Tuesday, June 28, 2016

15 Ways To Prepare for a Rogue Wave of Collapse from Backdoor Survival

15 Ways To Prepare for a Rogue Wave of Collapse

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Spend ten minutes on the web surfing the key words “prepping skills” and you will be presented with site after site preaching the gospel of prepping for the time when the stuff hits the fan, something we commonly call SHTF.  The truth is it is a bit bittersweet to see so many of us planning for a major meltdown of our economy, food supply, power grid, country, society, and quite possibly our planet.
Call it a feeling or an intuitive guess, but It is as though we are preparing for a huge rogue wave that will hit an any moment.  There is a huge, 100 foot wall of disaster that is zooming toward us. We don’t know what is coming or when, but we know in our gut that it is on its way.  And so we prepare.
15 Ways To Prepare for a Rogue Wave of Collapse | Backdoor Survival
In my opinion, every once in awhile we need to go through a self-assessment to determine how well we are doing in planning for this rogue wave of collapse, in whatever form it might take.

Will There Really Be a Catastrophic Collapse?

I first wrote about the coming “rogue wave of collapse” in 2011.  What I write today is a very different article.  Back then, I was almost sure that a global collapse, economic or otherwise, would happen within months.  Clearly, what I envisioned did not happen, or at least did not happen in the manner expected.

My current opinion is that these past six years have brought an insidious and sometimes imperceptible decline in life as we knew it before the crash of 2008/2009.  I believe there is a high degree of complacency and most folks figure “this is just the way it is”.  My guess is that many have conveniently forgotten what it was like to get regular raises, purchase health care insurance at a reasonable price, and look forward to retiring at age 65.
While the alteration in our perception of life in the 21st century makes for an interesting and important discussion, that is beyond the scope of the tips I share today.  Still, it is wise to recognize that this new normal is setting a precedent for future generations and the path we are on is not a good one.
I do sometimes speculate that the act of prepping creates some sort of cosmic inertia that will somehow fulfill itself.  In psychology, this is called a self-fulfilling prophecy.  The fact is that so many of us are preparing for a dismal future and as a result, the fabric of our daily life is changing.  Because we expect the world situation to go from bad to worse, we are changing our attitudes, our habits, and our personal culture to adapt to a situation we think is going to occur.
And that is the crux of the matter.  We are planning for something bad to happen and in the planning, we are changing the course of our individual life plan.  Are the facts mixed with speculation? Or are facts mixed with a fiction that becomes the new reality?  This makes for a fascinating study.
Let me be clear.  I am not saying that prepping and acquiring survival skills is wrong.  And most assuredly I am not saying that planning for self-reliance and survival will lead to global food shortages and societal chaos.  Instead, I am throwing out the possibility and probability that life as we know it is indeed changing not only for the bad, but for the good.  We are making it change, one baby step at a time, with each can of beans, bag of rice, and box of bullets.
The life we are changing may be only a ripple when compared to some unknown, unpredictable catastrophe but it is change none-the-less.  And perhaps that in itself, over time, will change the direction of our world.

