Saturday, March 21, 2015

World’s Biggest Class Action Lawsuit Now Imminent Posted by Preston James, Ph.D on March 15, 2015 from Veterans Today

World’s Biggest Class Action Lawsuit Now Imminent
Judgment Day for the 9-11-01 Perpetrators and Cover-uppers is fast approaching.

By Preston James and Mike Harris
We are not professional prognosticators, nor do we have access to quantum computers with algorithm based social prediction modeling.
But we do know for sure that the attack on America on 9-11-01 was a pre-staged and engineered by Israel on behalf of the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate, the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
And we can see the handwriting on the wall and we do understand the current legal environment. It is now quite clear that there is a strong recent trend for various large class action lawsuits in America that cannot be ignored and this trend is gaining popularity and intensity.
Almost all of these recent large class action lawsuits have typically been won by large groups of the Plaintiffs even though the defendants, usually big powerful International Corporations, have fought these suits aggressively.

And more incredibly large class action lawsuits are now in the works, so this is a trend that is not going to lessen soon.
It’s a fact that the knowledge of who did the 9-11-01 False-flag attack is now diffusing to mainstream America at a very rapid rate despite the Khazarian Mafia’s ownership and control of the six Controlled Major Mass Media Corporations and continually high level Psyops and misinformation campaign to prevent that.
By the way, their Khazarian Mafia’s Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) actually forms an illegal News Monopoly that must be broken up under existing anti-trust laws that should be enforced and will be enforced once We The People force the Corrupt USG Officials out of office and bring back the Rule of Law. The key to this objective lies with the complete diffusion of the facts of who did the attack on America on 9-11-01, why and how they covered it up.
We now have answers to these questions of who did the attack on America on 9-11-01, how they did it, which assets and stateside Traitors were used, what the planted explosives were comprised of, where they got them, how it was set up and initiated, and why it was done and who covered it it and keeps covering it up.
We now have the answers to each of these questions and our job at Veterans Today is to get the Truth about the attack on America on 9-11-01 out to the American masses and neutralize all the Big USG Lies, False-narratives and Propaganda that the CMMM has been disseminating to cover up not on 9-11-01 but numerous other high level Khazarian Mafia (KM) organized crimes in America. The Top Directors of Veterans Today have done more to disseminate the answers to these important questions than anyone else.
Until the KM’s use of their CMMM to disseminate their Big USG Lies, False-narratives and Propaganda can be overcome, or until we can use Anti-trust Laws to break the CMMM up into a thousand independent pieces, the best that can be done in the meantime is to optimize the use of the Worldwide Internet.
The Internet is now replacing Broadcast TV and providing numerous important Truth Nuggets which can be connected to learn the truth.
And we know now for sure that the Worldwide Internet is the World’s New Gutenberg Press and is now taking hold and superseding this illegal News Cartel anyway.
The Internet is now sucking the life and money out of the KM’s CMMM. That this process is deeply underway (which will mean the end of the CMMM when fully evolved), is now is evident to anyone that checks to statistics on use for both the CMMM and the Internet.
For the first time, many American Mideast Veterans are gaining sufficient knowledge to believe that the attack on America on 9-11-01 was done by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) under Israeli Likudist and Netanyahu leadership using the Mossad, Stateside Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors, and traitors in the JCS, USAF, NORAD and the FAA, as well as other assets like the NYC Mayor, the Canadian Liquor Tycoon, etc.
They now are beginning to understand that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) established a Beachhead inside America in 1913 with their illegal, Unconstitutional passage of their Federal Reserve System, the World biggest Counterfeiting system disguised as a National or USG Bank.
And that once this private KM counterfeiting system was in place they could manipulate the US Money supply to create recessions and depressions, charge illegal pernicious usury for using what should be our own money and transform Americans into debt-slaves.
And once this huge KM Counterfeiting System was in place, the KM could manufacture all the money it needed to infiltrate and hijack Congress, the Judiciary and most of the USG including the Administration.
Once the USG and most of its agencies, law enforcement and Judiciary were infiltrated and corrupted by this private elastic supply of counterfeit money which yields illegal pernicious usury income, it has been easy to use the USG Institutions to spread corruption to most large US Corporations and most International Corporations.
It is now clear beyond any shadow of a reasonable doubt and easily provable in any honest Court of Law, that the 9-11-01 attack on America was nuclear using nukes stolen and planted by the KM at the orders of Netanyahu, the operative leader of the KM using Israeli Likudist Mossad agents as well as stateside Dual Citizens, agents, operatives, Sayanims and assets and Traitors in the JCS, USAF, NORAD and the FAA.
It is also clear beyond any reasonable doubt that the KM’s true reason for their attack on America on 9-11-01 was to perform the World greatest Psyop and deceive and manipulate Americas to be incredibly angry at Iraqis and Afghanis, falsely placing blame on them for doing the 9-11-01 attack on America. We now know for sure the KM used their CMMM to lie and deceive all Americans into blaming Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Iraqis and Afghanis for something that they couldn’t have done and didn’t do.
We also know for sure that Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, the Iraqis and the Afghanis had absolutely nothing to do with the attack on America on 9-11-01. In fact Osama Bin Laden who died in late 2001 of Kidney disease from his genetic Marfan’s disorder, was actually a CIA agent whose Trade-craft name was Col. Tim Osman and he was seen going in and out of the Pentagon in days before 9-1-01. He also said after the attack that he had nothing to do with it. And in fact Osama Bin Laden helped the CIA set up the Mujahedin in Afghanistan and defeat the Soviet invaders.
