Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ch. 2 Europe falls off the precipice: The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations by Dr. John Coleman from

Europe falls off the precipice

Europe after WWI and the close of the Bolshevik Revolution was forced to change according to the Tavistock blueprint. When, thanks to the British engendered and instigated First World War, Europe fell off a precipice into the end of their world, or perhaps it might be more appropriate to say, shambled along like zombies until the last of the era vanished into the darkness of the abyss, the forced changes became very much apparent.
This is not a book about the First World War per se. Hundreds of thousands of words have been written about the cause and effects of the greatest tragedy ever to befall mankind, and yet it has not been adequately addressed and probably never will be. One thing that many writers - myself included - are agreed on.
The war was started by Great Britain out of sheer hatred of Germany's rapid progress toward becoming a major economic power in competition against Britain, and Lord Edward Grey was the principle architect of the war.
That it was unpopular and not approved of by a large majority of the British people called for "special measures" a new department to handle the challenge. In essence, that is the reason why Wellington House came into existence.
From such a small beginning, it progressed into the gargantuan Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, by 2005, the world's premier brainwashing institution and a most sinister force. That it will have to be confronted and put out of business if the United States is to survive as a constitutional Republic with a Republican form of government guaranteed to the 50 States is the considered opinion of a number of members of the U.S. Senate, who were consulted in preparation for this book, but who asked not to be named.

The aftermath of the First World War and the failed attempts to form a League of Nations served only to emphasize the gap between the old Western civilization and the new. The economic disaster of postwar Germany hung like the smoke from a funeral pyre over Western culture adding to the dismal, sad and fearful climate that began in the 1920s.
Historians agree that all of the combatants suffered economic ravage of varying degree, although Russia was somewhat spared, only to be destroyed by the Bolsheviks, while Germany and Austria were the hardest hit. A strange kind of a forced gaiety descended on Europe in the 1920s (in which I include Britain) and the United States. It was put down to "rebellious youth" and people generally being "sick of war and politics." In point of fact, people were reacting to the long-range penetration and inner-directional conditioning of the masters at Tavistock.
In the period between the end of WWI and 1935, they were as much shell-shocked as were the troops who had survived the hell of the trenches with shot and shell flying all around them, only now, it was economic shot and shell and vast changes in social mores that numbed their senses.
But the end result of the "treatment" was the same. People threw discretion to the winds and the moral rot that was set in motion in 1918, is ongoing and gathering momentum. In the state of forced gaiety, nobody saw the coming of the world economic crash and subsequent world depression.
It is agreed by most historians that this condition was engineered and we are led to believe, that Tavistock played a role in the feverish publicity campaigns of various factions in that period. In support of our contention that the crash and depression was a contrived event. See Appendix of Events.
Spengler foretold what was to happen and as it turns out his predictions were amazingly accurate. "Decadent society" and "loose women" characterized by the "flappers", and men in coats fitted with hip flasks, who demanded and got a lessening of female modesty that came in with higher hemlines, bobbed hair and excessive make-up, women smoking and drinking in public. As money became harder to come by and soup kitchen and unemployment lines grew longer, hemlines grew shorter, while the writings of Sinclair Lewis, F. Scott Fitzgerald, James Joyce and D.H. Lawrence drew gasps, the latest Broadway shows and nightclub acts revealed a lot more of women's hidden charms than ever before, and put them out on public display.
It was noted by fashion designers in 1919 in the New Yorker magazine that "hemlines this year are six inches from the ground and very daring."

How "times" were made to change


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