15 Things To Do Now To Prepare for a Collapse and for SHTF

1. Get your food and water supplies in order
This is going to mean something different to everyone, depending on where you live and what you feel is coming.  For some it may mean stocking up on pantry items and bottled water, whereas for others it may been purchasing additional freeze dried food and fillable water containers.  Regardless of your situation, get your food and water supplies in order sooner rather than later.
Additional Reading:  20 Items to Kick Start Your Food Storage Plan
2. Have at least two ways to filter water
Consider a Berkey or other system such as a LifeStraw Family as well as personal devices such as the Sawyer Mini or personal Lifestraw.  Pool shock is an excellent option but only if you know how to use it safely.
Additional Reading:  How to Use Pool Shock to Purify Water
3.  Establish a cash fund, preferably in small bills
If the grid goes down, banks credit cards, and ATMs will no longer work.  If there is a major economic collapse, banks and our government may ration access to our own funds.  Think it won’t happen?  Look at recent events in Venezuela and think again.
4 Ensure you have both the means and fuel that will allow you to cook outdoors and without power for an extended period
Cooking over a campfire is fun when you are doing so as part of a weekend getaway but being forced to do so is a whole other matter.  Build or buy a rocket stove, build or buy a solar oven, and learn how to use same.  Extra tanks of propane are a good idea just be sure to check with local authorities who may have limits as to how much can be legally stored on your property.
Additional Reading:  Propane for Preppers:  The Five Part Series
5. Gather extra first aid and medical supplies
Think about sick room supplies as well as basic first aid supplies. In addition, get at least one good book on dealing with medical emergencies when help is not on the way.
Additional Reading:  How to Create an Emergency Ammo Can First Aid Kit
6.  Study alternatives to prescription drugs
There are a lot of choices when it comes to alternative medicine.  Start a medicinal herb garden and learn to effectively use essential oils to resolve common medical issues.
Additional Reading:  10 Useful Medicinal Plants To Cultivate From Seeds and 9 Best Essential Oils for Your Survival Kit
7.  Bolster Home Security to Discourage the Bad Guys
Regardless of where you live, there are things you can do to beef up the security in and around your home.  Examine your locks and the foliage surrounding your home.  Is your lighting bright enough to spot and possible take target on intruders?
Additional Reading:  20 Home Security and Crime Prevention Secrets for Preppers
8. Prepare yourself psychologically to defend your turf
There are many ways to defend yourself and your property.  Some involve firearms and some do not.  Whatever you do, have a good chat with yourself to determine what you are willing to do (or not) and why.  This is an important aspect of personal defense; do not ignore it.
Additional Reading:  10 Ways to Stay Calm and Prepare for a Disruptive Event and Can Nice People Shoot?
9. Don’t believe everything you hear in the media or read on the Internet
Without dwelling too much on this, sometimes it is the mainstream media and sometimes it is the alternative media that is all hype no substance.  Remember that fear sells.
And that is all I am going to say about that.
10. Keep your vehicle in good operating condition and keep the gas tank topped off at all times
Hopefully you will not need to evacuate but if you do, you want to be ready.  Don’t forget to periodically check your battery and tires, including the spare.
Additional Reading: Survival Buzz: 46 Must Have Items for Your Emergency Vehicle Kit
11.  Keep extra clothes on hand and don’t get behind in the laundry
You want to be prepared with climate suitable clothing, including socks and jackets.  That said, they will not do you a bit of good it they are in the laundry. It is also a good idea to have study shoes or boots for every member of the family.
12.  Stock up on basic hygiene supplies
Whether you are experiencing a short or long term disruptive event, you are going to want to maintain proper hygiene.  Wash your hands as often as you can, and make copious use of alcohol based hand sanitizers.  This is one area where you do not want to scrimp.
Additional Reading: Survival Basics: Hand & Surface Hygiene When There’s No Water to Spare
13.  Know how to deal with waste if there is no running water or traditional sewers are no longer functional
There is a whole lot more to dealing with waste than having 48 rolls of toilet paper.  If the sewer system is no longer functional you are going to need buckets, bags, odor control, and some way to dispose of waste.
Additional Reading:  Dealing with Poo After a Disaster
14. Establish where you will go and how you will get there if forced to evacuate
Although being able to shelter in place is always the best option, if your home is destroyed or the environment dangerous, you need to be prepared to leave and leave quickly.  Identify in advance both where you will go and the routes you will take to get there.
Additional Reading:  Finding Your Way Back Home Without a Map and Compass
15. Keep your bug out bag stocked with what you need to survive for a short period while on the road
I almost said while “on the run” because that may be the case, especially if avoiding a trip to Camp FEMA.  Bug Out Bags need to be individualized and no one kit is appropriate for all situations.  Have as many kits as you have family members, taking into account individuals needs.  More family members means more is needed in terms of extra food, water, and medical supplies.  On the other hand, there will be more people to carry the load so you can spread the weight around.
Additional Reading:  How To Build Your Own Perfect Bug Out Bag and The Conundrum of Bugging Out and What To Do About It

The Final Word

I was prompted to write this piece after reading George Ure’s article last week: Coping: A Pop Quiz for Preppers.  He poses a set of questions along with his own answers. I encourage you to do the same, substituting his what-ifs with your own scenarios.
Finally, I want to reiterate that even though we may feel that the world is going to heck, it is still our world.  Keep on living, keep on loving, and keep on prepping.
Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!
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Emergency Food Buyers Guide 2016-02-26
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