Monday, September 2, 2013

Whistleblower Deaths Connected To 9/11 (You Can't Deny This One) from USAHITMAN

Whistleblower Deaths Connected To 9/11 (You Cant Deny This One)

Here are the related deaths to 9/11.. There is so much information on this topic but most of it is disappearing from the web. I figured for 2012; I would compile a list of some very interesting information about the 9/11 truth movement. The sad part is that there is not many ‘real’ people out there anymore because most of them were assassinated or they will never talk again. Why? Because there is more to the story and everyone knows it! (My Internet Was Cut Off After Massive Researching of this info, a coincidence?) Below is some information that will scare you or might even wake you up but please remember this is only to get the truth; not to offend the families or the dead. Please do more research on the information below: (BTW: There are a lot of our articles below for researching more into 9/11)

Barry Jennings

Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53
By Aaron Dykes
September 16, 2008 NYC Housing Authority spokesman Howard Marder has now officially confirmed that Barry Jennings indeed passed away approximately a month ago after several days in the hospital, matching confirmations from several other employees at the Housing Authority. Marder commented that Jennings was a great man, well liked by everyone at the Housing Authority, and that he would be missed. No other details were available.

Barry Jennings, a key 9/11 eyewitness who was an emergency coordinator for the New York Housing Authority, has passed away at age 53 from circumstances not yet disclosed.
A spokesperson for the Housing Authority has now confirmed his death, after weeks of rumors circulating online, but refused to give any further details. Several other individuals at the Housing Authority also confirmed that they knew Barry Jennings, and that indeed he had passed away about a month ago. No other details were available.
This office has not yet been able to contact anyone in the Jennings family and the official cause of death is not yet known, but online comments have reported the date of death as August 19, 2008.
It is very unusual that a prominent — and controversial– 9/11 witness would die only days before the release of NIST’s report on WTC7 and shortly after a firestorm erupted over his testimony that he heard explosions inside the building prior to collapse of either tower and that there were dead bodies in the building’s blown-out lobby.
The BBC aired The Third Tower in July in attempt to debunk Barry Jennings’ account– which is both contradictory and damaging to the official 9/11 story– by making issue over whether or not he said he “saw” dead bodies in the lobby.
Yet Jennings own statement in an exclusive interview with Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas– which has not been denied– was: “The fire fighter who took us down kept saying, ‘Don’t look down.’ And I said, ‘Why.’ And we were stepping over people– you know, you can feel when you’re stepping over people.
Now the release of Jason Bermas’ Fabled Enemies is giving further exposure to Jennings’ controversial account. The film features a full interview with Barry Jennings, as well as the statements he and Michael Hess, who was also trapped with him inside WTC7, made to news media on the day of the attacks.
Barry Jennings reiterated in the exclusive interview his confusion over the explanation for WTC7′s collapse– given that he clearly heard explosions inside the building:
“I’m just confused about one thing, and one thing only– why World Trade Center 7 went down in the first place. I’m very confused about that. I know what I heard– I heard explosions. The explanation I got was it was the fuel-oil tank. I’m an old boiler guy– if it was a fuel-oil tank, it would have been one side of the building.”
That interview was not released until June 2008 at the request of Mr. Jennings, who had received numerous threats to his job and asked that it be left out of Loose Change: Final Cut because of those threats.
Jennings statements have lit fire to questions about what really caused the sudden collapse of WTC7 just as NIST had hoped the release of their report would quash widespread beliefs that the building was brought down by controlled demolition.
News of Jennings’ death comes on the heels of losing another 9/11 hero and eyewitness– Kenny Johannemann, who reportedly committed suicide 12 days before the seventh anniversary of 9/11. Johannemann is credited with saving at least one man’s life on 9/11 and was also a witness to explosions in the towers.
NIST’s report, as well as that of the 9/11 Commission (which did not even mention WTC7), completely ignored statements from the building leaseholder Larry Silverstein as well as numerous police, fire fighters and other eyewitnesses who have testified that they were warned about the building’s collapse and told to get back. One rescue worker even heard a countdown for the building’s implosion.
Unfortunately, Barry Jennings, whose testimony was ignored by the 9/11 Commission, can no longer raise questions personally about his experience inside WTC7, but his account will remain on the record and available in-full on the Fabled Enemies DVD so that what he witnessed about 9/11 cannot be ignored.
Source: InfoWars
Another Link: Barry Jennings Mystery
Uncut Interview:

