Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Real Vampires: an Insider’s View of Banks By Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall from Veterans Today


The Real Vampires: an Insider’s View of Banks

The Inside Scoop from Bill Clinton’s Mentortragedy and hope


By Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall

Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley* (1966 Macmillan) is an exacting account of how the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, the European central banks, and the giant investment banks that dominate them (e.g. Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan) came to control all western governments.
According to Quigley, banks have controlled western society – by manipulating the money supply – since the creation of the Bank of England and the fractional reserve lending system in 1694. Moreover, owing to the secrecy under which they operate, Quigley asserts that most elected officials are totally unaware of the immense control central and investment banks exert over the so-called democratic process.
He describes in exhaustive detail how all historical inflationary and deflationary crises, panics, wars, recessions and depressions were orchestrated behind the scenes by the banking establishment, for the purpose of increasing their private wealth. In his epic portrayal of three centuries of western civilization, he also describes how the banking aristocracy financed the rise of Communism in Russia, China and Eastern Europe, as well as bringing Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guiding their governments from behind the scenes.

How Banks Create Money “Out of Nothing”
The single act, according to Quigley, that guaranteed Britain’s two century preeminence over the rest of the world was the development (in 1694), by British investment banks, of the fractional reserve lending system. This system allowed English investment banks to be the first in the world to lend money (to industry and the British government) that they created out of thin air. He goes on to list the banking dynasties that have held near absolute control of the global money supply since 1694, starting with banking cartel formed by Frankfurt banker Meyer Rothschild. At the time of his death, Rothschild’s five sons each controlled a major investment bank in Vienna, London, Naples, Paris and Frankfurt. Quigley lists the investment bank formed by the J.P. Morgan family as second to the Rothschild banks in power and influence, followed by the Baring Brothers, Morgan Grenfell, the Lazard Brothers, Erlanger, Warbur, Shroder, Seligman, the Speyers, Mirabaud, Mallet and Fould.
The Council on Foreign Relations
Quigley also writes about the network of secret round tables of international corporate and banking elites started by Cecil Rhodes and expanded by his followers with his sizable estate. At their founding, they had the stated purpose of spreading British the virtues of “ruling class” tradition throughout the English speaking world and solidifying the political power and influence of the British Empire. The US Council on Foreign Relations, one of the secret round tables started by Rhodes’ followers, was started in 1919, with the explicit goal of influencing the foreign and domestic policies of a former colony over which Britain no longer had direct control.
How English Banks Controlled the US Government
According to Quigley, the US was consistently a debtor nation prior to World War I. Following the 1776 revolution, US government and businesses continued to borrow funding for industrial and colonial expansion from English and European investment banks. The American banker, JP Morgan, collaborated with European investment banks to dictate US foreign and domestic policy. They did so by threatening to destroy the US economy by 1) refusing to renew treasury bonds (i.e. money the government borrowed from banks to fund public spending 2) causing a panic by throwing large numbers of shares on the stock market or 3) destroying the value of railroads and other companies the banks owned by loading them up with worthless assets.
As Quigley relates, they engaged in all three tactics at various times throughout the 19th century, resulting in a series of booms, panics, recessions and depressions that wreaked havoc on American economic development.
How Bankers Engineered, World War I, Bolshevism, Nazism and the Great Depression
The most disturbing section of Tragedy and Hope describes how international bankers engineered (he describes their secret meetings) World War I and what Quigley calls the Banker-Engendered Deflationary Crisis of 1927-40 (aka the Great Depression). Following the 1870 unification under Bismarck, Germany experienced a rapid burst of industrialization, generating sufficient profit that they ceased to rely on investment banks to finance either business or government. They also threatened global bankers by competing with England and other European countries for export markets.
While engineering the first world war to put Germany in her place, the world banking cabal simultaneously hatched a scheme to destabilize Russia (which was making claims on Balkan members of the former Ottoman Empire) by secretly funding the Bolsheviks and other Russian revolutionaries.
Financing Hitler and the Nazis
When the the first world war ended in 1918, public debt in Western Europe and the US had increased by 1000%. In 1929, the austerity measures global banks forced on the US, England, France and other European countries led to widespread bankruptcies and unemployment and the virtual collapse of foreign trade.
Except in Germany. The global banking elite used the wealth generated from debt repayment to finance rapid German re-industrialization and militarization and the Nazi movement started by Hitler. The main German corporations funding Hitler were IG Farben, Siemens (renamed Bayer), Daimler Benz, Porsche/Volksvagen and Krupp. In addition to Henry Ford and William Randolph Hearst, the important US banks and corporations who financed Hitler’s rise to power included Kodak, Coca-Cola, DuPont, Standard Oil, IBM, Random House and Chase Bank.
* Late mentor to former president Bill Clinton, Princeton, Harvard and Georgetown professor Carroll Quigley also served as an adviser to the Pentagon and Foreign Service.
Tragedy and Hope is a free download from
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Posted by on Mar 26 2014, With 1728 Reads, Filed under Corruption, Economics & Markets, Economy, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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7 Comments for “The Real Vampires: an Insider’s View of Banks”

