Thursday, March 30, 2017

Revolution for Truth: Few Causes More Fundamental by Marco Cáceres

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Revolution for Truth: Few Causes More Fundamental

people marching in protest
As Americans become more informed and better educated about health, medicine, and nutrition and, increasingly, take more responsibility for decisions in these areas, they are starting to realize that the science they’ve been assured is settled is far from settled.
There is an upcoming protest in Washington, DC that, while it has received infinitely less coverage than other protests in our nation’s capital this year, may easily be the most important and urgent of all. It is the Revolution for Truth rally that will be held Friday, Mar. 31, 2017 at 1 pm at the JW Marriott Hotel (the forecasted rain has changed the rally location that was originally to be held at Union Square on Capitol Hill to the JW Marriott Hotel, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, Salons D & E).1
The protest will “call on elected representatives in state legislatures and Congress to protect parental rights and civil liberties, and to restore transparency within government agencies responsible for ensuring the public health and safety in America.” The call also goes out to the “corporatized mainstream media for manufacturing ‘fake news’ that distorts the truth about environmental toxins, unsafe food and vaccine risks, which endangers our right to know and freedom to choose how we protect our health.”1 2

There is a strong theme underlying this protest event, that will also include a demonstration outside the National Press Club at 11 am, which emphasizes how the mainstream media has failed the American people, as well as people around the world, with regard to investigating the health risks of “certain foods and of medical and pharmaceutical products,” including vaccines.3
There is serious concern that, with regard to the foods and pharmaceuticals we consume, the media has become little more than an “instrument of government directed propaganda for the industries that have captured government agencies, and who profit by adversely affecting the health of the American people.”3
​According to the organizers of the Revolution for Truth rally:
The time is now for the press to publish the truth regarding the risks and benefits of the substances that can and do affect our health and our environment, to publish the truth regarding scientific fraud committed by our government agencies, and to publish the truth regarding corruption in government.3
Speakers at the rally will include: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Barbara Loe Fisher, Minister Tony Muhammad, Del Bigtree, Brian Hooker, PhD, Paul Thomas, MD, Judy Mikovits, PhD, Toni Bark, MD, Marcella Piper-Terry, Kent Heckenlively, Diane Hennacy Powell, MD, Sheila Lewis Ealey, Jennifer Margulis, PhD, Zen Honeycutt, Robert Moxley, Tami Canal, Sherrie Saunders, Jim Turner, and Alexis Baden-Meyer.1
While there appears to be a consensus within medical trade associations, government public health agencies, and the mainstream media that science, for example, has shown that vaccines are safe, the fact is there exists a vibrant and growing national debate in the U.S. on this question. As a recent headline in Healthline News attests, “The Debate Over Vaccine Safety Is Far from Over”.4
As Americans become more informed and better educated about health, medicine, and nutrition and, increasingly, take more responsibility for decisions in these areas, they are starting to realize that the science they’ve been assured is settled is far from settled. More to the point—that we have not been told the truth by those who we rely on to be truthful.
The Mar. 31 rally will not involve the big numbers that have been seen at more recent rallies on Capitol Hill but it would be a mistake to misinterpret that fact as truly reflective of the size of the ever increasing numbers of Americans who are becoming enlightened about environmental risks to their health. It is worth noting that a significant number of people who would otherwise be at the event will be at home caring for children and other relatives who have been sickened or injured by the toxins in our environment, foods, and pharmaceutical products.
The truth is that America is a very sick nation and, to a large extent, it is sick precisely because of things we are doing to ourselves and each other. Half of all adults in the U.S. suffer from one or more chronic health conditions. About one-third of adolescents suffer from at least one chronic health condition. One in two children suffers from a chronic health condition.5 
That’s a lot of people who will be represented at the Revolution for Truth rally. There are few causes more fundamental than the health of our population and the rights of each of us to make our own informed and independent decisions with respect to our bodies and those of our children.


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