Sunday, March 16, 2014

Apocalypse Now – Fukushima by Allen L. Roland from Veterans Today


Apocalypse Now – Fukushima

nuclearAs Harvey Wasserman expounds ~ Fukushima’s missing melted cores and gushing radioactivity continues to fester in secret and speculation on the ultimate impact borders from relatively harmless to intensely apocalyptic. However, it is obvious to all that the impacts of these emissions on human and ecological health are unknown primarily because the nuclear industry has resolutely refused to study them:

by Allen L Roland

As Wasserman explains ~ This “see no evil, pay no damages” mindset dates from the Bombing of Hiroshima to Fukushima to the disaster coming nextwhich could be happening as you read this “ so here are some major points to consider as you determine , as I do, that this is indeed Apocalypse Now (courtesy of Harvey Wasserman)
1. At Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945), the U.S. military initially denied that there was any radioactive fallout, or that it could do any damage. Despite an absence of meaningful data, the victims (including a group of U.S. prisoners of war) and their supporters were officially “discredited” and scorned
2. During and after the Bomb Tests (1946-63), down winders in the South Pacific and American west, along with thousands of U.S. “atomic vets,” were told their radiation-induced health problems were imaginary … until they proved utterly irrefutable.

3. By refusing to compile long-term emission assessments, the industry systematically hides health impacts at Three Mile Island (TMI), Chernobyl, Fukushima, etc., forcing victims to rely on isolated independent studies which it automatically deems “discredited.”
4. Stack monitors and other monitoring devices failed at (TMI) Three Mile Island (1979) making it impossible to know how much radiation escaped, where it went or who it impacted and how.
5. But some 2,400 TMI downwind victims and their families were denied a class action jury trial by a federal judge who said “not enough radiation” was released to harm them, though she could not say how much that was or where it went.
6. Widespread death and damage downwind from TMI have been confirmed by Dr. Stephen Wing, Jane Lee and Mary Osbourne, Sister Rosalie Bertell, Dr. Sternglass, Jay Gould, Joe Mangano and others, along with hundreds of anecdotal reports.
7. Fukushima’s on-going fallout is already far in excess of that from Chernobyl, which was far in excess of that from Three Mile Island.
8. Three Russian scientists who compiled more than 5,000 studies concluded in 2005 that Chernobyl had already killed nearly a million people worldwide.
9. Key low-ball Chernobyl death estimates come from the World Health Organization, whose numbers are overseen by International Atomic Energy Agency, a United Nations organization chartered to promote the nuclear industry.
10. When Fukushima Units 1-4 began to explode, President Obama assured us all the fallout would not come here, and would harm no one, despite having no evidence for either assertion.
11. Since President Obama did that, the U.S. has established no integrated system to monitor Fukushima’s fallout, nor an epidemiological data base to track its health impacts … but it did stop checking radiation levels in Pacific seafood.
12. Devastating health impacts reported by sailors stationed aboard the USS Ronald Reagan near Fukushima are being denied by the industry and Navy, who say radiation doses were too small to do harm, but have no idea what they were.
13. Though it denies the sailors on the Reagan were exposed to enough Fukushima radiation to harm them, Japan (like South Korea and Guam) denied the ship port access because it was too radioactive (it’s now docked in San Diego).
14. The Reagan sailors are barred from suing the Navy, but have filed a class action against Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), which has joined the owners at TMI, the Bomb factories, uranium mines, etc., in denying all responsibility.
15. At least 300 tons of radioactive water continue to pour into the ocean at Fukushima every day, according to official estimates made prior to such data having been made a state secret.
16. To the extent they can be known, the quantities and make-up of radiation pouring out of Fukushima are also now a state secret, with independent measurement or public speculation punishable by up to ten years in prison.
17. Likewise, “There is no systematic testing in the U.S. of air, food and water for radiation,” according to University of California (Berkeley) nuclear engineering Professor Eric Norman.
18. No current dismissal of general human and ecological impacts ~”apocalyptic” or otherwise ~ can account over time for the very long half-lives of radioactive isotopes Fukushima is now pouring into the biosphere.
19. As Fukushima’s impacts spread through the centuries, the one certainty is that no matter what evidence materializes, the nuclear industry will never admit to doing any damage, and will never be forced to pay for it .
20. Hyman Rickover, father of the nuclear navy, warned that it is a form of suicide to raise radiation levels within Earth’s vital envelope, and that if he could, he would “sink” all the reactors he helped develop. “Now when we go back to using nuclear power,” he said in 1982, “I think the human race is going to wreck itself, and it is important that we get control of this horrible force and try to eliminate it.” See full article:
Check out this brief 8 minute video as PBS takes us on a terrifying ‘Post-Apocalyptic’ tour inside Fukushima ~