American Soldiers have been lied to, deceived, conned, used, abused, sent into battle for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and not America, used as cannon-fodder and have had sophisticated eugenics deployed against them including Depleted Uranium to disable them.
And when they got home, the VA has purposely done a poor job by not treating them effectively and has policies of prescribing a cocktail of drugs which produce high rates of suicide when given to soldiers with Post traumatic Stress disorder caused by the insanity of the battle conditions which were purposely set up by the KM.
What this all means is very simple but incredibly sad for all Americans who enlisted to serve America and defend its honor, folks like Pat Tillman. He enlisted to go and defend America and seek justice by punishing those who did 9-11-01. How sad his motivation was all a reaction to the KM’s Big USG lies, false-narratives and Propaganda disseminated by their CMMM. He as so many Americans did, fell for the big KM Psyop designed to deceive all America to fight Israel’s wars for the KM in order to make big profits and kill off, wound, and disabled as many American Soldiers as possible.
And to make matters even worse when Pat Tillman discovered the real reason Americans were sent to Afghanistan to protect the KM’s opium trafficking, he was murdered to keep him quiet because he was planning to come home and expose this Organized crime using the US Military. Some insiders say that General Betrayus ordered it ans left huge unguarded stockpiles left behind in Iraq for ISIS/ISIL/Daish to seize.
Many American Mideast War Vets are now feeling great anger, rage and fury at how they were conned, lied to, abused and mistreated, being sent to fight for a phony, engineered war for Israeli.
It is hard to describe the incredible anger, rage and fury most Mideast War Vets feel when they finally connect all the dots and realize the KM conned them and used them as Israeli canon-fodder to fight illegal, Unconstitutional, unprovoked, unjustified, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual Mideast Wars for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia.
Some returning Vets are also beginning to understand the covert eugenics they have been subjected to while in the War Zone, such as being given incredibly toxic vaccines, purposeful exposure to disabling Depleted Uranium and fallout from the mini-nukes secretly deployed in these Mideast Wars.
We now that this is all part of a long term KM plan to kill, wound, disable or weaken American Men, especially the young males so they will be unable to defend America from a complete KM take-down and transformation of America into GAZA II, the World’s largest open air prison camp followed by the mass-murder of all Americans.
We are not professional prognosticators but anyone who examines trends realistically can make an educated guess what is likely going to happen in the near future.
Incredible anger, rage, and fury is going to engulf most American Mideast War Vets and they will demand Justice and complete revenge one way or another. If they can’t get it in the courts they will likely take direct action.
The more Homeland Security tries to dis-empower and defeat them, the harder and more extreme their efforts will get. And if DHS is not very careful, the World largest Armed Force could easily be drawn in.
What is this World’s largest Armed Force? It is the population of American hunters, Gun Owners, and Vets who are very proficient with high powered, “accurate at a distance” weapons.
Here is what we expect is coming in the not too distant future.
Soon it is likely many American Mideast War Veterans will be forming a major class action suit suing the Perpetrators personally that deceived Americans to go fight in the Mideast in order to be good Americans and punish those Iraqis and Afghanis whom they were lied to and told did the 9-11-01 attack on America which they now know was done by Israel and its stateside assets.
This lawsuit will be far bigger than the historical Tobacco Suit which gained total victory. Other class action suits will follow related to the first Gulf war and the Santé Fe type cross drilling deception which was used by Bush1 and his BCC on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) to start the first Gulf War.
That first Mideast War was based on a total lie too just like the additional wars in Iraq and Afghanistan after 9-1-01. And to add insult to the psychological and physical injuries received by Vets in these Wars because of the Big 9-11-01 Lie, the Veterans Administration has been run by some of the most overpaid, corrupt cronies imaginable. And unfortunately VA Policies are controlled by puppets put in power by Khazarian Mafia (KM) Kingpins and Cutouts.
This assures that the VA will neglect and abuse Vets. This can only be corrected by RICO prosecutions of top VA Officvials who are corrupt, major class action lawsuits against the VA System, moving the VA program into the regular Department of Defense budget, and by routing out of all the corrupt, KM bought and owned Members of Congress.
There is a growing number of angry Vets who want serious payback and reparations for what was done to them, by the way which was illegal, Unconstitutional, a violation of their basic human and Constitutional Rights, and war crimes against them by the USG and the Perps of the attack on America on 9-11-01.
There is a growing number of angry Vets who want payback against the true Perps of the attack on America on 9-11-01 and those six KM Cutouts who ran the News Cartel and used it to spread this huge lie and deception against all Americans, especially American Soldiers who were lie to and conned into fighting Israel’s wars in the Mideast and forced to pay in their blood, deaths and incredible physical and psychological suffering.
When these massive class action lawsuits occur, if the Judicial process is corrupted and quashed by Khazarian Mafia (KM) owned and controlled Judges, many Vets will want to seek direct action themselves at that point. And they probably will too if they are denied Justice in the Court.
Anger and rage toward the USG and the true Perps of the attack on America on 9-11-01 in Mideast Vets is growing by the day despite all the efforts to stimulate and provoke their suicide in order to eliminate all of them.
We are getting numerous reports that there is so much dissatisfaction, discord, and loss of mission and purpose in DHS, FEMA and the various Alphabets and Law Enforcement Agencies that it is unlikely they will make any major heroic efforts to protect the 9-11-01 Perps if it ever gets to that point where high levels of discord and rage result in direct action against the identified Perps and cover-uppers.