Beverly Eckert

Beverly Eckert, Leader of Families of 9/11 Victims Dies In Plane Crash
-Feb. 13, 2009
The crash of Continental Express flight 3407 Thursday night has brought tragedy to the friends and family of all 50 victims. But for one family, grief has struck for a second time. Relatives of Beverly Eckert, whose husband died in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, say she was aboard the Buffalo, N.Y.-bound flight when it crashed in Clarence Center, N.Y. Eckert was flying to Buffalo to honor what would have been her husband Sean Rooney’s 58th birthday. She was scheduled to present a Canisius High School student with a scholarship created in his name. After the 9/11 attacks, Eckert became a passionate voice for all the victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center and co-founded the Voices for September 11th, an advocacy group for survivors and victims’ families.
At the White House today President Obama singled out Eckert after expressing condolences for all the victims. “She was an inspiration to me and so many others,” Obama said. Last week, Eckert met Obama in the White House with other relatives of the victims of Sept. 11 and the bombing of the USS Cole to discuss the new administration’s fight against terror.
“The 9/11 community is devastated,” Mary Fetchet, founding director of the Voices of September 11, told “Good Morning America.” “Her death is reverberating through our community.” On the morning of the Sept. 11 airplane crash, Rooney was in the south tower of the World Trade Center. He spent the last minutes of his life talking to Eckert on his cell phone, while trying to find a way out. .
Eckert’s sister Sue Bourque told The Buffalo News that in the midst of the tragedy, there was some consolation. “We know she was on that plane and now she’s with him,” she said.Rooney and Eckert both attended Canisius High School in Buffalo, where they where high school sweethearts. Though she has not received official confirmation that Eckert was on board the plane, Bourque said she was positive that her sister was on board.
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After some searching, I found this article which was written by her in 2003:
I’ve chosen to go to court rather than accept a payoff from the 9/11 victims compensation fund. Instead, I want to know what went so wrong with our intelligence and security systems that a band of religious fanatics was able to turn four U.S passenger jets into an enemy force, attack our cities and kill 3,000 civilians with terrifying ease. I want to know why two 110-story skyscrapers collapsed in less than two hours and why escape and rescue options were so limited.
I am suing because unlike other investigative avenues, including congressional hearings and the 9/11 commission, my lawsuit requires all testimony be given under oath and fully uses powers to compel evidence.
The victims fund was not created in a spirit of compassion. Rather, it was a tacit acknowledgement by Congress that it tampered with our civil justice system in an unprecedented way. Lawmakers capped the liability of the airlines at the behest of lobbyists who descended on Washington while the Sept. 11 fires still smoldered.
And this liability cap protects not just the airlines, but also World Trade Center builders, safety engineers and other defendants.
The caps on liability have consequences for those who want to sue to shed light on the mistakes of 9/11. It means the playing field is tilted steeply in favor of those who need to be held accountable. With the financial consequences other than insurance proceeds removed, there is no incentive for those whose negligence contributed to the death toll to acknowledge their failings or implement reforms. They can afford to deny culpability and play a waiting game.
By suing, I’ve forfeited the “$1.8 million average award” for a death claim I could have collected under the fund. Nor do I have any illusions about winning money in my suit. What I do know is I owe it to my husband, whose death I believe could have been avoided, to see that all of those responsible are held accountable. If we don’t get answers to what went wrong, there will be a next time. And instead of 3,000 dead, it will be 10,000. What will Congress do then?
So I say to Congress, big business and everyone who conspired to divert attention from government and private-sector failures: My husband’s life was priceless, and I will not let his death be meaningless. My silence cannot be bought.
Beverly Eckert, whose husband died at the World Trade Center, is the founder of Voices of September 11th, a victims advocacy group.

