Friday, September 22, 2017

Former PA Attorney and Congressional Candidate ANDY OSTROWSKI Arrested for Publicly & Lawfully Addressing and Litigating Against Judicial Corruption, Constitutional Injustice, and Pedogate

Former PA Attorney and Congressional Candidate ANDY OSTROWSKI Arrested for Publicly & Lawfully Addressing and Litigating Against Judicial Corruption, Constitutional Injustice, and Pedogate


Full Video by The Honeybee – WATCH
Andrew Ostrowski – Unlawfully arrested and censored in his home LIVE on Facebook, September 19th 2017 on a MANDATORY
Andrew Ostrwoski – Former PA Attorney – Filed numerous complaints calling out Judges, Elites, and Government corruption. He also filed a complaint about the unlawful disciplinary suspensions of Attorney, Don Bailey, and filed a complaint and request for reinstatement from his own suspension.
He has complained about injustices regarding the Kids for Cash scandal in Pennsylvania, Jerry Sandusky scandal & The Second Mile, the Porngate scandal and censorship and government collusion with Federal Judges, Federal Reserve, and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook
Ostrowski Ran for U.S. House, 11th Congressional District of Pennsylvania. in 2014
In his most recent complaint he has included as defendants, the Rothschild Family, Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order), Mark Zuckerberg , and SATAN himself.
Most complaints are dismissed for one reason or another, but Ostrowski has created a network call Pennsylvania Civil Rights Law Network, has taken to social media, and YouTube to spread awareness about how our judicial system has failed the people.
More information, Lawsuits and Complaints against corrupt officials can be found on the PCRLN website

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