Thursday, April 23, 2015

Clinics – Alternative Cancer Treatments Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.

Clinics – Alternative Cancer Treatments
Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on February 16, 2015 | Filed under: Cancer Articles, Complete Protocols, Featured Articles, Treatments
About Alternative Cancer Treatment Clinics

Notice #1: If you want to see interviews with several of the doctors who run alternative cancer clinics around the world, a new movie (“Cancer is Curable Now!”) has such interviews.
The first half of this two-hour, professionally done movie, is mainly about nutrition and the importance of a strong mental attitude. These are very important subjects!! The second half of the movie includes interviews with several clinic practitioners and others. They discuss their treatments and cancer theory. This movie is excellent for its information and to convince skeptics about the power of Mother Nature:

Notice #2: Even if you use a clinic for your main cancer treatment, you will still need to use a home treatment when you get home. The reason is that it is impossible for a clinic to rebuild a person’s immune system in two or three weeks, among other things.

Most clinics will send a cancer patient home with a list of treatments to use at home. The “home treatments” mentioned on this Cancer Tutor website are far stronger than the clinic’s home treatment will be. This is because our home treatments were designed for people who have not gone to a clinic so they are very powerful.
The four most common examples of far more powerful home treatments are the Cellect-Budwig, , Cesium Chloride, Dirt Cheap Protocol or Photon Protocol (which includes the Dirt Cheap Protocol). See the left side-bar.
The important thing to remember is that if the “home treatment” of a clinic is used with one of the above 4 protocols, it is important to follow two key rules:
Rule #1) Use only one highly alkaline protocol per day (e.g. Cellect, Cesium Chloride, Baking Soda, high doses of green supplements, etc. are all highly alkaline). Thus, if the clinic includes a highly alkaline protocol use only one highly alkaline protocols (your choice).
Rule #2) If the patient is using the Budwig, no anti-oxidants should be used within 2 hours, on both sides, of the Budwig.
See this article also:
Preventing Cancer From Coming Back

Notice #3: This website lists clinics from around the world. You would be amazed at how many countries allow some form of alternative medicine clinics:

Notice #4: There is also a book you can buy called: Defeat Cancer by Connie Strasheim. This book lists 15 natural and/or integrative clinics and details the treatments they use.

Notice #5: A service that is used to provide funds for those with terminal illnesses is available for cancer patients who are considered “terminal.” This service if not a loan and does not need to be paid back.
This is a critical service because it allows patients to afford the strongest of the alternative cancer treatments, whether home and/or clinic. In addition, the funds can be used to allow the family to spend high quality time with the patient or for any other reason!!
See this article for more information:
How To Fund A Treatment

Notice #6: “Health” insurance companies (i.e. they should be called “prescription drug” insurance companies) will gladly pay $350,000 for a cancer patient to use worthless orthodox treatments, but insurance companies will not pay $7,000 to $30,000 for an alternative cancer treatment which is 30 times more effective!!
However, an organization specializes in getting health insurance companies to work with those who choose alternative cancer treatments. They have helped many cancer patients who were treated for cancer around the world, including Germany, Mexico and the United States, and other countries. No matter what clinic you choose it is worth your time to do your research and find such an organization.

Resources To Pick the Best Alternative Cancer Clinic
German cancer clinics are allowed to use treatments which are effectively illegal in the United States because they cure cancer. Foremost among these is hyperthermia or EHT (Electro-Hyperthermia). This is an excellent treatment especially when it is combined with low-dose chemotherapy. Hyperthermia allows low-dose chemotherapy to target and kill the cancer cells, thus the chemotherapy does no harm to the patient.
German cancer clinics, which use alternative treatments, also use a host of other treatments. But the main advantage to going to Germany for treatment is the atmosphere in the clinics. It is like living in a “Bed and Breakfast” during the treatment. They take care of the “whole person,” including psychology, attitude, and especially the cancer.

In past years the Mexican cancer clinics were not taken very seriously. Those days are over forever. Many of the Mexican cancer clinics are world-class (whether they use American or native doctors) and use treatments which are not used anywhere else in the world.

There is also a book on alternative cancer clinics in the U.S. Because of FDA persecution and AMA persecution the American clinics are severely restricted in what treatments they can use. But make no mistake about it, some American clinics are world class.

Clinics We Do NOT Endorse
There are several clinics, due to severe complaints by cancer patients, that we do not endorse:
Bio Care Hospital and Wellness Center (Mexico)
Hallwang Clinic (Germany)
Medical Center Cologne (Germany)
Frankfurt Johannes University (Germany)
Paracelsus Clinic (Switzerland)
All provided poor care and in some cases the key doctors were rarely at the clinic.

Liver Flushes
Cancer at the cellular level is caused by microbes inside the cancer cells, but cancer at the systemic level is caused by microbes and parasites in the organs which weaken the immune system.
Even if you use a clinic it is critical to do liver flushes before, during and/or after the clinic treatment (some clinics also do liver flushes).
See #3 and #4 in the Reference Manual (see the left side-bar) even if you use a clinic.