Kenneth Johanneman

-October 31, 2001 After Kenny Johannemann shot himself, relatives found a letter on White House stationery in the one-room apartment he shared only with his cat. Johannemann was a part-time janitor assigned to clean rest rooms in the north tower on 9/11 and was, indeed, credited with saving a man.
His family says that day changed him, that he became withdrawn and began drinking heavily, falling in and out of work. Twelve days before the seventh anniversary of the day he saved a life, Johannemann took his own. The police then vouchered another letter, the suicide note the 43-year-old wrote on Sunday afternoon, shortly before the 5 p.m. deadline his landlord had set for him to vacate for nonpayment of rent.
“The reason I killed myself was ’cause I was getting evicted and I can’t handle being homeless. I also am very depressed since I was in 9/11. I’ve been drinking way too much and it’s ruined my life. I’ve lost friends and family over drinking and I’m very lonely. There is nothing left for me to be happy about other than my cat. Sounds weird, but it’s true. I just wanted to say sorry 2 any people I ever hurt in my life. I really was a good person when I wasn’t drinking. I hope people remember that!
Goodbye!!! Kenny Johannemann” On a separate sheet was a plea: “Please find my cat a home. His name is Papa-Boy and he’s a very special cat.”
The police brought Papa-Boy to the 122nd Precinct stationhouse on Staten Island. The tabby was trembling when one of Johannemann’s cousins, Gerald Maya, picked him up. Maya also collected Johannemann’s cell phone. He dialed every number in it to pass on the tragic news.
“Everybody I called on his cell phone said, ‘I would have given him the money. The guy was beautiful.’” Maya said Wednesday. “Nothing bad on this man.” Maya had offered Johannemann a place to stay, as had another cousin who lived nearby. Johannemann had declined.
“I really can’t tell you why,” Maya said.
The other cousin, Joseph Maya, spoke of the Johannemann before 9/11; a man who seemed content in his work and who delighted in his extended family.
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Michael H. Doran

9/11 Victims Lawyer Killed In Plane Crash
Michael H. Doran, 51, of Amherst, died in the crash of a single-engine plane that he was piloting on Tuesday, April 28, 2009, outside Cleveland. Eyewitness accounts reported that Mr. Doran directed the plane away from neighboring houses and hailed him a hero. Born May 4, 1957, in Buffalo, he graduated from Williamsville North High School, where he was an accomplished springboard diver. In 1979, he earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University at Buffalo and also took part in diving during the Empire State Games.
Mr. Doran graduated from the University at Buffalo Law School in 1982 and was admitted to the New York bar the following year. He began his legal career at the Buffalo-based law firm Collins, Collins and Di Nardo, later opening his own practice, Michael Doran and Associates, in 1992.
He partnered with attorney Christopher Murphy and founded the firm of Doran and Murphy L.L.P. in 1999. He was also admitted to practice law in Florida, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio, as well as in the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. Doran dedicated his legal practice to cases involving medical malpractice, construction law, products liability, asbestos litigation, pharmaceutical litigation and railroad law.
He concentrated on representing railroad workers who sustained on-the-job traumatic injuries and often lectured on railroad law to the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, where he served as past chairman of the railroad section. He was inducted into the Million Dollar Advocates Society for his efforts.
Active in the community, Mr. Doran was a member of the board of directors of the Western New York Leukemia Society and the University at Buffalo Center for Children and Families and was a generous patron of the University at Buffalo, as well as many other charities.
In 2008, he participated in The Ride for Roswell, biking 62 miles and raising thousands of dollars for Roswell Park Cancer Institute. He was currently working with the organization in promoting a program for early detection of lung cancer in high-risk patients.
He volunteered his services to help the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 tragedy receive compensation and was a longtime volunteer with the University of Buffalo Law School Alumni Association.
Mr. Doran was a Federal Aviation Administration-certified pilot, holding a multiengine instrument rating and having many years of flying experience. He traveled to such places as Ireland, Italy, Tahiti, Greece, Switzerland and Mexico.
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Christopher Landis

Christopher Landis was Operations Manager for Safety Service Patrol at the VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation). He was responsible for road safety, road closures and maintenance of light poles. During their investigation, researchers at Pentacon established contact with Landis because they believed that the downed poles near the Pentagon appeared to have been dragged and placed there (as opposed to being knocked down by the hijacked plane).
Landis was kind enough to give Pentacon the entire Ingersoll photo collection (Jason Ingersoll was at the Pentagon Navy Annex when 9/11 happened and snapped the most famous high resolution photos of the attack on the Pentagon, although only a few have been made available).
On November 16th 2006 (approximately 2.5 months later after supplying Pentagon with the photos), Landis reportedly committed suicide.