  1. It is so refreshing to see the degree of awareness of the VT readership in the comments section of this article. Yes, there is a reason that Hitler was the “Time Magazine Man of the Year” in 1938 before all the media was taken over by the Zionists. Hitler’s demise was his rejection of international Zionist usury, pure and simple. More recent examples would be JFK, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gadaffi, Hugo Chavez, Ahmadinejad of Iran and any leader of a sovereign nation stupid enough to want to free his people from the bandage of Zionist usury. Of ALL of the myths one was must come to terms with as a ‘truthseeker,’ discovering the myth of Hitler is the most shocking. The information manipulation took the Zionists to seer this lie in to the
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    • Here’s a better link for kaminski’s “The Hitler Test.” http // the-hitler-test&catid=138 kaminski&Itemid=2264
      And another myth buster is Justice for Germans here http //
  2. Have to agree with the commentators below. Repeating the absolute lie that Hitler was “funded” by Wall Street destroys the integrity of the rest of the argument.
    There is ZERO evidence to support such a claim, and repeating such nonsense calls into to question the rest of the author’s claims. Unfortunate, since there is ample evidence that Jacob Schiff gave some $20 million dollars (in 1915 dollars) to Lenin in order to support the Jewish takeover of Russia.
  3. Your remarks regarding Hitler’s funding is grossly flawed and incorrect. The banks DID NOT fund Hitler and the banks DID NOT FUND the economic restoration of Germany. Germany was grossly robbed by the banking class (International Jewry) and forced to pay reparation for WWI under the grossly unfair terms of the Treaty of Versailles. The terms were so onerous and the Wiemar government so incompetent that it lead to the debasement of both the German economy and culture.
    The program put into place by NSDAP was self-funding. Germany issued script that was OUTSIDE OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM and a bartering system in order to circumvent currency payments. Two of Germany’s major trading partners were Italy and Argentina.
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    • Centuries ago central bankers figured out how to ignite conflicts and manage events through control of money. England was their first trophy. The English Revolution/take down was followed by full control of England’s army, navy, and population, and it only whetted their appetites to prey farther afield. Bloodshed is of no concern to them. They are psychopaths. Since those days they have dragged down one society after another. No one has escaped their malice. It is only of late that the world is learning about all the destruction they have visited upon every nation on Earth, and there is much yet to be uncovered.
      http //
    • Yeah, the thing that Hitler did was refuse to pay the reparations, which required Germany to exchange their currency for gold to make international payments as required at the time. Although I thought it was Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht who dreamt up the economic recovery.
      Germany issued its own currency and made job creation #1. He reduced unemployment from 11 million to about 1 million within two to three years with massive infrastructure projects (like the autobahn system and trains) and improved the standard of living remarkably.
    • i understand exactly what you are saying about the myth of the jew zionists funding hitler as most including writers on vt claim…its another attempt to send people down rat holes .but i m not sure thats what she is saying sounds to me as she is saying german corp and american corp did some of the backing .hitler had good advise on how to rid the jew bankers and did so.but i think in this article she is saying what i just described.henry ford was a very informed anti jew zionist banker and tried to prove it.he was demonized by the adl and the likes.he did have his german corp.involved as other american corp were as well.the great lie about hitler and national socialists will continue to be perpetrated in history forever until the
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