Sunday, April 30, 2017

Chapter 17 Propaganda and Psychological Warfare: The Tavistock Instutute for Human Relations by Dr. John Coleman from

Propaganda and Psychological Warfare

A list of U.S. Government Papers, some available and some not, reveal in a striking manner just how controlled the nations of the world (including the United States) have become due to the exercise of propaganda methods at an astonishing array of levels.
At best, I can only mention the titles and paraphrase content because of the vastness of the material. I hope the information we have put together will shock the American people out of their slumbering apathy and make them realize just how far they are on the road to becoming slaves of the Socialist New World Order inside a One World Government.

Official Definitions

A useful collection of terms and definitions as used by the Washington power establishment. Without exception every single one of the programs cited herein are Tavistock born and bred.
Social Sciences and Political Intervention: What passes itself off as project-centered "development assistance" may in reality consist of dangerous manipulation of culture and social relations in the southern hemisphere.

Because of the enormous monetary advantage enjoyed by donors of "aid," they are often in a position to do extensive psychosocial studies of target groups and to exploit them in ways that would not occur to most people, even in their worst nightmares.
It is typical of everything John Rawlings Reese taught at Tavistock and it was carried into every aspect of American life

"Shock and Awe" doctrine

Achieving Rapid Dominance - This is the National Defense University text (1996) that became the theory behind U.S. intervention in the Middle East and the war against Iraq in March and April of 2003. "Shock and Awe," says the text, is intended to be the "non-nuclear equivalent" of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
Says the now out-of-print study guide of that terrible tragedy says:
"The impact of those weapons was sufficient to transform both the mindset of the average Japanese citizen and the outlook of the leadership through this condition of Shock and Awe. The Japanese simply could not comprehend the destructive power carried by a single airplane. This incomprehension produced a state of awe."
Besides using massive firepower for psychological purposes, the publication also includes extensive discussion of propaganda operations. "The principal mechanism for achieving this dominance is through imposing sufficient conditions of "Shock and Awe" on the adversary to convince or compel it to accept our strategic aims and military objectives," the writers state. "Clearly, deception, confusion, misinformation, and disinformation, perhaps in massive amounts, must be employed."

Psychological Warfare in Combat

This is the full text of the infamous "Shock and Awe" doctrine, published in 1996 by the National Defense University, Washington. The concept is to gain complete control over the will of an adversary, as well as the perceptions and understanding of target peoples, literally making an enemy impotent to act or react.
It is worth noting that all of these words and descriptions were found in text books used to condition students attending classes conducted by John Rawlings Reese at the British Army Psychological Warfare Bureau where Rawlings was a master theoretician.
The "Shock & Awe" doctrine is described as a strategy to achieve the systematic destruction of military capability through attrition, where appropriate, and to use overwhelming force to paralyze shock, unnerve, and ultimately accomplish the moral destruction of an opponent.

The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD)

A Program of Action presented at the conference called for massive propaganda effort, utilizing the mass media, non-governmental organizations, commercial entertainment, and academic institutions in an effort to "persuade" people in developing countries to change their fertility preferences.
A revision to the original text added to accommodate representatives from developing countries urges that communications activities carried out by donors "for advocacy purposes or to promote particular lifestyles" should be labeled in such a way that the public will be aware of their purpose and that "the identity of sponsors should be indicated in an appropriate manner."
Despite this recommendation, which imposes no mandatory restrictions on aid donors, the "communication" section of document remains a very dangerous and politically explosive part of the New World Order agenda.

The Population Communication Project

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has poured tens of millions of dollars into a "mass media" influence campaign that uses tactics borrowed from military psychological-war operatives. USAID is only one of hundreds of U.S. Government agencies that contracted with Tavistock to write its programs.
In fact, the contractor working as a proxy for USAID in this case was also under contract to the U.S. Army to prepare teaching manuals for psychological operations.


Using Entertainment as Propaganda: The young audience is likely to be more vulnerable to messages presented in the context of "entertainment" than to other communications that might tend to raise questions about the legitimacy of foreign ideas.
Thus, the entertainment-propaganda approach has become a huge part of USAID's international population control effort. Here again, literary millions of dollars has gone to Tavistock for programs taught by Enter-Educate operators.

When Propaganda Backfires

A study done of family planning attitudes and behavior done in the north of Nigeria in 1994. According to a published report, the negative reaction illustrated "opposition to outsider improprieties, to family planning in general and to U.S.-sponsored family planning programs in particular."

Nigeria Bilateral Population Program

(U.S. State Department document). The major planning document of the U.S. government's population control strategy for Nigeria.
It is also used as an important part of propaganda in Psychological Warfare employed in the U.S. Government programs to undermine Latin American political movements, the anti-war effort, movement, and grassroots political organizing. The contract to write this program was awarded to Tavistock.

Post-Modern Warfare

A menu of resources about political/psychological warfare, covert activities, and genocide.

Urban De-Concentration and Other Tactics

This is so diabolical in content that I do not propose publishing it at least for now.

Social Influence

Propaganda and Persuasion

- Some useful background information.

Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare

The CIA's tactical manual for paramilitary forces in Central America prepared by Tavistock. The CIA has Tavistock under contract and works very closely with it.

Institute for Propaganda Analysis

A collection of documents containing basic facts about covert influence campaigns. Here again, the institute is merely a clearing house for Tavistock data and brainwashing methods for mass use.
The United States Intelligence Bureaus Official descriptions and duties of U.S. government bureaus involved in the collection or analysis of intelligence.

Secrecy and Government Bulletins

A collection of documents advocating openness in government.

Reporters Collective

A source for reliable research materials on international institutions and their role in fronting for the wealthy, powerful nations that control their policies. Many of the institutions listed have had their leadership cadre taught by Tavistock's Social Science scientists.

Propaganda, dissemination of ideas and information for the purpose of inducing or intensifying specific attitudes and actions

Because propaganda is frequently accompanied by distortions of fact and by appeals to passion and prejudice, it is often thought to be invariably false or misleading. As Tavistock's manuals state, the essential distinction lies in the intentions of the propagandist to persuade an audience to adopt the attitude or action he or she espouses. Wilson and Roosevelt were examples of this truism, both having been polished in the art of diplomacy by deception as Bukanin explained the term back in 1814.

Wilson gets the U.S. into WWI thanks to propaganda


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