Sunday, February 1, 2015

General Comments About the Safe Use of Chlorine Dioxide Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.

General Comments About the Safe Use of Chlorine Dioxide

Written by Webster Kehr, Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. | Last updated on | Filed under: Key Articles


There are many articles on this website, and other websites, on the use of MMS, Miracle Mineral Supplement, activated sodium chlorite and/or chlorine dioxide. This article was written because when changes occur in the general use of chlorine dioxide it is difficult to change many web pages.
Thus, this article will supercede any comments made in other articles on the safe and effective use of MMS, Miracle Mineral Supplement or activated sodium chlorite (i.e. chlorine dioxide).
MMS or Miracle Mineral Supplement is a supplement which contains 28% sodium chlorite (which is NOT the same thing as common table salt which is sodium chloride). Sodium chlorite has been safely used in alternative medicine for more than 70 years to prevent colds and the flu and to treat a wide variety of microbial conditions.
Jim Humble discovered that if you “activate” sodium chlorite to make chlorine dioxide that the product is even more effective against microbes than sodium chlorite.
However, chlorine dioxide, since it is a gas, must be made at home because it does not store for more than a couple of hours.

How To Make Chlorine Dioxide

When making chlorine dioxide that most common way to make it was to mix 5 drops of 10% citric acid with each drop of MMS.
So, for example, if you wanted to make 5 drops of chlorine dioxide you would put 5 drops of MMS in a glass of water and then add 25 drops of 10% citric acid or 25 drops of lemon juice (which you squeezed yourself) or 25 drops of lime juice (which you squeezed yourself).
However, now there is 50% citric acid. This is taken one-drop to one-drop. For example, if you want to make one drop of chlorine dioxide you put one drop of MMS in a glass and then add one drop of 50% citric acid. If you wanted to make 5 drops of chlorine dioxide you would put 5 drops of MMS in a glass and add 5 drops of 50% citric acid.
In summary, this is how you make and drink one drop of chlorine dioxide:
1) You put ONE drop of MMS in a small glass (made of glass) and then
2) Mix in five drops of 10% citric acid (remember the 5 to 1 ratio) or one drop of 50% citric acid, then
3) Stir them together periodically for three minutes, then
4) Add 6 to 8 ounces (or more) of purified water, then
5) Drink the glass of water.
Here is how to make two drops of chlorine dioxide:
1) You put TWO drops of MMS in a small glass (made of glass) and then
2) Mix in ten drops of 10% citric acid or two drops of 50% citric acid, then
3) Stir them together periodically for three minutes, then
4) Add 6 to 8 ounces (or more) of purified water, then
5) Drink the glass of water.

The Build-Up of Chlorine Dioxide (Very Important!!)

The first few days of using MMS should be a “build-up,” meaning you start with a very low dose and gradually “build-up” to the dose you wish to use.
Chlorine dioxide can be very hard on the stomach, creating nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. It is not the body which is causing these side-effects, it is the stomach.
It is critical, VERY CRITICAL to build-up to therapeutic doses!!!
Some cancer patients may not be able to tolerate taking chlorine dioxide at therapeutic doses. If you cannot build up to the doses of chlorine dioxide mentioned in other articles, within two weeks, then you should abandon any protocol which relies on chlorine dioxide!!
In fact, some people can only tolerate 1/2 drop of chloride dioxide and any dose higher than that causes severe nausea and/or vomiting. But most people can build-up to the necessary doses.
The first day of the build-up you should only start with 1/2 drop of chlorine dioxide. Here is how to mix and take 1/2 drop of chlorine dioxide.
1) You put ONE drop of MMS in a small glass bowl and then
2) Mix in five drops of 10% citric acid (remember the 5 to 1 ratio) or one drop of 50% citric acid, then
3) Stir them together periodically for three minutes, then
4) Add 6 to 8 ounces (or more) of purified water, then
5) Drink HALF of the glass of water.
Throw away the other half of the mixture because it will not be useful for more than two hours.
After taking half the glass, see how your stomach reacts over the next 30 minutes.
If your stomach does well, six hours later (or the next day) increase the dose to 1 drop of chlorine dioxide (see above). Follow the same procedure as before except drink all of the glass of water. See how your stomach reacts.
The next day you can try twice to build up to two drops:
Never try to build up by more than one drop a day!!
Keep trying to increase the dosage and the number of times a day you take it. The goal is to build up to the recommended dose before starting the protocol.
Normally a person will not take more than 3 drops at a time of chlorine dioxide. In prior times a person would build up to 15 drops of chlorine dioxide twice a day.
The “current wisdom” is to take 3 drops each hour for up several hours each day. Taking smaller doses several times a day seems to be more effective than taking large doses once or twice a day.

Items That Can Neutralize Chlorine Dioxide

This treatment can easily be neutralized by Vitamin C, immune builders, Protocel, Cantron, and other antioxidants. These products should not be used within 2 hours of Chlorine Dioxide but can be used outside of this window.
Miracle Mineral Supplement Information: eBook 1 (free) and eBook 2 (About $10):
Here is one of many vendors of MMS:
H2O Air Water Americas

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