Paul Smith

He’d flown helicopters during the Vietnam War, and later in New York City for WABC-TV, as a news pilot, brought viewers close to countless horrific events: the September 11 terrorist attacks, the Staten Island ferry crash and the recent steam pipe explosion in Manhattan. But on Sunday evening it was doing something comparatively safe – standing on a midtown sidewalk – that put Paul Smith in harm’s way. Police say Smith, 60, of West Islip, and his wife Donna, 55, had just left a restaurant when a taxicab jumped the curb and ran over him.
Smith was taken to Bellevue Hospital Center where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Yesterday, his wife remained there in stable condition with a fractured leg. A 7-year-old boy had his arm broken in the crash, police said. It was not clear whether he was related to Smith.
No charges have been filed against the driver, who tested negative for alcohol.
Police were reviewing security cameras and investigating the accident, which took place at Third Avenue and East 40th Street. They said the cabbie said he was swerving to avoid another car.
The driver, Mohammed Chowdury, told reporters last night he was forced off the road by a black car that cut him off. He had been driving a cab just five weeks, he said.
As word of Smith’s death continued to spread among friends and co-workers yesterday, many recalled a talented pilot keen on safety who shoveled his elderly neighbors’ driveway and was close to his two grown sons and wife.
“No one’s doing well, and how could they be?” said Shannon Sohn, a helicopter reporter for WABC-TV who flew with Smith for the last 10 years. “But they’re going to pull through it because they were an amazingly strong family … He raised boys who are going to get their mother through this.”
Smith’s friends said he’d gotten his start in aviation during Vietnam, eventually flying some of the most difficult helicopters to navigate. He completed two tours and continued his love for flying, going on to become a pilot and director of safety for Helicopters Inc., a St. Louis-based company that provides news helicopters.
“He was our guardian in that helicopter,”said Kenny Plotnik, vice president and news director for WABC-TV. “Safety was his first, middle and last name.”
Though he wasn’t responsible for taking photographs or reporting, Sohn said, Smith quickly took on a flair for news gathering – eager to be the first at the scene and get the best material, all the while with an eye toward safety. It was Smith, Sohn recalled, who flew her toward the Henry Hudson Parkway in Washington Heights when a retaining wall collapsed onto the roadway in 2005, and when a helicopter for Channel 4 crashed on a Flatbush rooftop in 2004 – coverage of which won WABC-TV an Emmy.
Despite any stress, Smith remained cool under pressure.
John Del Giorno, whose son also sat next to Smith in the newscopter for WABC-TV, remembered how on September 11, 2001, Smith had calmed his son as they were up in the air when the first plane struck the World Trade Center. Del Giorno, a World War II veteran, said: “He treated me like I was a war hero. I should have been treating him like a war hero.”
Neighbors in West Islip recalled how proud he was of his two sons – one a recent college graduate, the other a New York City police officer. “It makes you think how fragile life really is,” said Diane Belliveau. “This is going to leave a big emptiness on the street.”

