Wednesday, March 29, 2017

229 George Meegan: The Underground History of Amercian Education by John Taylor Gatto from

George Meegan 

George Meegan was twenty-five years old and an elementary school dropout, a British 
merchant seaman when he decided to take the longest walk in human history, without any 
special equipment, foundation bankroll, or backing of any kind. Leaving his ship in South 
America he made his way to Tierra del Fuego alone and just began to walk. Seven years 
later after crossing the Andes, making his way through the trackless Darien Gap, and 
after taking a long detour on foot to see Washington, D. C, he arrived at the Arctic Ocean 
with a wife he met and married along the way, and their two children. In that instant, 
part of the high academic story of human migrations received its death blow from a 
dropout. His book was published in 1982. 

Necking In The Guardhouse 

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