid.
8 – Ibid.
9 – Lynch, David, and Mark Frost. Twin peaks Season 3, episode 1 (5:00-6:00). Showtime Networks, May 212017.
10 – Ibid, 8:00.
11 – Ibid, 20:00 – 21:00.
12 – Ibid, 28:00 – 30:00.
13 – “Madeline Zima Didn’t Know She Was Auditioning for the Twin Peaks Revival.” Vulture, 28 May 2017,
14 – Ibid.
15 – Ibid.
16 – Ibid.
17 – Ibid.
18 – Jack, Heart, and Orage. “Very soon the Gates to a New Dimension will Open.”
19 – “Madeline Zima Didn’t Know She Was Auditioning for the Twin Peaks Revival.”
20 – “The real-Life inspiration for ‘Stranger Things’ is a secret base in Montauk.” New York Post, 30 Oct. 2017,
21 – Nichols, Preston , and Peter Moon. “The Montauk Project / Experiments In Time.” Wilhelm Reich and the Phoenix Project. Sky Books, 1992. Web. 14 Mar. 2017.
22 – Heart, Jack, and Orage. “The Human: Jack, Orage & friends. Jack Heart writings.” Peter Pan Meets Pyramid Head II, 16 Apr. 2017,
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