Deborah Palfrey

Washington Post: Report May 14, 2008 Former NSA analyst and Navy intelligence officer Wayne Madsen tells the The Alex Jones Show that one of the key motives behind the DC Madam’s murder may have been the information her call girls picked up from Washington’s top brass concerning foreknowledge and government complicity in the 9/11 attacks.
Madsen also connected another suspicious death – that of former CIA agent Roland Carnaby who was gunned down by Houston police last week – to another individual who was involved in both the 9/11 cover-up and the D.C. Madam scandal, disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
Noting that Palfrey and her defense team had tried to invoke the Classified Information Procedures Act in the U.S. District Court in Washington, which is only used when classified information or the names of people who are intelligence officers needs to be discussed, Madsen said Palfrey, “Had information which could have a bearing on the 9/11 attacks that some of her employees may have picked up information beforehand that would have been very useful to the 9/11 investigation.”
Madsen added that most of Palfrey’s call girls had been active around the area of McLean Virginia, which is where the CIA and other intelligence agencies are based and where Dick Cheney lived at the time.
Host Alex Jones recalled that during interviews Palfrey had told him that her escort service was in fact being used as an intelligence operation to gather intelligence on individuals who used the service, particularly those connected to the military.
Madsen, who spoke personally to Palfrey on numerous occasions, recalls one conversation at dinner about a month a go with Palfrey and her asset forfeiture lawyer where Palfrey told him, ‘I have information that would have been of great interest to the 9/11 Commission – there’s information that they have (her call girls) that would have been very important for the 9/11 Commission to know having to do with intelligence they picked up about 9/11 before it happened’.
The former NSA official noted that some of Palfrey’s call girls were being chauffeured by Sherlington Limousines to poker parties attended by former CIA director and co-chair of the Joint 9/11 Intelligence Inquiry Porter Goss. One of the reasons cited for Goss’ abrupt resignation in May 2006 was his alleged involvement in a prostitution scandal where lobbyists were holding parties for GOP lawmakers that featured hookers and gambling at the Watergate Hotel in D.C.
On the morning of 9/11, Goss was having breakfast with the head of Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) General Mahmoud Ahmad, the man who ordered a wire transfer of $100,000 to alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta.
In addition, Madsen pointed out that Jack Abramoff, who was also connected to the DC Madam scandal, allowed at least two of the 9/11 hijackers to use one of his casino boats in the days before 9/11, and this is what Palfrey was probably referring to when she spoke about her call girls picking up information about 9/11 before it happened.
“There’s the link, when you’ve got Abramoff and you had two of those hijackers on his casino boat a few days before 9/11 – I just wonder if that’s what Jeane was talking about,” said Madsen, “Because now I’m looking at this crazy incident in Houston with Roland Carnaby, a retired CIA guy who was still contracted to the CIA, being gunned down in broad daylight by the Houston police department – now I’ve been told by Agency sources in Houston that one of the people he was looking at was Abramhoff and the casino boats – so here you’ve got two people in the same week, looks like they were both assassinated in broad daylight,” he concluded.
Many readers will recall that Newsweek reported that military brass in Washington received a warning the night before the 9/11 attacks which led to a September 11 flight being cancelled. “NEWSWEEK has learned that while U.S. intelligence received no specific warning, the state of alert had been high during the past two weeks, and a particularly urgent warning may have been received the night before the attacks, causing some top Pentagon brass to cancel a trip. Why that same information was not available to the 266 people who died aboard the four hijacked commercial aircraft may become a hot topic on the Hill,” according to the September 13 2001 issue.
The connection to 9/11 is tantalizing and provides a key motive for why numerous power brokers would have wanted Palfrey to be shut up for good before she had the opportunity to release information in court that her call girls picked up about 9/11 pointing to foreknowledge and government complicity in the attacks.

Major General David Wherley

On September 11, 2001, David Wherley Jr. was the commander in charge of the 113th Fighter Wing at Andrews Air Force base, in Maryland. After the attack on New York City he took orders from the Secret Service to dispatch a fleet of aircraft to protect the White House and the Capitol. Wherley was an important 9/11 witness. He played a role in ordering the tactics used by the U.S. government in response to the terrorist activity. Wherley was mentioned on multiple occasions in the 9/11 Commission report. He later acted as the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, from 2003 to 2008. On June 22, 2009, David Wherley and his wife Ann boarded a Red Line Washington Metro train (#214) in Northeast Washington, D.C. While waiting for their train to leave Fort Totten station, it was struck by an oncoming Red Line train. The Wherley’s train was rear-ended at a high speed. Nine people were killed in the accident, including David Wherley and his wife. It was the deadliest crash in the history of the Washington Metro. Several survivors were trapped in the rubble for hours, and approximately 80 people were injured.
A preliminary investigation found that the accident occurred when the replacement of a track circuit component failed, which prevented certain signals from being reported. Survivors described the crash as like “hitting a concrete wall.” According to Daniel Kaniewski, a former Bush administration homeland security official, the overall emergency response to the event was “calm and ordered.” He indicated that the U.S. response “during extraordinary incidents has significantly improved” since September 11, 2001.

Salvatore Princiotta

Death Of FDNY 9/11 Vet Probed As Murder A retired New York City firefighter who survived the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks is now being treated as the victim in an Arizona murder investigation. Salvatore Princiotta, 43, whose family hails from Deer Park, N.Y., was found dead in his condominium. At first, it was believed he died of post-Sept. 11 lung complications.
However, a coroner now says Princiotta was murdered. The coroner declined to release any other details.
Officers first went to Princiotta’s Scottsdale, Ariz., apartment on May 14 after a family member hadn’t heard from the former firefighter, police said. Based on the appearance of the body, Princiotta had been dead for many days.
Scottsdale police said they could “confirm that this is a homicide investigation. However, certain details of the case need to be held in confidence to preserve our ability to successfully prosecute the case.”
According to a report from NBC 12 news in Phoenix, a death notice published in Newsday on May 18 said the former member of Ladder 9 in Manhattan died “as a result of post 9/11 lung complications.”
Princiotta’s brother, Joseph, told NBC 12 the news of the homicide probe came as a shock, and that the family expected a medical examination to show that the lung condition had taken Princiotta.
Joseph Princiotta told NBC 12 that his brother had moved to Arizona last January because he found it easier to breathe. Before his death, Princiotta had cycled 3,000 miles to honor his colleagues who died on Sept. 11.
He was murdered because he knew what happened: Here are some images of the fire truck
The window gasket is on the outside. What blew out the windows? What dislodged the front grill?