And if the break-point occurs it is very likely that it will no longer be safe for these Perps to appear in public, walk the streets or even continue living inside America or any American Territories either.
Cruel and evil beyond imagination!
Bottom line, it was cruel and evil beyond imagination for the USG on behalf of Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM) to put such fine American Soldiers to a “Kill or be killed” combat situation where they must kill to protect their brothers and sisters in uniform. And of course it is natural for any people of any country who are invaded unjustifiable to fight like hell to drive the invaders out. Of course this is the perfect formula for these phony pre-staged, engineered wars for Israel on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
Our bet is that Judgment Day is coming for the 9-11-01 Perps, all of them too, not just the Cutouts but the Khazarian Mafia Kingpins too. And when it does it will hit like a twelve ton sledgehammer.
It will likely start out as a massive Class Action Lawsuit by Mideast War Vets and surviving families of Vets who were killed or died or War effects afterwards, and this massive lawsuit will be against the Dual Citizens, their assets, Sayanims, and the USG officials and all the major stateside traitors involved who were in the JCS, the USAF, NORAD, and the FAA as well as all the top Directors of the Israeli espionage fronts involved such as AIPAC, JINSA, PNAC, the ADL, the Defense Policy Board, and the like.
The Fury that is now building in many Americans toward the corrupt American Government and the crooked, illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System Counterfeiters is growing by the day and will eventually reach a critical level that must be satisfied.
Any actions by DHS or any other LE or FBI Stooges and Traitors to block it will set set up a bigger hailstorm of direct action and a Civil War that these corrupt USG Agencies cannot win. If they are stupid enough to go this route , a major Civil war will erupt suddenly. Many Americans will be killed but then rebellion in the ranks will occur throughout the system and We The People will be victorious and will probably not take many prisoners at that point.
At that point it will become a turkey shoot against all enemies inside the gates of America and We The People will want 100% revenge for all the losses of their loved ones by the KM and it stateside Traitors. And they will most likely get it too until every single Perp is eradicated.
It will take more time to bring the Kingpins to Justice but as all the cards begin to fall, they will become targets of World Justice too and great will be their fall.
And if Homeland Security tries to intervene or the KM is able to keep Justice from the Court involved, there will be hell to pay.
Many folks now realize that DHS is little more than an Israeli Secret Police Occupation force inside America established by Israeli Nuclear Blackmail against the US Administration  known as the “Samson Option.”
Any use of this criminal, Israeli espionage front DHS to lock-down America or disarm America will just incite American Vets and their families in unimaginable ways and they will rise up and fight it to the end of time until it is completely defeated and eradicated. If that ever occurs most DHS subordinates will go YOYO (“you are on your own”) which translated means they will abandon their DHS posts and go home to protect their own families.
And any such DHS action to disarm Americans will just incite more anger, rage and fury that will then will spread to many other Americans, especially hunters and gun enthusiasts who are close to the edge already, almost completely fed up with the USG Tyranny which is all based on the KM’s control of the CMMM, Congress, and most USG Agencies.
And for those of you who think that such a major class action lawsuit like this could never happen, remember how shark hunters bait sharks by dumping blood in the water. Believe you me once this 9-11-01 coverup starts breaking open, attorneys will smell the money and will get motivated very quickly. Yes, this will occur very, very quickly as a critical mass is reached with the public who have learned the truth about 9-11-01 and who actually did it, all designed to send, mass-murder, wound and disable wonderful American Soldiers to fight Israeli wars in the Mideast.
When the CMMM starts breaking down this will indicate a critical mass in the American Populace has been reached as far as knowledge that Israel and Traitors in the USG did the 9-11-01 attack on America. Already Major News watching on Network TV aka CMMM or Khazarian TV is beginning to decline because of Netflicks and other Internet based Media and access to so many foreign News Sites which are more truthful than anything Khazarian TV News provides.
The purpose of the staged 9-11-01 attack on America by Israeli and Dual Citizens Traitors was “Dual.”
The Israel Likudists and Dual Citizen 9-11-01 planners wanted US Soldiers to fight wars for Israel, but die in mass and be weakened and disabled in the process so they could later use DHS to destroy America completely and have no Americans able to defend America against it. This dual purpose manipulation of American soldiers is so disgusting it is almost impossible to comprehend and when payback comes it will be a serious bitch. And be certain of this payback is coming and the whole World will be turning against Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
Many folks said the American Tobacco companies could never be touched, that they had paid far too much money to lobbyists for Members of Congress and had top experts helping them tweak and suppress the evidence. But the case was one and it only took one single whistle-blower who came forth, that it. There are several insiders involved that are very close to coming forth. And some already have in the two secret Grand Juries, one of which is is Houston Texas and is “frozen” right now but may be in process of being reactivated.
And don’t forget this, that when Vets find out how they have been played by Staged Terror by the Israelis on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) with the help of Traitors in the JCS, USG, USAF, NORAD, the FAA and the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM News Monopoly), the fury will not be able to be covered up or contained. Doubt this, then stay tuned because it is going to get very, very interesting in months ahead.
Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of Veterans Today, a radio host, a former GOP Finance Chairman, Gubernatorial Candidate for Arizona, and a Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Mike is an expert in full-contact mixed martial arts. His long term expertise in such has gained him a lot of respect and the nickname “Iron Mike”. Mike was a part of the Veterans Today group that attended the Damascus Conference to Combat Terrorism and Religious Extremism. Mike gave about twenty five televised interviews that were broadcast to millions of viewers in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran. In these interviews Mike emphasized and supported the historical declaration by Keynote Speaker, Veterans Today Senior Editor and Chairman Gordon Duff that the real problem behind World Terrorism is a large Organized Crime Syndicate.
Here is a bonus video for those that have interest and time. Christopher Bollyn does not have the full story on how Nukes were stolen and planted in the twin Towers, but he is essentially correct in his assertions in this video as to who did the attack on America on 9-11-01 and how the Israelis plotted it to blame it on Arabs:
Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.
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Posted by Preston James, Ph.D on March 15, 2015, With 23871 Reads, Filed under Corruption, Of Interest, Veterans, World. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

FaceBook Comments
54 Responses to "World’s Biggest Class Action Lawsuit Now Imminent"
  1. David Odell  March 20, 2015 at 4:00 pm
If you show up to a town meeting and state that you are a veteran, people listen. The MSM adulation of heroism based on body count can be used both ways. If you show up with 3 veterans they will give extra time. If you show up with a dozen, give 2 weeks notice and they may give you half the meeting time.
I’m not sure what court is being spoken of here, but the court of public opinion is the one that is the most likely to entertain it. It is no longer necessary to use guns, but information is the best weapon. Educate the politicians in the places they are required to hear our voices. Over and over we see one person alone doing this. It is much more compelling when done in groups. Or, sit on our asses and wait for the supreme court ??
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  1. Howard T.Lewis III  March 19, 2015 at 4:01 pm
My disgust in American elected congresspersons and the other two branches of government can not be overstated. Whether a guy can single handed build a rocket that will reach Mars or can barely figure out how to grow sunflowers, ALL deserve the truth in as simple terms as possible. Whoever is the jackass who ordered the Fukushima sabotage, which is certain, has used up any mercy or goodwill I could possibly muster for their relief. This and the continuous genocide for PROFIT has no place on earth. My thanx to the VT writers for providing these 9-11 truths and providing a good milieu to launch scholars into who and why there REALLY is so much international trouble these days not of Divine origin or even of prophecy. It was all planned by overpaid
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    • Poppadop  March 19, 2015 at 8:47 pm
“They’ve been with us since antiquity. They have demanded that people fight because of the profits that can be generated. You’re a coward if you don’t fight, and you’re a traitor if you don’t follow orders. They use those words when they hand you your weapon and tell you to attack. That is what they say when they invent enemies out of nothing. The last thing they want is a world of peace.”
“These individuals hide in the shadows. They’re constantly inventing new enemies; ensuring war is always raging somewhere. The merchants of death, the military-industrial complex: They’re known as LOGOS. They are the true enemies of anyone who loves peace!”
“From the bottom of my heart, I wish for a world that never again knows the scourge
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  1. Kalin  March 19, 2015 at 11:13 am
“Here is what we expect is coming in the not too distant future.
Soon it is likely many American Mideast War Veterans will be forming a major class action suit suing the Perpetrators personally that deceived Americans to go fight in the Mideast in order to be good Americans and punish those Iraqis and Afghanis whom they were lied to and told did the 9-11-01 attack on America which they now know was done by Israel and its stateside assets.
This lawsuit will be far bigger than the historical Tobacco Suit which gained total victory.”
Hopeful thinking but highly unlikely. My bet is that the ‘good ol’ US military will be killing American citizens before any so-called repentance takes place. That Boston home invasions by “national guard”
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  1. Howard T.Lewis III  March 19, 2015 at 12:19 am
This cruel joke makes me think of a song.
  1. Howard T.Lewis III  March 19, 2015 at 12:16 am
So Hellerstein and Son of Hellerstein is avoided and the complainants state their case, the Rothschilds admit they should have kept the dogs on a shorter leash, they print up a few trillion more, knowing they can steal it back with interest later, turn around and go home, wait ten minutes, then order the seated punkident messing up the furniture in the White House to have the DHS go out and arrest the complainants and whoever else they want. Not a pretty picture. The CFR must go. Kill your television set with a large hammer.
  1. JS  March 17, 2015 at 4:26 pm
Dr James, your best guess, please. You mentioned several times about the coming collapse of the US petrodollar. The USD has been climbing like a kite for months now, against other currencies. It’s looking good at the moment, the prettiest girl at an ugly-girl dance. But the Canadian dollar has been hammered down by 15% and is cheap right now vs. USD, like other currencies. Should I put some of my measly savings into that, OR will the CAD and the Mexican peso end up getting dragged down along with the USD? Will the 3 amigos go down in flames together, and will those 2 currencies get even cheaper? Or will they be safer havens? Usually, the economies of Canada and Mexico do badly when the US goes into a nosedive. Will this time be different?
    • Preston James, Ph.D  March 17, 2015 at 5:19 pm
Normally the US Economy runs in 7 years cycles. typically the PYB manipulate the stock market upward so they can cash in and take profits, then as it slides from their massive sell off (by computer in large corporate blocks at night) they exercise massive shorts to gain even more profit from the panic selling by dumbed-down consumers who don’t understand they are played by master Counterfeiters of the largest Organized crime syndicate in the World.
