Sunday, December 28, 2014

Illuminati Council of 13 Human Sacrifice Denver Colorado Dec 20-21 Posted by Stew Webb on December 21, 2014 with introduction by Gordon Duff from Veterans Today

Illuminati Council of 13 Human Sacrifice Denver Colorado Dec 20-21

with introduction by Gordon Duff

Editor’s note:  With the current meltdown of the British government tied to an almost identical scandal, and it is very much about satanic human sacrifice, not just butchering and killing children “for no reason,” as reported, one would think a publication other than VT would have the guts to carry these stories.
These ritual killings are part of a belief system on the part of the Black nobility and key families, you can name them easily, where they cement their relationships with the demonic/non-corporeal entities that help them maintain control over our government and media.
Choose to believe or not, you and your family live in slavery because of this, we fight wars to feed their blood frenzy.  All of this is very real.  An excerpt from a private secure comm:

“It is important to be aware of non-physical lifeforms – but it is not necessary to fear them.   However, the demons LOVE fear, and have every interest in spreading crap about satan and demonic possession etc etc.
Humans CAN and DO pick up non-physical parasites, and over the years some of the more intelligent ones actually feel like they are inside your head.  But they are not, and they can be removed, but not easily.
After a non-physical entity attaches to a human (who HAS to have some major trauma for this to happen!!!) over time it syncs with the human – and can become a voice in the head.
However, there is another situation which seems the same but is different, although some think not: … You see, humans are actually multidimensional in the fullest sense of the word, and if a compartmentalised part of you is separated and reintroduced to an ‘old’ you – it would come across or seem to be a completely different entity (i.e. possession).  But can another aspect of you, ‘possess’ you?
Christian mythology is the pinnacle of millennia of perfected mind control.   Look around you and see just how many intelligent people still buy this insane psychobabble – or who even want to hang on to it, in case it might be ‘right’.
All the Abrahamic religions are a ET mind-control op – how much simpler can I say it.”
Another aspect of this dynamic are traditional/multi-generational family “infestations” which are more than voluntary.  VT insiders have attended infestation rituals.  These occur on Corfu for the Rothchilds or at Skull and Bones (Yale/Bush family and others) or Bohemian grove or at the Denver solstice.  In Washington, the evangelical “prayer breakfast” cult outings help not only “bond” power brokers to one another but to their “non-corporeal” associates as well.
As Jim W. Dean so often says:  “You can’t just make this stuff up.”
Why do you think the ADL, AIPAC, the Koch/Adelson crowd and others demonstrate such blatant inhumanity?

By Stew Webb
(Related Illuminati Busted June 21) – Illuminati Council of 13 Human Sacrifice Denver Colorado June 21, 2013 12am-3am
I missed this one the Winter Solstice varies between December  20-21-22 and each year it changes based on the shortest day and the longest night. The Summer Solstice remains the same on June 21 the longest day and shortest night.
VT Was Right: Illuminati Sacrifice Busted! June 21, 2013
Warning kidnapping of new born infant between December 20-21 2014, check all aircraft for any infants ask for birth certificates from parents.
Denver Colorado on June 20 and December 21 each year at 12:00am-3:00am mountain time known as the “Summer and Winter Solstice” the Illuminati Council of 13 Bankers hold their “Tiffany Lamp meetings”. These known Satanists perform Human Sacrifices as part of their satanic rituals at the Old Navarre a former Whore House and Casino located at 1725-1727 Tremont Pl, Denver, Colorado, across from the Ships Tavern at the Brown Palace Hotel in downtown Denver, Colorado.

