Monday, November 30, 2015

Nationwide Media Blackout on Amazon’s Ban of ‘Nobody Died at Sandy Hook’ 59 by James Tracy from Memory Hole

Nationwide Media Blackout on Amazon’s Ban of ‘Nobody Died at Sandy Hook’ 59

On November 21 a press release reproduced below announcing’s censorship of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook was sent to almost 23,000 news media outlets by Sherwood Ross Associates, a Miami Florida-based public relations firm.
Thus far almost without exception the press release has been ignored, bannedbooksrepresenting a wall-to-wall media blackout of the retail powerhouse’s incredible act of prior restraint-style suppression.
Further, journalists at those very media now have an opportunity to download the book for free and judge the validity of the research for themselves.

In mid-November, just days before Amazon and Create Space suppressed Nobody Died, co-editor Jim Fetzer was contacted by the television news magazine Inside Edition for an interview on the book’s findings. He claims that the subsequent fifteen minute session conducted via FaceTime with an unidentified man was much less like an interview with a journalistic team than an interrogation–perhaps involving personnel from civilian or military intelligence seeking to determine whether the book should in fact be suppressed.

“It was odd because several times [the interviewer] just got up out of his chair and walked out of the visual screen to consult with someone else,” Fetzer explained to talk show host Joyce Riley on November 23. “I think this was his handler, who was going to determine whether they had done enough or not to assess the book, or to attempt to discredit me.”
Here is the breakdown of media receiving the press release from Sherwood Ross’ firm:
Black Weeklies – 183
TV Networks – 11
Local TV Stations – 1428
AM Radio – 7560
FM Radio – 6766
Dailies – 1404
Weeklies – 5586
Total: 22,838
This is the complete press release these news media are in receipt of: has banned the book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It Was a FEMA Drill” from its list without giving the co-authors any specific reasons.
The book—-which presents hundreds of proofs that the shootings at Newtown, Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) on Dec. 14, 2012, were a staged, elaborate hoax—-had enjoyed a brisk sale of around 500 copies since Amazon initially offered it on Oct. 22, of this year.
The book was removed by Amazon Nov. 19, after less than a month and despite nearly 80 reviews, where those who had actually read it gave it 5-stars and those who had not only 1.
“The whole Sandy Hook operation was a sloppily staged fraud perpetrated by FEMA in collusion with local and state authorities,” said the book’s editor, Professor Emeritus James Fetzer of the University of Minnesota, Duluth, a former U.S. Marine Corps officer.
“None of those allegedly 20 slain children were killed,” Fetzer said. “This looms as a far bigger scandal for the Obama administration than the simple burglary at Watergate ever was for President Nixon.” He termed Amazon’s action, an “egregious act of censorship.”
In response to Amazon’s action, which the bookseller termed “suppression,” Fetzer and the series editor, newsman Mike Palecek, decided to offer the book free of charge on the Internet at
The 425-page book presents 12 chapters exposing the complicity of local and federal authorities, and includes as a 19-page appendix titled “The FEMA Manual for Sandy Hook” (subtitled “Site Activation Call-down Drill Exercise Plan”), which outlines the event as a two-day drill operation.
The FEMA Manual states, “The preparation for Mass Casualty is a drill designed to establish a learning environment for players to exercise emergency response plans, policies, and procedures as they pertain to a mass casualty incident involving children.”
Fetzer says that local conspirators in Newtown, such as the alleged parents of the murdered children, have made out very well financially soliciting contributions from a gullible public and that Newtown has been showered with aid, including $50 million to build a new school. This compares with the $7 million typical construction budget for an elementary school.
Among the scores of proofs of the hoax at Sandy Hook offered by the co-authors include:
* Local individuals, as well as the United Way, went on line soliciting funds in the name of the slain children BEFORE the December 14th shootings. How could they have known?
Fetzer notes his book contains photos of some of the Internet donation pages soliciting funds before the alleged massacre!
* A swat team was photographed at SHES in front of a classroom whose windows, later shot out, were still intact. Crime scene tape is already in place for a crime not yet committed.
* By what miraculous process did the Newtown Bee newspaper get an interview with SHES Principal Dawn Hochsprung hours after she was allegedly killed by shooter Adam Lanza? (The paper later apologized to its readers.)
* The book presents evidence that SHES was closed BY 2008; that there were no students to evacuate; and that Lanza appears to be “a work of fiction.”
* The only death certificate available for any of the 20 dead children is a fabrication and the annual FBI crime report for 2012 lists no murders at Newtown.
Fetzer writes, “The teachers, the parents, the Newtown School Board, the State Police, the Medical Examiner, and Governor Dan Malloy apparently were all in on the hoax.”
The Fetzer-Palecek book, after presenting dozens and dozens of examples of fraud, concludes that the Newtown “massacre” was, in fact, “an elaborate psy-op to promote gun control, which was supported by then Attorney General Eric Holder and the President of the United States.”
Nevertheless, a variety of alternative media have provided generous coverage addressing Amazon’s ban.
American Free Press

“Joyce Riley on ‘The Power Hour’
Mike Adams on the banning of the book
“Mike Adams interview and commentary”
Government Rag
“Windows on the World” (UK)

“Nationwide Media Blackout on Amazon’s ban of NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK”

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