Right now 179 of the World nations have either joined the BRICS Development bank which is based on Gold, Silver and real assets. This includes 82% of the World population who will trade direct and without the US Petro Dollar. Germany, France, Italy, Spain and England, yes even England have either sent
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    • Preston James, Ph.D  March 17, 2015 at 5:28 pm
Economic projections are no my specialty. VT Managing Editor Jim Dean and Financial Editor Mike Harris are the experts in this area. I have no idea about the specifics of Mexico, but I know that the drug Cartels who are in a partnership with American CIA drug Kingpins like Bush3 and Romney are very worried about the long term effects of legalization of marijuana which has happened in three states and many more coming, perhaps all of them.
Right now the US Dept of Justice may in fact be in process of going after these drug Kingpins through the Sen. Menendez prosecution. Mexico is hurting now from lower oil revenues and lower drug sales because the SSG’s importation of massive quantities of heroin from refineries near Afghanistan. You can expect a
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    • JS  March 17, 2015 at 7:34 pm
Ok, thank you. I guess I won’t be retiring to Mexico, then.
  1. JS  March 17, 2015 at 3:56 pm
Good article, and good video of Chris Bollyn. I had not seen him speak before. Sadly, I don’t have the time right now to listen to the whole hour of his talk. So I skipped ahead, and listened to pieces of it. At 43:30 or so, a person in the audience asks about Israeli foreknowledge and involvement. Bollyn does a good job of explaining the 3 levels of involvement: architectural (planners), managerial (managing the cover-up), and workers (like the 19 terrorists).
  1. captain obvious  March 17, 2015 at 2:51 am
related WHY’s: from the top down they deliberately treasonously sabotaged our real working productive economy with NAFTA-GATT, then handed out corporate welfare grants to her majesty’s company nicknames (mostly!) so WE were handed the bill for our own unemployment. hillary jumped onto the board of directors of Walmart to sell Chinese goods while expanding into every little city possible, bankrupting smaller retailers, cancelling millions of stockboy, cashier, delivery driver, and janitorial jobs.. ON TOP OF all the lost jobs and lowered wages for skilled workers.
they WERE being investigated for financial fraud by the SEC, housed in WTC-7 not hit by a plane.. kaboom.. “what investigation?”, same for Pentagon accounting department getting slammed with
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  1. LC  March 16, 2015 at 11:22 pm
Folks if you click on top title of the priceless Christopher Bollyn video above & go to its main YouTube page you find his book which he shows linked free below it:
Here a couple short quotes from it:
Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed The World-By Christopher Bollyn
“The Zionist controlled media also failed to investigate the evidence of Emanual’s involvement with the impeached Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich, and his role in the activity that led to Blagojevich being removed from office. Blagojevich specifically told CNN’s Larry King that he wanted the tapes of his conversations with Rahm Emanuel released. So, why weren’t they? Why is Emanuel being protected?”
“Emanuel’s brother, Ariel, is film-maker Michael Moore’s agent.
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  1. LC  March 16, 2015 at 7:54 pm
A neat class-action could deliver lots of good.
A nice class-action primer can be found by
Google:”Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA): Overview”
Its actually published by Rothschild’s Reuters & prepared by several Khazarian Mafia men!!!
  1. roger  March 16, 2015 at 7:12 pm
Preston James: Israel’s Embassy is not in NYC but in DC. Perhaps you are trying to infer that NYC jewish power its so important that they have a central diplomatic HQ in the Apple. By the way, knwledgeable VT
contributors like you skip any analysis regarding the MASONIC network that controls the US, the UK, and Commonwealth nations like a chronic dictatorship and works like a permanent Israel occupation staff.
The US Congress, the Armed Forces, the Judiciary, the Banking executives and even Televangelists are initiated in masonic lodges with the specific and medular dictum to protect Israel and the Kahal at any cost.
Your “charming” neighbour, apparent gentile, disappearing once a week to receive the “orders” and who does not cares a damn about his
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    • Preston James, Ph.D  March 17, 2015 at 8:27 am
Actually I have mentioned how the Khazarian Mafia (KM) has infiltrated and hijacked Freemasonry a number of times in previous articles and even included a poster to that effect. Yes, you are right about the embassy being in DC. I was referring to a safe house which all the Mossadniks work out in NYC.
    • Solfeggio  March 18, 2015 at 2:30 am
Thanks Roger for pointing that out. We still think in terms of epistemological frameworks that may nonlomger correspond with the real world, if they ever did. We think if vertical structures and nation states, or other abstract tuons that delineate the sacred “us from the profane ” them”, but we seldom think about horizontal structures, realpolitik, or world synarchy, or those methods by which the great machine operates. Our first war is within ourselves as we struggle to free ourselves from our conditioning and put action where our words spill. I liked this piece like I would a Thomas Paine pamphlet, for it makes me feel we diverse readers are perhaps Americans once again, willing to defend the noble purpose we believed that concept to mean. Nevertheless, if you
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  1. DGSE  March 16, 2015 at 3:17 pm
I may be crazy, but, ‘one can feel the change in the wind’, alas, in this “Age of Insanity,” its hard to tell if its ‘self-aware’ or just more microwave radiation from all the cell towers and smart meters.
I have been ‘standing by’ since 11/09/2001, waiting for some kind of answers, and while most of the questions have been answered, thanks to many, I will not hold my breath for some kind of justice.
“Critical mass”…good words.
