Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Orlando "False Flag" Shooting: The Musical Scott L. Alexander from James Fetzer Blog

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Orlando "False Flag" Shooting: The Musical

Scott L. Alexander 

Throughout my working career I am fortunate to have been involved in two vocations; law enforcement and music. For the past twenty-four years I have been a police officer. Fifteen of those years were spent as a general detective. For those that may be unfamiliar a general detective is an officer who investigates a wide variety of crimes without specializing in one particular field. We are what you might refer to as the “jack of all trades” in the detective world. Aside from homicides, sex crimes and undercover drug operations, I have investigated just about every other type of crime – from petty theft to harassment and stalking to fraud and forgery. And while I do not claim to be the world’s greatest detective I do take pride in the fact that in fifteen years I lost only one court case.

Because I am a police officer many people assume that I studied criminal justice in college. Actually all of my degrees are in the field of music. I received an Associates Degree in Music – Fine Arts, a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Theory & Composition/Education. I then went on to finish my graduate degree in Music Multimedia Technology. I continue to compose and perform music part time. I have also played in symphonies, jazz ensembles and rock bands over the years.

Like many youngsters I always wanted to be a cop when I was growing up. When I was in my twenties I had a friend who was a police officer and he seemed to really enjoy the job. At the same time I was a typical “starving musician” and needed a steady paycheck. It was then that I decided to join the force. While music and law enforcement might at first seem to be two diametrically opposing fields, they actually have some things in common, especially in the field of investigations. Music theory is an area of study which requires a great deal of critical thinking, reasoning and attention to detail. Similarly, conducting investigations require these same skill-sets.

Though there might be similarities between these two disciplines I never believed the two would come together. That changed after the Pulse Nightclub Shooting in Orlando, Florida which took place during the early morning hours of  June 12th, 2016.

Keep reading...I think you’ll find this interesting.

Producing responses to a tragedy

As Dr. Jim Fetzer and others have so succinctly pointed out, nothing about the Orlando Shooting  adds up. By all accounts this looks to be another contrived false flag staged event. Dr. Fetzer astutely observed that with the Orlando Shooting, just like Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing, you had no surge of ambulances rushing to the scene to treat and transport the wounded. In addition, all of the so-called witnesses, loved ones and even the victims appear to be nothing more that crisis actors. None of these individuals portray the emotions one would expect to see from persons who had just experienced a traumatic event or loss of a loved one.
The majority of those of you who are regular readers of this blog will no doubt be familiar with all of the other inconsistencies that have been observed in relation to the Orlando shooting. Therefore, I will not waste your time recounting what others have so astutely pointed out. However, I do have another angle to this story which up until now I have not seen brought up. It’s what I call the musical number to this little psy-op.

Last Friday evening (6/17/2016) I was reading the latest news articles from the local Orlando media outlets covering the Pulse Nightclub shooting when something caught my eye…and my ears. Popular recording artists Melissa Etheridge and Christina Aguilera have just released songs dedicated to the  victims, survivors and others impacted by the Orlando shooting. The article went on to state that both artists will be donating all proceeds made from their respective recordings to the victims’ families and the survivors.

The Case of Christina Aguilera

For those that do not follow popular music, both Melissa Etheridge and Christina Aguilera are enthusiastic champions of gay rights and are avid supporters of the LGBT community. Herself a lesbian, Melissa Etheridge often performs and lends her support to gay issues. In addition, both women are outspoken supporters of Hilary Clinton. In fact, Hilary seems quite smitten by Ms. Aguilera as observed in the photo shown below.

As I read through the aforementioned article something immediately struck me as odd. Both Etheridge and Aguilera stated that they both felt compelled to write and record songs following the "Orlando tragedy". There is absolutely nothing wrong with that on its face. Many artists have written songs following tragic events. What strikes me as odd, and quite unbelievable, is that both songs were released on Thursday June 16th. That is only four days after the Orlando event! 

