Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ebola Breaking News: The Empire Strikes Back Some More by Dr. Rima

Ebola Breaking News:
The Empire Strikes Back Some More
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1. Congo reveals presence of 2 Ebola victims with “new strain, current test will not work.” Sengal says it has first Ebola patient while WHO says outbreak could take months to control (long enough to get vaccines into people containing… what?)
Nano Silver 10 PPM would, of course, inactivate the virus no matter what strain it is.
2. Air France “forgot” to ship Nano Silver 10 PPM pallet to Sierra Leone so it is still in Paris. President Koromo’s office sends letter demanding vital nutrient be shipped immediately (Prepaid freight cost over $2300 for expedited delivery, now delayed more than a week).
We are curious: did WHO call the airline to delay the shipment to the country where President Koromo chucked their representative out becasue of their obstruction of the use of Nano Silver? That letter is posted here:
3. Liberia suddenly halted the Nano Silver 10 PPM Clinical Demonstration (see below) and now says that they do not have permission to administer the nutrient. We have sent a letter to the President of Liberia authorizing the use of our Nano Silver 10 PPM according to my Protocol which will be hand delivered to her office. That letter, too, is posted here:
4. Dr. Rima is receiving word through unofficial sources of Ebola patients in far-flung, well developed countries and is actually being asked to assist in some of those nations.

This is good.
In one country a false Ebola story was planted to “see how people would react…”
This is not so good.
What is really bad is that unless you are well-protected, you and your loved ones are at risk.
The Nano Silver 10 PPM Dr. Rima Recommends is, in fact, the identical one that was used in the Department of Defense’s study that shows that it inactivates Ebola virus.
If you are not yet prepared, you are taking a terrible risk. Make sure you have enough on hand for yourself and your loved ones.
Look, there is no time to argue and convince the people you want to help. Get them silver and have it sent to them. Figure that it is gift to keep them alive, because that is what it is.
I assure you, with absolute certainty, that once Ebola is threatening them, they will use it, just as you will be doing.
Here is the link: When you go there, enter your email info and you will have access to my protocol for prevention and therapy in the “Thank You” email you’ll receive.
Please make sure to check your spam folder if my letter does not appear in your in box.
Two more things:
Donate now to support us in supporting you. I am aksing you to pile up the stones that we, the David Team, are using against the Goliath Team. Our “stones” are resources to disseminate our information so we can shame the other side into a hasty retreat while we save lives through health freedom.
Here’s the link:

WHO, FDA Force Cancellation of Nano Silver Ebola Trial While Saying that It Will Kill Tens of Thousands Before It Ends.
. They Will Make Sure of That!
Access Nano Silver 10 PPM Here:
Enter Email Info to Get Dr. Rima’s Protocol.
Save Lives: Share this Link to Help Protect Others
GSK will have their new experimental vaccine out this year. The Japanese have a new antiviral drug. “There’s real gold in them thar ills, and us Big Pharma Dudes are Gonna Get us Some. So What if Nano Silver could save lives? We’re not here to save lives. We’re here to rake in the big bucks while the weaponized virus helps us along the Depopulation RailWay to Nowhere.”
Now WHO Commits Ebola Crimes in Africa
This is what happened in one of our West African Clinical Trials today according to our Suits on the Ground. Here’s the scene: You are in an isolation ward in West Africa where the temperature and rainy season humidity are brutally high. 6 hours out of 24 doctors and nurses in isolation suits drift around the ward trying to offer some comfort and hope to you and the other Ebola patients.
You see them come and go, weakening and failing, as you lie there waiting for your turn to come. The other 18 hours a day, you lie alone because isolation suits cost about $250 each and they can only be used once so there isn’t enough money to have suited-up staff there for you 24 hours a day.
What happens if you need attention during the other 18 hours? You pray.
Then the doctor comes over with a bottle of Dr. Rima Recommends™ Nano Silver 10 PPM donated by an organization far away that you’ve
never heard of: the Natural Solutions Foundation. And the doctor and two suits from the Health Department and EPA tell you that you’ve been selected to receive a capful of the liquid in the bottle every hour because it might, it should, we believe it will, drive the Ebola virus out of your body and give you back your health and your life.
Do you want to be part of the study? We believe it will work, based on the science but this is a clinical demonstration. Yes? OK, sign this informed consent form.
Great. Here’s the doctor in the space suit and she’s opening the bottle to give you the first dose.
You are torn between hoping against hope and fear that it might not work. But you have exactly zero other options. ZMAPP didn’t do much despite the early frenzy of hope. They are talking about some new Japanese experimental drug, but you’ll be long dead before it gets to you unless something reverses the downward slide you can feel in every cell.
So, yes, yes, you will take the Nano Silver 10 PPM. You want so desperately to hold your babies in your arms again!
The doctor starts to pour the clear liquid that looks just like water into a few ounces of water and tells you to drink it, hold it in your mouth for about 30 seconds and then swallow. You reach for the cup and the phone rings. The doctor turns to the aide who comes running and hands the phone to the doctor.
She listens and seems stunned. She starts to argue… but the phone connection goes dead.
She turns to you with tears in her eyes and the suits demand to know what is going on.
She pours the liquid into the waste basket by your bed and says through gritted teeth, “That was the office of the Minister of Health. The second in command, in fact. WHO just ordered the Ministry to tell me NOT to conduct the clinical demonstration with the Nano Silver for you or the other 9 patients.”
You are stunned. So is she. So are the Suits.
You are the one who can speak first. After all, you have the most at stake.
“What’s going to happen to me? If I don’t take that, how can I get well?” You are starting to cry and shake. All you can see is your
babies without you.
The doctor turns to you and says, Pray to whatever you hold dear. That’s all we have for you now.
“Am I going to die?” you whisper.
You can barely hear her answer when she whispers, “Yes” and walks away.
Now our Suits have determined that they will fight this murderous inhumanity by WHO, FDA and Big Pharma. I am not about to tell you
what the plan is right now, but you must understand that in my estimation, this absolutely guarantees that the US, Canada and Europe will see the same.
Tom Frieden, MD, MPH, the head of CDC, said today in Liberia, (yes, he is the same guy who recently told Congress that an Ebola outbreak in the US is “inevitable”) says that closing off travel routes would not help contain the virus and would actually make things worse.
Huh? Doesn’t that equate to WHO saying that they really, really do not want to find anything that actually prevents or is a therapy for Ebola because they want that virus here, doing its dirty work and making them LOTS of money (and making medical fascism the order of the day) for all the right people?
Well, it sure looks like that to me.
I can think of no other possible interpretation for such a wicked, yes, wicked act.
“No cure,” so we can try absolutely anything on people except the one thing that works in vitro?
If you can find another explanation other than potentiating genocide and creating a market that will pay any price for whatever garbage (with or without nano chips included), please write to me at and let me know.
I would LOVE to have another explanation. I do not believe there is one.
Do you need Nano Silver? You sure do! Is it the same as colloidal silver? Not at all.
Where do you get it? How do you get my Protocol? Enter your email info in the form there and your Thank You letter will have access to my Protocol.
By the way, your donations are most welcome. Donate here to support the only health freedom voice speaking for you in this crisis.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima

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