Because THAT is exactly what the Uber Elites truly fear. Truth w/ critical mass. Thus the assassination of anyone who has the personality, and armed with ‘the truth’, who will bring the masses together and take some kind of action. IT will also assassination anyone who has “credibility” that the masses might/ will listen too and believe.
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    • DGSE  March 16, 2015 at 3:20 pm
Forgot to mention Mr. Barry Jennings as an example of ppl w/ credibility that ppl would listen too if given a chance.
The ppl did not get a chance in this case.
  1. Preston James, Ph.D  March 16, 2015 at 3:00 pm
You need to find a new leader, Judy Wood is dead locked on concepts she doesn’t understand and cannot support. She has no access to the real Intel and satellite photos as VT doesw. VT has hard evidence the twin towers had nukes planted and detonated in them. We have the nuclear fingerprints, we know who stole the W-54 pits and reprocessed them (Israelis), we know where they were stored (Israeli Embassy in NYC) and then planted by Urban Moving Systems which was an Israeli Mossad front company. You are far off in your conclusions. We have hard evidence that you don’t. We know how many died from strange cancers caused by the radiation poisoning afterwards (39,000) and that there are bout 70,000 locals fighting for their lives now from these nuclear fallout cancers. Obviously you haven’t
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    • Solfeggio  March 18, 2015 at 2:52 am
Great piece. Is VT “sitting” on said evidence? I know you have expressed it, but to others it will be anecdotal, despite its fumes of verisimilitude. Are the nuclear lab whistle blowers signing affidavits of their knowledge, or others who gave of their knowledge? Will those sattelite photos we hear Putin has going to show up? If VT has them, I think it would be a good thing to publish them. I am with you about Judy Wood and others who are afraid to go right for the jugular; however, keen minds can still entertain scenarios where we are supposed to find out about Israel all along, maybe even have a kind of limited-revolution, or perhaps this has been a long term plan to get rid of the Israilli monkey on our back by throwing them under the bus. I am still uncertain the buildings were
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  1. NavyBrat  March 16, 2015 at 1:12 pm
I look forward to hearing those trap doors slamming open. Too bad Master Sgt. John Woods is no longer with us.
  1. g7enn  March 16, 2015 at 12:18 pm
Assuming Netanyahu was spying for Russia as alleged by VT, then Putin had to be in on what he was doing like the 3/11 irradiating of Fukushima and 9/11 in the USA.
The main figures in Putin’s government are almost exclusively crypto-Jews. The core of this fifth column are Orthodox Jews, often known as the Hasidim. There are several strands of Hasidism, but the dominant sect is Chabad Lubavitch.
Chabad Lubavitch calls for reducing the human population to 600 million non-Jews, while the total number of the Jewish Diaspora is officially estimated at around 13 million . . .
Chabad Lubavitch has a secret influence in the super-elite “Committee of 300” through which to engineer the “Holocaust” of
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    • Preston James, Ph.D  March 16, 2015 at 2:48 pm
You are full of it. None of your comment is true. Nice try, but you fall short. Perhaps you should go back to troll, shill school for some better training. Putin was GRU not KGB and if you don’t know that you know nothing about him. And he was stationed in New Zealand and not involved with Bibi. Putin has booted out numerous Israeli Dual Citizens, seized their assets and has formed an alliance with the Russian Orthodox Christian Church to set young Russians on a path of character and integrity. Actually Putin is involved with a covert war with Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM). He knows that the Khazarian Mafia and Israel want to use America to destroy the Russian Federation and get it back under their Neo-Bolshevism once again. Putin hates Bolshevism and Neo-Bolshevism and has a far better
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  1. wjabbe  March 16, 2015 at 11:27 am
Preston: This is a good article. Here is a question for you: While I personally don’t care what a person’s individual religion is, and I thought it was against federal law to make a religious requirement for any government job in America, why is it that evidently, year in and year out, almost no one is appointed to the Federal Reserve Bank Commissioners or Chairman unless they belong to a particular religion? You know what I mean. Are there no good economists who belong to the Baptist or Lutheran, or Presbyterian, of Muslum, …etc. religions who could equally well serve on these important boards? Why does this particular religion dominate those who serve year in and year out going all the say back to president Carter or more? Isn’t this against the law? Or are all these appointments
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    • Poppadop  March 16, 2015 at 5:34 pm
“… we have no government, armed with power, capable of contending with human passions, unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, and licentiousness would break the strongest cords of our Constitution, as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
~ President John Adams, 1798
This is why a person’s religion is so important; it determines who or what one’s ultimate authority is. Unless that authority is Moloch, Big Brother, the Almighty Dollar, or even just selfish passions, people might start thinking this Orwellian neo-slavery is wrong.
Of course, that’s assuming you’re talking about the Fed chairs’ religion and not their “race” or “genetic heritage.”
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  1. William St. George  March 16, 2015 at 11:21 am
It is of the utmost importance that Vets using psychiatric medication realize that these drugs are destructive and also addictive. However, a person can not just stop as the consequences then can be overwhelming. I would suggest VT do a series of articles on these poisons of the nervous system and gut. In the meantime the web site Mad In America can be very helpful. And also books by Dr. Peter Breggin. There is now a growing awareness that these drugs are both useless and very dangerous. No wonder the high suicide rate among Vets.
    • JS  March 17, 2015 at 4:05 pm
I agree with you. I highly recommend psychiatrist Breggin’s books. Recent ones have detailed info for safely getting off psych drugs. It must be done slowly and methodically.
