Saturday, October 24, 2015

Busting Kombucha Myths from Cultures for Health

Busting Kombucha Myths

There are a lot of interesting ideas about kombucha floating around, often erroneous or fear-filled. Strange tales abound regarding this amazing fermented beverage. How do you separate fact from fiction?
Make sure the source of the information is knowledgeable about fermentation and experienced with kombucha. Do a little experimenting on your own, or try some commercial brands, to see how you feel about consuming kombucha. We’ll start you off right by clearing up some common misconceptions.
Myth 1: Drinking home-brewed kombucha can be fatal.
Fact: People have been drinking kombucha for hundreds of years, and there is not one substantiated claim of death from consuming kombucha. 
We recommend doing some research and deciding for yourself. Start with small amounts when adding any new food to your diet, increasing slowly and paying attention to your body’s reaction. 
Keep in mind that when cultured foods are prepared properly there is very little possibility of food-borne illness. 
Ready to bust this myth? Learn How to Make Kombucha with us!

Myth 2: Honey cannot be used as the sweetener when preparing kombucha.

Fact:  The truth is that, though white cane sugar is the best food for the kombucha culture, honey can also be used to brew kombucha. However, we recommend always keeping a back-up scoby that was grown in a sugar batch of kombucha. While honey can make delightful-tasting kombucha, it may yield inconsistent results. 
For more information on choosing an appropriate sweetener, consult our article on Choosing Ingredients for Making Kombucha.

Myth 3. A larger scoby means a faster brewing time.
Fact: There really is no hard evidence on this idea either way, but there are a few things to consider.
  • A faster brewing time isn’t necessarily better. Allowing a batch of kombucha to culture more slowly means the flavor has more time to develop.
  • The more scoby you have in your brew, the less room you will have for liquid, resulting in less kombucha tea in the end. 
  • To speed up the process, a better solution may be to get a wider fermentation vessel. Be aware that flavor may be compromised with this solution, too. Learn more about How Surface Area Affects Brew Time.

Myth 4: Kombucha should always be fizzy if fermented properly.
Fact: Kombucha may or may not be fizzy, depending on the specific culturing conditions. To increase carbonation, bottle the finished kombucha and ferment further at room temperature. Check out our how-to video on Flavoring and Bottling Kombucha for more information.

Kombucha is a delicious drink, loaded with probiotics and other healthy vitamins. It’s fun and simple to make. When you're ready to give it a try, check out our Kombucha Tea Starter Kit and make delicious kombucha at home!
For additional information on kombucha starter cultures or any of our other products, contact us today!

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