Sunday, December 31, 2017

Confirmed: Las Vegas Shootings a Saudi False Flag By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Confirmed: Las Vegas Shootings a Saudi False Flag

By Gordon Duff with Colonel James Hanke, USA Special Forces (ret)
Veterans Today waited to speak up about Las Vegas.  We have people on the scene and one of the Adamus partners handles casino security.  We waited.  Here is what can be told:

The dead are real.  Some of those spreading the worst of the conspiracy theory have been tasked through “talking points” to do so.  When you read this, you will know who pays their bills and why.
A unnamed Saudi “prince” had rented the entire top floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel the day before the shootings and left the day after.  This is confirmed, inexorable, a proven fact.
The news stories that the Saudi Air Forces rented floors in hotels around the shooting scene are partially correct but are being spun into the usual disinformation.
The “shooter” room had 4000 rounds of ammo left in it.  1100 rounds were fired during the attack.
The shooting, according to high ranking informed sources, was staged as backdrop to an attempted coup against the Saudi crown prince, which was thwarted.  This is NOT proven.
More than two shooters were involved, police have confirmed that but not publicly and police files on the investigation have been sealed, the press has been blocked from any source and nothing is moving forward.
This is a pure coverup, no attempt to hide it.  Local new organizations are attempting to compel a release of information through the courts.  That process has already begun.
That Saudi’s operate this freely in Las Vegas, a town run by a committee of Mafia organizations, Mormon, Kosher Nostra and old line Sicilian, tells a story.  Approval for the killings could have to have been unanimous, meaning tons of Saudi cash went almost everywhere, except a few curious but silenced news organizations.

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