David Graham

When a homeless man moved into an old trailer on his property, Dr. David Graham didn’t call the cops. He brought out hot soup and clean clothes. He brought a spirit of healing. He struck up a conversation. In time, the homeless guy got back on his feet. When the local drug-dealing DA framed a young Air Force soldier for murder, it was Dr. Graham who championed the accused, defending the airman’s innocence on his AM radio show. Graham worked with a good lawyer, and the charges were over-turned. That lawyer became a close friend of Graham’s, and delivered a blistering eulogy at Graham’s funeral. So of course, God, or history, or the Hegelian Spirit of Freedom chose the stalwart Dr. Graham for this ominous task: Graham met two of the 9/11 hijackers, ten months before 9/11, in his crooked, Southern, little home city of Shreveport, Louisiana. Graham exhibited his trademark tenacity. He researched the 9/11 attacks, and tried to figure out why the FBI had ignored his warnings. Graham’s integrity lead directly to his untimely death from poisoning, three years ago.
[spoiler intro="More" title="About His Death:"]
A dentist who claims he met three of the Sept. 11 hijackers in Shreveport one year before the attacks has mysteriously fallen ill and is on life support.
Dr. David Graham was driving back to Shreveport from Houston on Saturday night when he became sick. A friend said Graham began suffering organ failure and medical tests show possible poisoning. He is hospitalized in Houston.
Graham is trying to publish a book that claims meetings with the hijackers and another Middle Eastern man who is a federal fugitive here.
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His death was not in vain. Graham was an evangelical Christian, who believed in the resurrection. Graham’s own death leads to a unique form of new life. His death was murky and weird, but it rejuvenates interest in these gnawing questions:
Just who were the ’9/11 hijackers’? Who helped them while they were in the US? What was their relationship to the darker shadows of US Federal law enforcement and intelligence?
This line of inquiry is even more poignant when one remembers that the media post-9/11 were reporting numerous stories about the impending “9/11 Trials” of the many accomplices to the “19 hijackers.” In fact, John Ashcroft reported that his Department of Justice has detained “nearly 1000 individuals” for aiding and abetting the hijackers. Yet almost all were quietly and individually released. The widows and grieving parents of the 9/11 victims families still ache for justice. They are still waiting for the promised “9/11 trials” of the accomplices.
Graham’s death was at the hands of those accomplices. It is a heinous crime. But his death is just one part of the biggest crime of our time. With Dr. Graham’s death, the 9/11 cover-up reaches a new low: Graham is the first 9/11 American truth researcher to die. And unfortunately, the FBI is the top suspect. But his death was not in vain. It is a vibrant, direct path to the truth about the 9/11 accomplices.
In the wake of his death, the FBI denied meeting with Graham before 9/11. But that day in the FBI’s tiny white lobby, agent Steven Hayes admitted that he had in fact met with Graham before the attacks. From the conversation with Hayes, I gathered that the wealthy Shreveport terrorist handler M.J. Khan was likely an FBI informant. Hayes talked too much, and he contradicted the FBI’s previous statements.
Eventually, he lost control. He called security on us, to force two pesky reporters to stop asking questions. He had to. He was having a hard time talking to us. He was stammering. He glared at me hard through the one inch thick plexiglass. This story is big, his body language seemed to plead. It’s bigger than me, and it’s bigger than you. Locking eyes with Hayes, there was a tremor, deep inside him, and a tick in one eye. It was as if he said,
Help me.
We killed this guy. It was not right.
This is not what I signed up for.
What do we really know about 9/11? The truth about 9/11 should be a provocative, national political issue. But it’s seldom discussed with candor in mainstream media. Graham’s story is the kind of compelling, small town underdog story that will change all that.
Dr. Graham was a Vietnam veteran, and had been a medical volunteer. He had been a serial entrepreneur, and an innovative dentist. He met Nawaf Al-Hazmi and Fayed Banihammad (two of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers) in his hometown of Shreveport ten months before 9/11. He warned the FBI that he found two young Saudi “medical students” suspicious. But he was verbally abused and threatened by FBI. When 9/11 happened, this same Nawaf Al-Hazmi was accused of being one of Bin Laden’s right-hand men. That’s strange, because Al-Hazmi and his cohort Khalid Al-Mihdhar had been protected by various agencies of the Federal government, multiple times.
With a background in scientific dentistry research, Graham kept records with a tight, laboratory-standards kind of rigor. He secretly video-taped himself speaking about the terrorist meetings, after 9/11, with M. J. Khan, and the other Arab terrorist handler he had known. The video-tapes, made available online by this author, prove Graham’s credibility, and wiles. [See the “Collateral News” pieces online at YouTube—they are compelling.]
Dr. Graham’s relationship with the blond albino Pakistani hustler (and probable FBI informant) M.J. Khan is a story in itself. Khan had special access to Barksdale U.S. Air Force base, where he enjoyed dating women of the U.S. military. Meanwhile, Khan was giving money and shelter to the “ringleaders” of the 9/11 attacks: Nawaf Al-Hazmi, Khalid Al-Mihdhar and their companion, the “muscle” hijacker Fayed Banihammad.