  1. Preston James, Ph.D  March 16, 2015 at 9:39 am
Facebook comments by Don McCoy sure make him appear to be either completely dumbed-down by CMMM Propaganda (a true believer in Big Government Lies), or a shill and a troll. Either he is the dumbest of the dumb or is lying through his teeth.
  1. Cold Wind  March 16, 2015 at 8:26 am
A wonderful compilation and indictment of the guilty of what really happened on 9-11. Love the picture: “If they ban the guns…” and hope to see something like it for real on my street in the very near future. Wish I were young again.
  1. Pat Riot  March 16, 2015 at 6:56 am
If commercial planes were not used, where are the people that were supposedly on those 4 planes?
    • Preston James, Ph.D  March 16, 2015 at 9:11 am
If anyone does it is Prof. Jim Fetzer that has the answers to your question. Read all his VT articles related to your question and see what you can learn. That will take you a week or two. I have heard rumors that some passengers were released and once again sheep-dipped like one USG Officials wife who had some plastic surgery and then re-appeared as his new wife. Was is first name “Ted”? Maybe.There are also rumors that any of the real passengers were off loaded and then taken to a special room, made to make staged phone calls at gunpoint and then shot. Once this case unravels many will sing like canaries to save themselves for reduced sentences and hope for immunity agreements.
    • Solfeggio  March 18, 2015 at 3:53 am
They were all in on it, like a show. There were no planes for the most part. The few there were had few passengers that were part of the op.
  1. snafu  March 16, 2015 at 6:42 am
Can vietnam vets join in?
    • Preston James, Ph.D  March 16, 2015 at 6:27 pm
What was done to those American Military who fought in Vietnam was criminal and truly disgusting. And since fraud and murder have no statute of limitations, yes there should be large class action suits for all these fine men and women soldiers who were lied to and dragged into a war for the Khazarian Mafia kingpins, mostly to make war profits and get their hands on huge opium profits from the Golden triangle. And the purposeful harming of American soldiers with exposure to the dioxin in agent orange as well as being used as cannon fodder in a war that was staged even before the end of WW2. Ho Chi Minh was our alley in WW2 and we turned on him and made an enemy out of him to engineer a war for profit for the Khazarian Mafia. And the VA treated the returning Viet Nam vets poorly, and many were so damaged
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  1. jake gittes  March 16, 2015 at 6:40 am
I’ll reiterate a comment I made several months ago. On the topic of class action lawsuits, they should be filed each against Directv, large cable companies, and broadcast “news” organizations that knowingly disseminated lies that lead to the deaths of millions of people. They are equally culpable.
I made the point that I was a Directv customer for nearly 20 years before dumping it last year. All those months I paid for what I thought were multiple news channels, history channel, etc. That is not what I received. Instead, I unwittingly received channels that turned out to be spreading criminal lies as truth and evil propaganda as reality. Someone smarter than me can figure out which FCC laws were broken, but it seems fraud & false advertising are in the neighborhood. Counting the number of instances
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    • Solfeggio  March 18, 2015 at 4:05 am
Unfortunately, they passed a law making it legal to propagandize the American people. So they can lie to you and have legal cover. I am not joking. I am not exactly thinking the class action law suit is going to happen since they control the courts. The first strategic target should be the media — as in coercing truth to be broadcast. Got to control the message that reaches the dormant, and WE own the airwaves in theory. But the media is buttoned down, but they can “cover” a story, allowing them a loophole out of their defense department orders. They would if the criticsl threshold forced their hand, or they had the impression that was the case. Also, authority helps. Coordinating a message with some foreign governments and making an appeal to our military officers on behalf of victimized people wouldn’t
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  1. Simpleton  March 16, 2015 at 5:04 am
What was the quantity and exact location of the molten lava hotspots seen on satellite, even months after 911. Where did the energy come from? Thats what all the late night 711 operators who have taken schtick all these years, want to know, before enjoining the Class Action lawsuit. But we have to make haste before jewliani and the neocohens transfer all their wealth to Brazil and Paraguay, now that Putin has stopped their intended creation of a New Khazaria out of Ukraine.
    • Simpleton  March 16, 2015 at 5:15 am
An easy pointer to the culpability of the neocohens, even at this late stage, is to review their movements after 911 – they must have all kept WELL AWAY from the carcinogenic ruins whilst exhorting the cattle to cart away asap. Who came up with the ploy to coverup Fresh Kills and ostensibly turn the site into a park should also be investigated.
This was all covered in the 9-11 nuclear even series late last summer, with excerpts from the classified Sandia Labs 2003 report. The mini-nuke “mines” under the buildings created a flash of heat within a determined area that melted a poll of granite under the three buildings. It was in a somewhat molten state for weeks after the event, but not months I do not believe. That was our first solid clue of a nuclear event as there was ZERO explanation from the other scenarios for the molten granite, which is why it was never mentioned in the 9-11 report or the media. The “smoke” that was coming up for weeks and weeks, much of that was steam coming back up from the water seeping down to the hot granite level. We knew a cover up was going on in the truther movement at that point, especially with the engineers.