This means that both artists wrote song lyrics, music and recorded their four days! In the case of Christina Aguilera, she also has an accompanying video with her song. And this video wasn't just thrown together in haphazard fashion. It is professionally produced and even has an actress who is lip-syncing the lyrics.

Christina Aguilera had this to say regarding the shooting and her being inspired to write the song.

“The horrific tragedy that occurred in Orlando continues to weigh heavily on my mind. I am sending so much love and so many prayers to the victims and their families. Like so many, I want to help be part of the change this world needs to make it a beautiful inclusive place where humanity can love each other freely and passionately.”

Melissa Etheridge was moved, too

Similarly, Melissa Etheridge had this to say regarding her inspiration.

“I was in New York City Sunday and found myself alone in my apartment. I picked up my guitar because it makes me feel better when I play. I started playing and realized I was writing a song about Orlando and my brothers and sisters that were there and about the whole pain that we are all going through.”


To be perfectly blunt, I simply do not believe that these performers managed to write and record these songs in four days or less. These artists didn't just sit down with an acoustic guitar and turn on a tape player to record a song. These are full-fledged productions complete with multiple instruments, vocalists, orchestrations and high-end studio production. And that's just the music. When you add video production into the equation it becomes even more unbelievable. 
Now, playing devil's advocate, I do suppose it is possible that both these artists already had songs recorded and just released them early in order to capitalize on a tragedy. However, both songs are very specific to this event. It would be quite a coincidence to have songs pre-written and recorded that just also happen to relate to this specific event. The song titles even suggest that they were written specially for this event. Melissa Etheridge's song is entitled, "Pulse" and Aguilera's song is entitled, "Change".
Coincidentally, Melissa Etheridge just so happens to currently be on a nation-wide tour. Is it also just a coincidence that this tragedy happened at a time when it was most advantageous for Etheridge in order to further push a specific agenda? I obviously have no proof of this. I just find it quite fortuitous on her behalf. However, this is simply speculation on my part. Stranger still is the fact that Etheridge’s first live performance of “Pulse” occurred on June 15th while playing a live concert in Connecticut. For those of you keeping score at home that is just three days following the Orlando shooting.

Digging a little deeper

My investigator’s curiosity got the better of me and I decided to dig a little deeper. The Melissa Etheridge Tour began on February 24th of 2016. On June 11th, (the evening prior to the shooting) she performed in Michigan. Coincidentally, her tour took a three-day break and she did not perform live again until Wednesday June 15th. Here is a screen shot of her tour dates for this time period.

The coincidences are really starting to add up, aren’t they. Strange that Ms. Etheridge had a live performance on the evening prior to the Pulse Nightclub Shooting and then happened to be off for the next seventy-two hours. With her close ties to the LGBT community this three-day hiatus from touring seems like a convenient way for her to make herself available to the media. Once again this is only speculation.
Let’s review. Her new song, “Pulse” was released and made available for purchase to the public on Thursday June 16th. She then performs the song live at a Connecticut concert on the evening of June 15th. Let’s ponder the time line with respect to recording this song. According to an article in Rolling Stone magazine, Melissa Etheridge, who was in New York City at the time, stated that on the morning following the shooting she was inspired to pick up her guitar and write her song. Since the shooting massacre is said to have first taken place beginning around 1:40 am on June 12th let’s assume that Etheridge awoke around 8:00 am and soon heard the news either directly from the media or perhaps from a phone call. For reasons I will outline momentarily, I simply find it impossible to believe that in a little more than forty-eight before her live performance in Connecticut on June 15th  Melissa Etheridge was able to write, record and release this song to the public. 
Directing our focus to Christina Aguilera, according to her official website she is not currently on tour. However, she has been making the rounds with regard to the media. On Friday June 17th (just one day after her song and video release) Aguilera called in live to the show “On the Air” which is hosted by Ryan Seacrest. During this telephone interview she this to say regarding her new song, “Change” (which was co-written by Fancy Hagood and Flo Reutter).
"In light of Orlando and hearing about what happened to Christina Grimmie, who was such an amazing person and [I was] such a huge fan [of]." she said, "I just had to rush to get this song out here to help people try to heal and music is the biggest healer that we have."
Interesting that Christina Aguilera mentions former “The Voice” contestant, Christina Grimmie, who was murdered just twenty-four hours prior to the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Even more interesting is that Christina Aguilera also happens to be a co-creature, co-producer and judge on “The Voice”. Like the Orlando shooting I also have questions regarding the murder of Christina Grimmie. Something about it seems suspicious to me. However, that is not my focus here. Let’s continue to focus on the music.    

