Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Helathy Yogurt from John Hicks M.D.

Bravo Protocol

Bravo oral GcMAF Protocol
Bravo is a system for cultivating a new ecosystem. It’s more than a probiotic. Regular probiotics can create a monoculture in the human biome, which thrives on diversity. Bravo contains 42 strains that repopulate the gut with healthy innate strains that upregulate GcMAF.
GcMAF (& Oleic Acid)
All healthy humans make GcMAF. Viruses and cancer cells secrete an enzyme called nagalase that stops the body from making GcMAF. Bravo is designed to produce 0.49ng of GcMAF in every mL of probiotic by natural fermentation. GcMAF is a protein that can be absorbed through the mucosa in the mouth and activates white blood cells called macrophages to seek out and destroy foreign toxic cells in your tissues.
Immune Support
The 40 strains of probiotics that have gone into this super-yogurt are also present in the gut of a newborn fed only with colostrum, the mother’s first milk. When given to someone with a health issue, they can completely reboot a damaged human microbiome.
Bravo Probiotic Ingredients
Lactoferrins and immunoglobulins
Minerals, vitamins & bio-active molecules
Approximately 490ng of GcMAF in every liter

Microbial Cultures: Lactobacillus Salivarius, Lactobacillus Acidophylus, Lactobacillus Paracasei, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactococcus Lactis, Bifidobacteri.
Active Cultures: Lactobacillus Acidophylus, Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, Streptococcus Thermophylus, Lactococcus Lactis, Leuconostoc, Kluyveromyces, Saccharomyces, Acetobacter, Bifidobacteri.
Bravo Probiotic Benefits
Normalizing Immunity
Normalizing Bowel Function
Improving Energy Levels
Improving Mental Clarity
Reducing Food Allergies
Optimizing Athletic Performance
Promoting Longevity
For GcMAF to work efficiently, your body needs:
Adequate Vitamin D levels of (take 5,000IU+ a day of vitamin D3 and g)
Oleic Acid (produced by Bravo)
Protein (supplement with MAP protein and/or vegan protein powder
Bravo Super Shake
Patients at the Immuno Biotech Treatment Centre in Switzerland receive a daily Bravo Super Shake that is designed to be an Immune Booster for advanced immune support. See recipe below.
Human microbiome functions in regulating and maintaining health
Regulation of inflammation and immunity
Regulation of hormonal metabolism
Blood sugar and appetite regulation
Synthesis of vitamin K and biotin
Synthesis of many neurotransmitters
Liver health and detoxification pathways
Enhanced mineral bioavailability
Control of unwanted gut microbes
Lactose & Casein Intolerance
Bravo Probiotic should contain either none, or only a trace amount of lactose at the end of the fermentation process. During the fermentation process, part of the lactose is “eaten” and metabolized by the microorganisms present in Bravo Probiotic, and the caseins are denatured and further strained out during the step of boiling the milk at the beginning of the procedure.
All the scientific evidence shows that in milk that has been boiled and then subjected to a long fermentation, there are no native caseins, and only a tiny amount of lactose (if any).
However, in some special cases of high sensitivity, the presence of trace amount of milk components is sufficient to induce adverse reactions. These individuals may need to order the Bravo suppository direct from the supplier (not available for sale in the United States).
Bravo Immune Booster Super Shake Recipe
1-2 Tablespoons Bravo Probiotic Yogurt
1/4 Scoop-1 Scoop Kids Complete Protein Powder (Chocolate or Vanilla) 
1 Drop Bio-D-Mulsion Forte (2000 IU)
1/2 Teaspoon Brain Octane Oil
1/2 Teaspoon Sunflower Lecithin Powder
1/2 Teaspoon Noni Powder
1/2 Teaspoon Turmeric (May use one small drop of Curapro – Capsule can be poked open with a pin, only one small drop needed, as it is extremely concentrated)
3 Tablespoons-1/4 Cup  Bravo Probiotic Yogurt
1/2 Scoop-1 Scoop Complete Protein Powder (Chocolate or Vanilla)
1 Drop Bio-D-Mulsion Forte (2000 IU)
1 Teaspoon Brain Octane Oil
1 Teaspoon Sunflower Lecithin Powder
1 Teaspoon Noni Powder
1 Teaspoon Turmeric (May use one drop of Curapro – Capsule can be poked open with a pin, only one drop needed, as it is extremely concentrated)
veggies such as cucumber, celery, kale, lettuce, etc.
vegan protein powder
natural sweetener such as stevia or SugaVida®
Bring to volume with coconut milk, coconut water, flax milk, rice milk, or water.
Grind/blend/shake very well until a very homogeneous smooth emulsion is produced.
A liposomal/micronized emulsion is thus created, and the contact surface of all the peptides and proteins derived from the fermentation of the Bravo culture is enormously increased. This renders the beneficial principles more absorbable.
If possible, try not to swallow immediately, but to keep it in the mouth for 60 seconds swirling and gargling it like a mouthwash. The liposomal emulsion will contact with the immune system’s cells present in the mouth and pharyngeal ring, beginning the cycle of immune activation.
For brain cancer sufferers, add 1 capsule of lithium orotate to the mixture.
For the anticancer properties of these molecules, please see: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24018446

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