A Consultant Who is An Expert in Clinics
Particularly for those traveling outside of the United States, Frank Cousineau has been visiting cancer clinics for more than 30 years. Beyond a doubt he is the world’s leading expert on cancer clinics. He is the author or co-author of at least two books which focus on clinics. He does consultations to help cancer patients pick the best clinic for their situation. Here is his website:
Frank Cousineau – Consultant [Click: Contact Us]

Endorsed Alternative Medicine Clinics
[**] Highly Endorsed – [***] Recommended For Weak Patients
M.D., M.D. (H) – Insulin Potentiation, Photon Genius, Homeopathic – Weak Patients (AZ)
M.D., N.M.D. – Vitamin C I.V., GcMAF, Hyperthermia, PolyMVA, 3BP, PDP-5, etc. (Arizona)
M.D. – High Dose Vit C by I.V., UVBI, Nutritional, etc. (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
NMD (several) – I.V. DMSO, Vitamin C, Bicarbonate, etc. (Tempe, Arizona)
M.D. – IPT, Vitamin C I.V. etc. (Mesa, Arizona)
M.D. – Low Dose Naltrexone / ALA – Weak Patients (New Mexico)
N.D. – Photon Genius, Ozone, etc. – Weak Patients (Arkansas)
M.D. – Pancreatic/Kelley Enzymes, Special Diets, etc. (New York)
Rigvor protocol and other treatments (Tijuana, Mexico)
M.D. – Prostate, Breast, GI (North and South Carolina)
D.C. – Photon Genius, Hyperbaric, High RF Freq., etc. (South Carolina)
M.D. – IPT, Hyperthermia, Ozone Steam, etc. (Phoenix, AZ)
M.D. – Hyperthermia, Radiation, etc. (California)
Wheatgrass Juice, Juicing, Living Foods (Florida)
M.D. – Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, IPT, etc. (Carson City, Nevada)
M.D. – IPT, Ozone, High Dose Vit. C, Pulsed Magnetic Field, etc. (Clearwater, FL)
High RF Frequency Generator (Amplified), Ozone (multiple methods), PolyMVA, etc. (Kentucky)
Original Gerson Clinic / Mexico or San Diego, California
N.M.D. – High Dose Vit C, IPT, Silver, etc. (Georgia)
N.M.D. – Photon Genius/Genie, Botanical, IV Therapy (Cottonwood, AZ)
M.D. – PolyMVA I.V., UVBI, High Dose Vit. C (Wichita, Kansas)
Website With Information on Multiple Clinics in Mexico – Mexico
Long List of Hyperthermia Clinics Worldwide (Many in U.S.)
Individual Clinics — [*] Endorsed
IPT, DMSO, Ozone I.V., H2O2 I.V., many other treatments (Mesa, Arizona)
IPT, clinic of Dr. Donato Perez Garcia (Tijuana, Mexico)

M.D. – Oasis of Hope – Ozone, Laetrile, etc. (Tijuana, Mexico)
M.D. – Vitamin C I.V., Stem Cell, etc. (Mexico, near U.S. border)
Retreat for Raw Food / Greens Treatment (North Carolina, USA)
Homeopathy and other approaches (Reno, Nevada)
Gerson Therapy and other treatments – Hawaii
American doctor: ionized baths, ozone I.V., herbs, diet (Mexico)
Multivitamin I.V., H.B.O.T., Beam Ray, etc. (Mexico)
Two M.D.s that will work with you. They offer treatments (Santa Rosa, California)
Arizona Integrative Medical Ctr, ozone I.V., DMSO/H2O2, etc. (Scottsdale, AZ)
Immuno-Augmentive Therapy (Cancer vaccines), etc. (Bahamas)
Restoration of the immune function (Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Immune building and other treatments (Tucson, Arizona, USA)
Community Supported Anthroposophical Medicine (CSAM) (Michigan, USA)
Magnetic Meridian Cupping and Many Other Protocols (Amazon – Peru)
Robert B. Wickmen, DO, ND (no website)
Nervous system, spine, plus cancer: Email: Rbw66_2000 (Yahoo email) – Ecuador
Individual Clinics — Outside the Americas
Hyperthermia Hospital in Hannover – Germany
Hyperthermia Hospital in Bad Salzhausen – Germany
Wide range of treatments – Australia
Virotherapy – Rigvir in Latvia
Natural Therapy Center (NTC) – Cyprus
Traditional Chinese Medicine, High RF Frequency Generator / Plasma – Denmark
Kelley, Amino Acids, Detox, Mineral Support – Hong Kong
Shao Ling (China) oxygen therapy, both bath and drinks – Hungary
India practitioner – Various wheat grass, aloe vera, etc. – India
Cytotron – Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance – India
Wide Variety of Western and Eastern Treatments – India
Various Herbal and Other Treatments – Malaysia
Ozone RHP Clinic – Contact via linked website – Malaysia
Wide range of treatments – Sweden – in Swedish
NutriTherapy Clinic – Excellent Treatments – South Africa
Budwig Protocol and other approaches – Spain
IPT, DMSO, Hyperthermia, IV Vitamin C, etc. – Turkey
IPT, DMSO, Hyperthermia, IV Vitamin C, etc. – Turkey

Other Websites

NYAMPNew York Association of Naturopathic Physicians
Sites That Link to Multiple Clinics
Perhaps the Most Current List of Clinics Worldwide List of American Cancer Clinics
Bus Tours to Clinics in Tijuana (use Google to search for other tours)
A Huge List of U.S. and Foreign Clinics
List of Clinics by Type of Treatment
The American Association of Naturopathic Medical Colleges

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1 comment:

  1. Really very nice blog.. Got so much information. Recently i have also read a very good online review about Alternative cancer treatment
