Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Roots of Disease by - M. H. Fischer, M.D.

The Roots of Disease
"In their addiction to the slogan 'save the tooth,' dentists increasingly lose the patient."
- M. H. Fischer, M.D.
"Like the metastasis of cancer, microorganisms from teeth and tonsils metastasize to other organs and result in similar circumstances."
- E. C. Rosenow, M.D.
This week my web talk radio show is devoted to the subject of root canal-filled teeth and cavitations. I was hoping to interview Robert Kulacz, D.D.S., a famous dentist and author of the great book "The Roots of Disease -- Connecting Dentistry and Medicine." Unfortunately, he declined at the last minute. He is literally "in exile" in the U.S. under a different name. The QuackWatch idiots harassed him to the point where he felt he had to abandon his dental practice and go into hiding to protect his family. After first agreeing to be interviewed on my show this week and essentially come out of hiding, he finally decided that he wasn't ready yet for that big step.
I simply can't let the issue of root canal teeth and "cavitations" lie. There are too many of us who unwittingly are having our health ruined by well-meaning dentists. "Save the tooth at all costs," they say. That cost frequently is your life. In almost every case, it is your health eventually.
Every week I talk to 10-12 cancer patients on the phone. It always amazes me that almost all of them have one or more root canal-filled teeth. One lady the other day had thirteen. Even one root canal filling can cause any type of cancer. Most people have no clue how toxic these things are. I've interviewed two experts on root canal fillings. They both used the same phrase. They said the toxins coming out of the root canal-filled tooth are "more toxic than botulism."
One of these two experts, Dr. Thomas Levy, who has written two books on this subject, said that he and Dr. Hal Huggins, a prominent dentist in Colorado Springs pulled out over 5,000 root canal- filled teeth in a study they did from 1994 to 2000. Each one was taken to the lab and tested. Dr. Levy said that every single one had these incredible toxins coming out of it. You can listen to a talk by Dr. Levy at the Cancer Control Society convention in Los Angeles last Labor Day weekend. The link to the 30 minute video of this talk is in an article in my November 20th, 2008 newsletter. You can access it here:

The toxins from each root canal filled tooth are fed into your blood stream 24/7 in the form of "thio-ethers." This is a gas coming from the "poop" of the anaerobic (no oxygen required) bacteria inside the dentin of the root canal filled tooth. The dentist who does root canal fillings will tell you that he/she cleans the bacteria out of the tooth with antibiotics when the filling is done. This is not possible. This was proved beyond doubt in a study done early in the 1900's. The bacteria inside the millions of tiny "tubules" inside even the smallest tooth mutate into anaerobic bacteria once the circulation through the tooth is cut off. These bacteria are a thousand times more toxic than any other bacteria.
In 1925, Dr. Weston Price and his research team completed their 20-year study of root canal fillings. They concluded (in 1,174 pages of study information) that there was no safe way to do a root canal filling. The 30-50 million of these done every year in the U.S. are done exactly as they were done in the 1920's.
Dr. Price's study has been suppressed by the dental professional organizations ever since it was completed because of a controversy at the time over the concept of "focal infection." This just means that an infection in one part of the body can affect organs distant from it. This concept is taught as fact in every medical school and dental school today. At the time, however, it was controversial. The faction which did not believe in this concept won out. As a result hundreds of millions of people's health around the world has been ruined over the last 84 years and is still being ruined today. Of course, if the American Dental Association (ADA) or the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) were to admit the truth of this statement, they would be sued out of existence immediately. So, the denial of this well-researched fact continues.
You need not be a victim of this criminal cover-up. Knowledge is power, folks. If you have root canal fillings, you need to get educated on this subject NOW. The fact you may have had the root canal fillings for decades is not relevant. The challenge they put on your immune system is constant. All that is required for cancer tumors or leukemia or melanoma or lymphoma to develop is some additional stress to your immune system. Of course, if you're not aware of what I just told you, you'd never attribute what you have to what's in your mouth. No oncologist ever examined a cancer patient's dental records. Has your dentist followed up on you to see what the health consequences were of the root canal-filled teeth he/she put in your mouth? I doubt it.
The question I always get when I discuss this subject with the cancer patient is "What will replace the tooth?" We have all been convinced by our dentists that the cosmetics of our smile are the most important thing about our teeth. Well, there are lots of options -- partial plates, bridges, etc. Implants are not one, according to the experts I trust. However, what is done to replace the removed teeth is the least of your worries. If you want to restore your health, the first priority is getting these toxic poison factories out of your mouth.
Please don't take my word for this, folks. You need to do some research of your own. Here are two books to get you started:
"The Roots of Disease -- Connecting Dentistry and Medicine" by Robert Kulacz, D.D.S and Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D. This book was published in 2002 and is available at for $15.88.
"Root Canal Cover-Up" by George E. Meinig, D.D.S., F.A.C.D. This book, first published in 1994, has been updated frequently by Dr. Meinig. He passed away in 2008 at 91. In the last 14 years of his life, he spent all his energy and time educating dentists and lay people about the hazards of root canal fillings and cavitations. He was particularly credible because he had spent 50 years as an endodontist (root canal specialist) before he discovered Dr. Price's research papers shortly after his retirement in 1993. Among other things, this book has a detailed description you can show your dentist about how to properly remove a root canal-filled tooth. This book has become a collector's item and is available at for $164.99 and up. If I were ordering it today, I'd call the Price-Pottenger Foundation in La Mesa, California. Their phone number is (800) 366-3748.
To avoid "cavitations" in the jaw, extractions of teeth need to be done properly. Always, it is necessary to remove some of the bone in the "socket" the tooth came from and the ligament which had held the tooth in place. If this is not done, the result is a "cavitation." This is a hole in the jaw which, once the bone has healed around it, is a home for the same kind of anaerobic bacteria which are in root canal-filled teeth. Wisdom tooth removal is a prime example of this type of problem, but it can occur with any extraction.
Last Saturday, I watched Dr. Chris Hussar, probably the most competent oral surgeon in the U.S., remove a cavitation for a gentleman in his Reno, Nevada office. The area where Dr. Hussar was working was the gum where a wisdom tooth had been removed about 30 years before. The gentleman had prostate cancer and a prostatectomy (prostate removal) a couple of years before. The cancer was back in the bones in his groin -- a common place for metastasis of prostate cancer. The tooth Dr. Hussar worked on was on the exact meridian of the prostate gland. This was no coincidence. I asked Dr. Hussar what percentage of wisdom tooth removals had this type of cavitation. He said "99%."
In my experience, ALL cancers in a person with root canal-filled teeth are caused by the teeth. There may be other contributing causes (emotional trauma/stress, diet, etc.) but Priority 1 to begin the healing process is to get the root canal-filled teeth removed. I have seen hundreds of cases where the person has tried all kinds of conventional and alternative treatments. Nothing works. When they get their mouth cleaned up, they get well.
The biggest problem I've found is finding a competent dentist or oral surgeon to remove the tooth (teeth) properly. There are several directories. I mentioned one in my November 20th newsletter (see above). There is another one put together by Dr. Levy and Dr. Huggins of dentists qualified to do this work. You can call for a referral from this directory. The number to call is (866) 948-4638 (Mountain Time).
It is best to be cautious about any of these referrals. What I would recommend is that you get "up to speed" on how this procedure should be done and try to find a dentist or oral surgeon who will listen to you. To help you with that project, I'm going to give you the exact protocol your dentist or oral surgeon should follow. Print it out and show it to them. Keep doing that until you find one who will cooperate.
Here is an excerpt from the "Root Canal Cover-Up" book (see above) explaining the procedure for removing a root canal-filled tooth (or any other tooth). Dr. Meinig, the author of the book invited people to copy this protocol and give it to their dentist or oral surgeon. I second his urging. You must take charge of this project.
"Protocol for Removal of a Root Canal-Filled Tooth
In view of the problems of cavitation, it is suggested that dentists and oral surgeons who remove teeth adopt the following protocol. This is not the only way this procedure can be carried out but it is one that has been used successfully since 1990.
After the tooth has been removed, slow speed drilling with a number 8 round burr is used to remove one millimeter of the entire bony socket, including the apex area.
The purpose of this procedure is to remove the peridontal ligament and the first millimeter of bone, as they are usually infected with bacteria and the toxins that live in the dentin tubules. The peridontal ligament is always infected, and most of the time the adjacent bone is likewise diseased.
While this procedure is being done, irrigate the socket with sterile saline via a Monoject 412, 12cc syringe. This syringe has a curved plastic tip and is very handy in carrying out this procedure. Two or three syringes of solution may be needed. They are much easier to use than one large 50cc syringe. The purpose of the flushing action is to remove the contaminated bone as it is cut.
In cutting the bone, not only are the toxins removed, but the bone is 'perturbed.' This perturbation of the bone stimulates a change from osteocyte to osteoblast cells. The blast cells are the ones that generate new bone formation.
After the socket has been cut, it should be filled with a non-vasoconstrictor local anesthetic. Allow the liquid local anesthetic to set for about thirty (30) seconds.
Next, suction should be applied gently to the socket area so that the majority of the anesthetic is removed, but there is still a substantial coating of the anesthetic over the bony interior. This further perturbs the bone cells to encourage osteoblastic action and bone healing.
The simple procedures provided in this protocol may be copied by readers. When this protocol is followed, the tooth socket usually heals much more rapidly, with less bleeding and pain.
The procedures provided in this protocol should be used by dentists or physicians, in order to assure that patients having infected teeth removed will also have all adjoining infected tissue removed, thereby facilitating full return to health."

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