Rushing songs into production

Earlier I stated that I found the release of these songs suspect with regard to the short amount of time following the shooting. I will now explain some of the reasons why I find this to be quite dubious.
Most people unfamiliar with music production have no idea of the time consuming process needed to record professional pieces of music of the kind released by Etheridge and Aguilera. Songs like these aren't simply recorded and then throw up on the internet and iTunes. As a musician and someone who has had a home recording studio for several years I know a bit about this process While I am in no way claiming to be a professional record producer I am well aware of what goes into the production.
Professional song production is a painstaking process, especially when you are dealing with artists at this level. Each instrument and vocals are recorded on a separate track, then those tracks are synced together for the finished song. Keep in mind that each track of music can take several takes in order to attain the desired recording. Rarely does a musician record the perfect take on the very first attempt. And this process can take several hours, or several days depending on the complexity and number of voices and instruments.  However, it does not stop there. Once the song is recorded it is then "mixed". This involves adding the right amount of volume, reverb, effects, etc. Again, this step can take another several hours or days. Once the song is mixed it then has to be "mastered" so that it corresponds to music industry standards. Once again, more hours/days. With respect to Christina Aguilera a similar process had to be completed in relation to her accompanying video. And all of this doesn't even account for the "legal process" you also have to go through with relation to music copyright issues, etc. before it can be leased to the public. Once again, with all of this in mind, I just don’t find it plausible that these two songs were written, recorded, produced and released in such a short amount of time. 

The lyrics are "tailor-made"

As mentioned earlier the lyrics to these songs appear to have been tailor-made for this “tragedy”. This is especially true when reading the words to Melissa Ethridge’s song “Pulse”, which is obviously titled after the name of the Orlando nightclub. Here are the lyrics to “Pulse” (emphasis added by the author).
Everybody's got a pain inside - Imaginary wounds they fight to hide
How can I hate them when everybody's got a pulse

I dream in a world that wants my soul - That tells me if I hate I can control
But I don't believe it, I cannot conceive it because everybody's got a pulse

I am human, I am love and my heart beats with my blood
Love will always win - Underneath the skin everybody's got a pulse

Once again I hang my head to cry - I can't find the reason why they died
We will find the answer blowing in the wind that everybody's got a pulse

Who you gonna hate now when there's no one left but you
Who you gonna gun down if you can't kill the truth that's inside of us
It's inside the blood, it's inside a pulse

I am human, I am love and my heart beats in my blood
Love will always win - Underneath the skin
Everybody's got a pulse - Everybody's got a pulse, everybody
Everybody hands up if you're alive - Hands up if you're alive
Love will always win - Underneath the skin everybody's got a pulse
The first thing I noticed is how the song’s lyrics attempt to reinforce the popular meme of “love is stronger than hate.” Since the Charleston, South Carolina shooting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on June 17th, 2015 the mainstream media has repeated this mantra over and over again. This is what is known as psychological imprinting and is a form of conditioning used to illicit a desired emotional response. Another imprinted meme in this song is one we have heard for the last eight years – that of “hope and change”. Lastly, the lyric, “Who you gonna gun down if you can't kill the truth that's inside of us?” could be seen as part of the conditioning the media and the Obama administration is attempting to convey with regard to their gun control agenda.
The question this author would like to know is whether or not this song was pre-written, either by Melissa Etheridge herself and/or by someone else, as a form of emotional and mental manipulation to direct the American public’s consciousness at certain targeted agendas. In this case the agendas being subverting our second amendment rights and drawing even more attention to the rights of the LGBT community.