1727 Tremont Pl, Denver, Colorado 80202
1727 Tremont Pl, Denver, Colorado 80202
They enter the Old Navarre through the Ships Tavern at the Brown Palace Hotel down a ramp between the Restrooms is a door that is unlocked that enters a tunnel that goes across the street to The Navarre.
During these rituals a Human Infant is killed and sacrificed to Satan, the Satanist drink the blood of the Infant Human they sacrifIlluminatiice, and appears before them and goes out to kill the enemies of those Satanist who perform this Human Sacrifice.
This group is known as the Illuminati Bankers the U.S. “Shadow Government” leaders who dictate U.S. World Policy, that are known as Satanists, George HW Bush, Leonard Millman, Larry Mizel, Henry Kissinger, Meyer Rothchild, David Rockefeller, Grace of Grace and Company, Answer Bin Shari the head Rabbi of Israel and others unnamed.
They hold a Pre-Ritual parties were they have sex with children many of these pre-ritual parties were held at Leonard & Elaine Millman’s house.
Anthony Lavey son of Anton Levey Founder Church of Satan in America was castrated by George H. W. Bush and Leonard Millman among others at age 13 at the Ritual Party. Listen to full one hour interview below.

YouTube - Veterans Today -
MDC Holdings (MDC-NYSE) CEO Larry Mizel the Bank Bail Out Scamster Satanist Illuminati Banker now Hosts the Pre-ritual child pedophilia party. MDC was the parent company of defunct Silverado Savings and Loan were Neil Bush was a Director, Neil the son of George HW Bush.
Further after these Satanists do their murder of the kidnapped Human Infant at 12:00am-3:00am during the witching hour on June 21 and December 22 each year you will normally find them the next day at “Cherry Creek Country Club ” playing Golf sometimes for a Children’s Charity Golf Tournament. It is their cover story to be there in Colorado.
They further are known to stay at the Brown Palace Hotel Downtown Denver.
They have been seen at the Freemasons Temple across from the Colorado State Capitol, directly east of the Governor’s Mansion.
A report of these events was given to the Agent Mark Hostlaw of the FBI-Denver Field Office on November 20th, 2001, under 18 USC 4 Federal Reporting Crimes Act by Stewart Webb Federal Whistleblower, stating the above and that a murder of a child (infant) would take place, and that this Satanic murder would involve the above named persons which the FBI did nothing to stop the murder and this reporter-Whistleblower has come to know that Mark Hostlaw was in charge of a special FBI Division #5 team that has targeted this Whistleblower for over 15 years.
Stew Webb and Veterans Today was right June 21, 2013