Dr Ken Buesseler is a senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution who has examined the waters around Fukushima, makes his assessment of the situation: “It is not over yet by a long shot, Chernobyl was in many ways a one week fire-explosive event, nothing with the potential of this right on the ocean. We’ve been saying since 2011 that the reactor site is still leaking whether that’s the buildings and the ground water or these new tank releases. There’s no way to really contain all of this radioactive water on site. Once it gets into the ground water, like a river flowing to the sea, you can’t really stop a ground water flow. You can pump out water, but how many tanks can you keep putting on site?”
So there you have it, it’s quite likely that we are presently experiencing Apocalypse Now and only future generations will experience and judge the life threatening errors of our ways, regarding nuclear power.
About the Author: Allen L Roland is a Freelance Alternative Press Online columnist. He is also a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his web site at He also guest hosts a Truthtalk, a national radio show that airs monthly. He is available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations via email at
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Posted by on Mar 6 2014, With 2556 Reads, Filed under Causes, Coping, Editor, Environment, Health, Living, Of Interest. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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25 Comments for “Apocalypse Now – Fukushima”

  1. You simply don’t know what you’re talking about. As in the case of 9/11, 12/26, Boston, Sandy Hook, Aurora, etc., 3/11 Japan was planned multiple decades in advance. It was not a last-minute reactionary event for Japan’s refusal to do anything for Israel. I have told you before to stop spreading disinformation. You are doing a disservice to others by falsely claiming that 3/11 was hatched up very recently.
    • Cyprian, I have been fascinated by your analysis of subliminal numerological clues embedded in events and films, etc. Interestingly armistice day WWI also appears to add up to 4/19…for what it’s worth.
      I just got done listening to an interview with a credible sounding gentleman who suggests that there is an 80% chance of a major financial downturn on 4/11 due to certain interest rate factors, continued financing of U.S. debt, and directives from the gnomes of Zurich. Also mentioned are potential asteroid impacts in the ocean at a later date. ***http //
  2. ——–The rich Japanese are addicted to radiation, and those who are affected have lost every thing to fight Shinzo Abe, the Evil of South/East Asia. If there is a WW3 in Asia, it will be because.
    ——Miles O’Brien of PBS science, technology & aerospace journalist went a few weeks ago to tour inside Fukushima & lost his left arm in Philippines after minor accident.
    ——–Shinzo Abe—Is the first Japanese prime minister to be born in 1954, after World War II. He was Japan’s prime minister for less than a year in 2006,
    ——-Abe, the Prince of Politics is not interested in the people. His family was immersed in Japanese politics on both its paternal and maternal sides. His maternal grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, was a key
    read more ...
  3. captain obvious
    I’ve said it that Fukushima was deliberate, Japan said NO to izrahell for one thing.
    short lived report of a Korean ship being sunk by a German made torpedo about a week before,
    then 10-11 days after the report of 3 German made izrahelli subs parked off the coast of Iran is just about the transit time from the west Pacific to the straits of Hormuz sure isnt “convenient” at all..
    Japan never needed nuclear energy, they would have all they ever wanted by going geothermal steam.
    why are nuclear powerplants built on faultlines? why dont they convert them all to being geothermal?
    they’ll sure drill for OIL all day-week-month-year-decade…
    • Marshal Plan from old WW2 , I believe ….. Japanese Nationalists been shaken awake against Zio Mafia but theyre kinda helpless Slaves from WW2 ….
    • Japan was getting out of line by offering Iran belp with their Civil Nuclear Plan , Other than that there were Rumors of A Threat Clearly Delivered and a Subsequent Payment of 14 Trillion to save Japan the Hassle But according to Rumor the 14 Trillion was usurped and Japan attacked anyway ….. But thats Rumors ….
  4. Howard T.Lewis III
    The Rockefeller/Bush cabal most responsible for creating the Fukushima facility with its insane features and site barely above sea level after cutting down 100 feet of cliff to put it there. And at a site with numerous tsunamis recorded over the previous 80 years. It is high time they were held responsible instead of initiating the extortion on the Japanese to accept total responsibility. When MacArthur left Japan with a free election system. he did not control the changes made to accomodate American/British criminal syndicate domination of Japanese government policy.