Both songs have a "pulse"

While not as overtly obvious as Melissa Etheridge’s “Pulse”, Christina Aguilera’s song, “Change” reflects similar memes as discussed above. Here are the lyrics (emphasis added by the author).
When I was young I would look in the mirror - Didn't know it then but now it couldn't be clearer
That I remember being filled with such wonder -Before learnin' that the world can be harsher

Who you love or the color of your skin - Or the place that you were born and grew up in
Shouldn't decide how you will be treated - Cause we're all the same when everybody's breathing

Waiting for a change to set us free -Waiting for the day when you can be you and I can be me
Waiting for hope to come around -Waiting for the day when hate is lost and love is found
Waiting for a change, waiting for a change (Change, change)

For all the brave and the souls who went before us - Stand tall, be proud and lift your voices
Let 'em know who we are and our choices -And one day we won't have to sing this chorus

When I was young I would look in the mirror - Didn't see it then but now it couldn't be clearer 
Here again we see the politically-correct memes of “hope and change”, “love is stronger than hate”, ad nauseum.
Just like Hollywood the media uses music in an effort to capture the attention of the populace. All of the mainstream media outlets (CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, et al) rely heavily on music to shape our emotions. Nearly all major broadcast news programs begin and end with a theme song. Special news segments are often accompanied by music specifically written to invoke a desired emotional response from the viewer. And news outlets typically employ in-house composers whose job is to quickly compose music for a sensational and/or tragic event that has just transpired. For example a soft, heart-felt piano piece alternating between major and minor keys assist in selling the story and drawing the viewer into the narrative in order to achieve the greatest emotional impact.

Main-stream Media Controlled

Many readers are aware that over ninety percent of the major main-stream media are controlled by just a few mega corporations. Ultimately, these news corporations also receive funding from the federal government. And it has been shown that elements of the federal government, including the Central Intelligence Agency and even the White House, are directly involved, and in most cases determine, what we as Americans receive and perceive as “truthful” news. But how truthful is it?
Government propaganda has been used as a tool to help shape public opinion and to plant certain beliefs and ideas into the American consciousness for decades. Also known as Psychological  Operations or “Psy-Ops”, this propaganda tactic has been administered to great effect with respect to 911, Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing and now the Orlando nightclub shooting.

In 1948 the United States Congress passed what came to be known as the Smith-Mundt Act. This legislation, in effect, made it illegal for the federal government to engage in outright lies and deception against the American citizenry in order to further an otherwise nefarious agenda. While it is admitted that a certain level of government control is sometimes warranted in order to protect the interests of national security, the Smith-Mundt Act prohibited the federal government from directly falsifying and manipulating the public in order to achieve a desired narrative.

In 2012 congress effectively repealed the Smith-Mundt Act when it authorized the National Defense Authorization Act, commonly known and referred to as the NDAA. One of the amendments within the NDAA sanctions the US government, without restriction, the use of any mode of message to control how we perceive our world. In plain English this means that the government can now use the media to lie to us.
No where is this becoming more apparent than with the various aspects we are being force-fed and lied to with relation to the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting. However, if there is one positive silver lining within this constructed narrative it is that more and more Americans seem to be waking from their slumber and are starting to question these false flags more and more. In relation to Orlando I am seeing more and more articles and observations from those in the alternative media as well as from everyday citizens who have posted videos on YouTube. This is a good sign. At the same time, the perpetrators of these false flag events must be getting nervous. Because of this I believe we will see an all-out assault and push in the coming weeks and months by the powers that be in order for them to attempt to maintain control.
Whether or not Melissa Etheridge and Christina Aguilera were willing participants in an organized government-sponsored false flag event is entirely unknown. At the vary least these two musicians were used as pawns by the powers that be in order to help facilitate and construct a narrative whose purpose is to erode our constitutionally-protected freedoms. Because of this all of us must continue to stand in the aggregate and maintain our resolve in order to keep exposing these seemingly never ending false flags and obvious staged events.      

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