  1. R A FEIBEL  March 16, 2015 at 4:58 am
i see/read all this euphoria of a possible revelation and charges being brought and also some revolution.lead by whom?? you actually think the american public drugged up as they are both legal and illegal including these vets who were in the m.e. are are going to stand against a police /military trained and armed to the teeth.could possibly win.showing. pics such as you have done here is alex jones b.s. get serious about the american public and count on them for nothing!!!!!.and as for any legal action it would be a charade and msms would have a field day. you just did an article on the supreme court and the corruption by its members and its not just the supreme court its all courts across the nation.. as i have said many times ,the only answer is a military coup lead by loyal officers of the corps and a handful
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    • jake gittes  March 16, 2015 at 6:52 am
Agree with R.A. All this sounds well and dandy, but by the time the American populace will be ready to get off the couch and revolt it will be too late. This is the Constitutional DUTY of the so-called Oathkeepers. I’m sure there would be many of the hunters and patriots talked about in the article who would gladly volunteer to support such an endeavor, but that group organizing and leading such an effort would result in a major SNAFU. This will take a multi-pronged military operation taking out specific, strategic targets, including neutralizing – with extreme prejudice – some of the key forces behind the cutouts and especially wresting control of the major mass media.
    • Preston James, Ph.D  March 16, 2015 at 9:17 am
Feibel, you don’t seem to understand the cataclysmic changes coming with the collapse of the US Petro Dollar and fast rising prices, more jobs eliminated and major societal stress that will wake many up. The Internet is already surpassing the Controlled Major Mass Media and its only a matter of time that the coverup collapses like a house of cards. there is nothing more motivating for the World largest standing army of hunters, gun enthusiasts and Vets that empty stomachs and more USG Big Lies and BS. Who ever thought VT would be allowed to publish so many articles with serious truth about USG corruption, Khazarian Mafia and Israel infiltration and corruption, or all the Israeli espionage fronts.
    • Solfeggio  March 18, 2015 at 3:51 am
The military will do what the people want if the people mobiilize intelligently. lt depends on which way the wind blows. But an asymetrical revolution 2.0 that surgically targeted the plutocrats? Sounds nice. But I would first go with a peace and reconciliation gesture. Your lives for our true history and the dismantling of the secret synarchy government and cartels. Deal? Its win win. Nuclear blackmail ain’t no way to live.
  1. Allesandro  March 16, 2015 at 2:37 am
…..And let’s NOT FORGET the 10’s of thousands dead and soon to be dead that were left in NYC to clean up the disaster, deliberately. We need the rest of the world to help us track every last one down.
    • Preston James, Ph.D  March 16, 2015 at 3:45 am
Yes, and soon the whole World will know about the largest Organized Crime Syndicate behind all the Counterfeit US Petro Dollars and other Rothschild central Banks which are based on Counterfeit money, and pernicious usury which produce debt-slavery, the Khazarian Mafia (KM). This truth is spreading like wildfire and soon the Whole World will turn against the KM and Israeli it’s main action agent for chaos, war and staged false-flag terror and media manipulation. At that point the whole World will gang up on the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and those in Israeli leadership responsible and they will be chased down all over the World wherever they have infiltrated and hijacked government, large defense and communication corporations and banking institutions. This jig is just about up for the Khazarian mafia and the Israeli Leaders,
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  1. LC  March 15, 2015 at 10:59 pm
Thank you Dr. James:
Looking forward to go “DUCK HUNTING” with 9/11 perps as the ducks & quails & I sure hope Dick Cheney & his KM buddies will be in season & running loose to hunt down!!!
BTW Dr. James:
Remember the treasonous Luis Brandeis ?? that’s the lawyer Rothschilds bought & inserted into U.S. Supreme Court to start & operate ZIO-TERRORISM right from inside the U.S. Supreme Court in 1913 same year they set up the other related criminal joints the Fed. + ADL+ FBI + IRS.
But Why Brandeis??
Looks like they chose him cuz he was a very good attorney specially against banks & cartels & had been authoring series of articles called “OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY”. The whole thing is on his Brandeis University Website.
In above papers he detailed how American banks
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  1. mike orin  March 15, 2015 at 10:55 pm
Yep. End the Feral Reserve, the root of their infection and take the assets of those owning this act of TREASON and fund a real veteran’s program, AND free education. Say goodbye to the Rockefeller plantation.
    • Preston James, Ph.D  March 15, 2015 at 11:08 pm
Agreed. You have hit the nail on the head, it is the source of all the parasitical infiltration of American Institutions by the Khazarian Mafia (KM), a group of incredibly evil soulless creatures committed to asset-stripping and then mass-murdering all American Goyim. And yes, VT readers are brilliant, the best informed anywhere on the Internet. This is the root problem and We The People must strike at the root and nationalize the Federal reserve System and claw back all profits all the way back to 1913. there is no statute of limitations on massive financial fraud.
  1. Alananda  March 15, 2015 at 10:52 pm
Nice to have a “peace offering” to Mr. Bollyn, whose dust up with Mr. Duff a year or so ago threatened a major fault and, consequently, yet another “divide” in this conclave of savvy souls!
  1. Khalfan Aziz  March 15, 2015 at 10:25 pm
To deflect attention and scrutiny from their sorry asses they are now inciting of nuking Germany and Iran. But of course their hysterical shrieks against others draws more attention to themselves and the need to find out what they are trying to hide.
    • Preston James, Ph.D  March 15, 2015 at 10:40 pm
Good point from another astute VT reader (and there are many of them now).
    • LC  March 15, 2015 at 11:01 pm
Its about time Germans reveal fact that the nukes U.S. dropped on Japan were German made & probably the biggest ZIOP of WW-2.
    • JS  March 17, 2015 at 4:12 pm
I saw that too, the article about nuking Germany and Iran. Insane.
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