  5. Mr. Roland,
    I wonder what your take on the following statement would be; Character, that quality which elevates humanity above a brutish oaf, is built through restraint. There are simply some acts that so thoroughly corrupt the human that they must be resisted, restrained. The desire to dominate every surrounding element in order to secure oneself, leads to a fate worse than death.
    I fear we live that fate.
  6. Fukushima radiation scare is Zionist propaganda and fear-mongering. No proof, just lies. Please do not be so gullible as to believe much of the disinfo and propaganda promulgated on this site. I suppose if folks will believe tall tales about martians and little green men, they will believe just about anything.
    • captain obvious
      buy yourself a geiger counter and take it to the supermarket when food shopping thanks.
      • Learn some Science too while Youre at it ……. BTW With the Geiger Counter make sure You follow the Procedure/Protocol STRICTLY to get accurate and Realistic Results from the Geiger C. Its a known complicated machine unlike a Multimeter …..
    • Howard T.Lewis III
      Strontium 90 adds a special zest to a morning bowl of Captain Krunch, so the story goes. Try it out and tell me if it helped. You may get to spend air time with Ann Coulter. Wouldn’t that be a treat!
      • Ann Coulter and the Similar Brainwashed Zios that can Never GET the Truth even if hit them in the Face coz their Zio Brainwash from their Stupid Criminal Tribe convinces them of being RIGHT …. These critters can never tell the Truth …. First time I saw Ann Coulter Barking I went to myself ” Flat Chested FOOL “
  7. Superb article. It deminstrates how people of the world really are far from free. We get the pro nuclear propaganda, the anti nuclear propaganda, they discredit each other, and the reality of the situation is masked. I saw a picture of a great white with a big mouth tumor. The Pacific is big, but Chernobyl proved the world is small.
  8. Like you said Roland, see no evil.
    No direct affect, so big denial.
    Only a gun in their face.
    We will se 5 – 10 yrs from now.
  9. Thanks Mr. Roland -
    Last week while walking on a California peer in the evening I asked a couple fishermen if they had any idea of Fukushima radioactive contamination of their catch. One responded by picking out a live fish from his bucket & holding it out in the dark saying — “If it don’t glow it’s good to eat….”
  10. Preston James, Ph.D
    Terrific investigative journalism here by an outstanding VT author. More of this fine reporting please.
  11. There are reports babies are being born without brains in Yakima, Washington.
    Neil Keenan has a disturbing report detailing how “we are now in the process of being exterminated through our food supply and atmosphere through genetically-modified foods supplies (GMOs), a vast variety of poisons in our global water supply, through HAARP-engineered catastrophes, and the geo-engineered damage to Earth’s ability to sustain any life, human or otherwise.” http //
    They wage war on us daily. When will sheeple wake the F up?? It’s well past time for payback. We wait much longer it will be too late.
    • captain obvious
      exactly jake, they treasonously sabotaged our real working economy with NAFTA-GATT etc,
      they approve poisoning our air-water-food-medicine, as well as our intelligence and morality too.
      from economic, to environmental, to psychological, and all of what they deem as being “legal”,
      it is ALL warfare against ALL God’s creation, both globally and domestically.
    • Howard T.Lewis III
      I thought we had a military that could forget the bellicosity of their drill Instructors and overrule superior officers violating their oaths and logical reason. If following Bush43 orders was embarrassing, kneeling to BObama must be an extremely disconcerting experience. Laws and the Constitution were the subjects of service oaths. Not street punk cocaine dealers replanting the Afghanistan opium fields and murdering civilians while acting as the current POTUS and WH prostitutes crapping on the White House furniture.
      The Rockefeller cabal installed the Fukushima facility during the same three year period as installed the nuke based demolition system in the WTCs in The Big Apple. Word is Steven Chu, acting at BP(BO’s boss)direction,
      read more ...
  12. Good article about Fukushima. Keep them coming. But your last sentence about future generations might be a bit much “So there you have it, it’s quite likely that we are presently experiencing Apocalypse Now and only future generations will experience and judge the life threatening errors of our ways, regarding nuclear power.”
    You assume there will be future generations. I don’t. Fukushima could be an ELE. Radiation will make us sick, and something else, maybe a flu, could finish us off.
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