Saturday, November 23, 2013

Fluoride Referendum letter from Terry Wilson

Help Make A Fluoride Referendum In Hamilton A Reality

To ensure that a referendum on water fluoridation in Hamilton, becomes a reality. Here is a email template that Hamilton residents can send to the city councilors and mayor.
Dear Councillor/Mayor/Chairman
If fluoridation really worked as proponents of fluoridation claim it does, then tooth decay should have long ago been reduced to such rare occasions where fluoridation has been practiced for over 25 years and toothlessness from tooth decay should be almost non-existent. Yet look at the rate of toothlessness prevalent where fluoridation has a long standing and nearly ubiquitous history.
The following states have high fluoridation rates yet still have among the highest tooth loss rates – very much above the U.S. national average (median 18.4%): 92% fluoridated West Virginia 37.8 toothless 94% fluoridated Tennessee 31.5% toothless 80% fluoridated Missouri 26.2 toothless 83% fluoridated Alabama 26.0 toothless 100% fluoridated Kentucky 23.7 toothless 96% fluoridated Georgia 23.1 toothless 95% fluoridated South Carolina 22.7% toothless 80% fluoridated Georgia 21.9 toothless 95% fluoridated Indiana 21.7 toothless 88% fluoridated North Carolina 21.3 toothless 89% fluoridated Ohio 20.8 toothless 96% fluoridated North Dakota 20.1% toothless
Compare the above rates of toothlessness to Hawaii which is 8% fluoridated yet has only a 9.6% rate of toothlessness.
These states also have some of the highest cavity rates of all American states.
Does the evidence not speak for itself? Is it not obvious that fluoridation does nothing to alleviate tooth decay?

Please do not make the mistake of believing that assurances and endorsements are science because assurances and endorsements are all that they have based on misinformation, misrepresentations, half truths and threats of tooth decay increases that will never materialize. Listen to those residents in your community who have done the research from all resources currently available: they have the facts and the science that disproves the claims of the proponents of fluoridation. You are bound to listen to the voices of reason and science, not the voices of influential, unaccountable and unqualified bureaucrats.
Medical bureaucrats and administrators are mere health care management professionals without the knowledge that you want to believe they have in this matter of water fluoridation. They have absolutely no facts or valid, independent scientific proof that fluoridation reduces tooth decay in even one tooth, much less save even one tooth. Yet they seem to have some kind of vested interest.
One more consideration. Please look at who is recommending the practice of water fluoridation. These people are unelected health care management professionals who do not answer to the electorate, but you do. These professional authorities have neither toxicology, nor pharmacology nor water treatment certification that could allow them to be considered as experts to make the recommendations that they do make about water fluoridation. Your only ethical, moral and lawful option is to end community water fluoridation. Anything less is unconscionable.
Fluoridation is unproven, unsafe, unnatural, unnecessary and unethical, using an unregulated and unapproved chemical.
We the people of Hamilton want to have a say in what medical treatments that we receive and implore your to go ahead with a motion for a city wide referendum.
Sincerely: (your name)
To find your city councilor and their email/contact info please visit:

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