Satan Statue in Denver Airport
History: In Rome, over 300 years AFTER the resurrection of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, there was a yearly feast celebrated by the Romans who worshipped the god Saturn. This was a carry over from Babylon. This time of celebration was always situated around the December 17-24 time frame, coinciding with the winter solstice and the time when Saturn was close to earth. The Pagan Romans called this celebration “The Feast of Saturnalia.” It was always celebrated with gifts on the last two days, then on the 25th of December they began the new celebration of “The Birth of the Unconquerable Sun,” as the days of light would begin to lengthen and the sun would begin to regain its dominance.
They believed the sun would die during the winter solstice then arise again from death as the solstice ended by the revolving of the earth in nature. This festival was one of drunkenness, revelry and debauchery.
When the Roman Catholic Church had been born in Rome they incorporated this day of celebration so these Pagans would become a part of this Catholic (means universal or one world) church.
The Catholic priests told the Christians that God had reveled to them that Dec. 25 was really Christ’s birthday and that is how this fable started. I will enjoy seeing the wonders that God has created in this planet Saturn, but not fall for this Pagan celebration that goes with it.
December 20, 2012 9:00pm MST Denver, Colorado:
Human Sacrifice begins during Witching Hour December 21, 2013 12:00am – 3:00am Mountain Standard Time
The Illuminati Council of 13
Known as the 12 disciples of Satan aka The Illuminati aka The Zionist Pigs aka AIPAC aka Simon Wiesenthal Center aka ADL aka Southern Poverty Law Center aka Organized Crime in America aka Fake Jews not Semites.
  1. George HW Bush
  2.  Henry Kissinger
  3. Leonard Yale Millman
  4. Larry A Mizel (MDC-NYSE) (Mizel Director of AIPAC, The Cell and Simon Wiesenthal Center )
  5. Meyer Rothchild
  6.  Answar Bin Shari (Israels Head Rabbi)
  7.  Bill Grace
  8. Paul Warburg
  9. Pope Benidict (the former Vatican Pope)
  10.  David Rockefeller
  11.  Patrick WU aka Patrick Wy
  12. ????????????? (I really do not want to know)
  13. Baphomet the Goat Headed Demon aka Satan
Click on links below and read about the history of the Old Navarre
Stayed at the Brown Palace hotel just across the street, and next door to the Navarre House/Brinker Collegiate Institute. During the tour of the hotel, there was mention of the old tunnel supposedly connecting the two buildings. There is evidence the could be one, but it is filled in if it did exist. There is a modern tunnel under the glassed in raised walkway that is used by the hotel and kitchen staff to go from the Brown Palace to the hotel across Tremont street.
Information from Leonard Millman’s Waymark Foundation who finance the Israel 911 attack on America through Jack Abramoff and Hank Greenburg of AIG via the Isle Brokerage in Las Vegas.
Brinker Collegiate Institute (Old Navarre) – Denver, CO – U.S. National Register of Historic Places on
Brinker Collegiate Institute (Old Navarre) – Denver, CO in U.S. National Register of Historic Places
Posted by: FSU*Noles
N 39° 44.681 W 104° 59.286
13S E 501019 N 4399420
Quick Description: This is the Brinker Collegiate Institute, also known as The Navarre, in downtown Denver – listed on the National Register of Historic Places as Building #77000365.
Location: Colorado, United States
Date Posted: 4/14/2008 7:17:12 PM
Waymark Code: WM3K8W
Published By: BruceS
Views: 103
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Long Description:
This four-story brick Victorian structure was built in 1880, and served as the permanent edifice of the Brinker Collegiate Institute until 1889. From 1889 until 1904, the property was remodeled and opened first as the Richelieu Hotel, then the Navarre. In 1893, owner Owen LeFevre had an underground rail system built to the Brown Palace Hotel across the street which accommodated unseen passage as well as coal delivery. Beginning in 1914, the Navarre served as a private club or restaurant. This building with a diverse history, ranging from collegiate institution to Denver’s classiest bordello and gambling hall, is currently in use as the Museum of Western Art.
Street address:
1727 Tremont Place
Denver, CO USA
80202County / Borough / Parish: DenverYear listed: 1977
Historic significance: Event
Period of significance: 1875-1899, 1900-1924
Historic function: Commerce/Trade, Domestic, Education
Current function: Commerce/Trade, Museum
Privately owned?: yes
[U.S.] National Register of Historic Places URL: [Web Link]
Season start / Season finish: Not listed
Hours of operation: Not listed
Website (secondary): Not listed
Visit Instructions:
To log a waymark in this category, please provide a photograph that shows you (or your GPS receiver, if you’re waymarking solo) and the place.
Posted by: FSU*Noles
N 39° 44.681 W 104° 59.286
13S E 501019 N 4399420
Note about Old Navarre
Owned by Waymark Foundation aka Illuminati Banker Leonard Millman Reportedly deceased 2004 and alive in Cuba. Larry Mizel of Denver took over the Title Illuminati Banker
Check out this link About Brown Palace Hotel from
Illuminati Council of 13 Human Sacrifice Denver Colorado Dec 22
Remember for those who believe in GOD and JESUS Pray that GODS will be done with these Satanic Animals.
Veterans Today Radio News Reports:
Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower Host – Mondays 6-8 pm Eastern and Thurdays 8-10 pm Eastern
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Stew Webb

Stew Webb served in the United States Marine Corps and was Honorable Discharge.He is a General Contractor-Home Builder turned Federal Whistleblower-Activist of 30 years has been a guest on over 3,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and was responsible for the Congressional Investigations and hearings that lead to the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor Arlin Adams for in the 1989 HUD Hearings, the Silverado Savings and Loan Hearings, the Denver International Airport Frauds hearings, the MDC Holdings, Inc. NYSE Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering Colorado’s biggest case aka Keating 5 hearings to name a few.

Stew was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law with illegal charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges were dismissed with prejudice. Leonard Millman, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush-Millman-Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman is a member of the "Illuminati Council of 13"

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Listen Live by phone 716-748-0112
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“Stew you’re the only person to go after the pinnacle of the Zionist Organized Crime Leonard Millman, your-ex-in-law and Larry Mizel, Millman's Buffer.” Gordon Duff, May 16, 2013


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