Prasanna Kalahasthi

A 25, USC dental student married to Pendyala Vamsikrishna, a Flight 11 passenger. She killed herself approximately one month after 9/11 in her Los Angeles apartment even though friends say she was ‘in good spirits and determined to finish dental school.’ A friend of an alleged Flight 11 passenger said he was “shocked and amazed” after learning five weeks after 9/11 his friend’s wife committed suicide in her Los Angeles apartment in an apparent act of despair.
But others were quick to point out that foul play has never been ruled out, according to several sources close to the suicide investigation.
Not only was this 9/11 suicide shocking and difficult to understand, but the alleged victim’s husband, Pendyala Vamsikrishna of India, was never even listed on the original Flight 11 manifest, only appearing later as a passenger on a couple of conflicting unofficial lists. Due to the numerous inconsistencies and irregularities on all four 9/11 flight manifests, critics of the official government story contend many of the passengers probably never existed at all or were concocted as the result of carefully constructed aliases, essentially faking their deaths.
Further, critics contend if the passenger lists were suspect then so were the planes, calling the 9/11 jetliners ‘phantom flights,’ paving the way for military drones to be used to attack the WTC and Pentagon.
Others who disagree with the official story for the most part buy into the drone theory, but theorize the unlucky passengers actually were killed by being transferred onto a single airliner and then either dumped into the Atlantic or taken to one of the many hidden underground government bases.
Of course, both theories have their skeptics, but the irregularity of the passenger lists, the evidence refuting the existence of the flights, eye-witness accounts of seeing a cargo plane without windows slam into the towers and the strange silence among the airline family members makes it imperative to pursue a full scale investigation into the whereabouts and real identities of each and every passenger listed by the government as dead.
And the case of Vamsikrishna, a 30 year old engineer from India, and his wife who committed suicide, called unlikely or very strange by those in the Hindu community, is just another example of the many mysteries surrounding the 9/11 passengers and their families.
Going back to a month after 9/11, Prasanna Kalahasthi, 25, a USC dental student from India and Vamsikrishna’s wife, was found dead in her Catalina St. apartment in Los Angeles on Oct. 19, 2001. Investigators noted there was no suicide note and the only thing found next to her body was a letter from then New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani inviting her to an upcoming memorial service at Ground Zero to mourn 9/11 victims.
After the apparent suicide, several school friends and even family members said Kalashasthi was, of course, devastated by her loss, being married for only a short time, but was determined to move forward and complete her dental studies. Further, friends pointed out she was devout Hindu who believed in reincarnation, making suicide an even more unlikely choice since a return to earth is inevitable according to Kalashasthi’s Hindu beliefs.
“I knew Vamsi, that’s what we called him at school in India, and I was shocked when he died on 9/11,” said school friend Anupendra Sharma in a telephone conversation this week from his home on the east coast. “What was very strange, though, was his wife’s suicide. They were only married for a year and she had recently just come to America to go to USC.
“Vamsi’s parents also are back in India and came to the Unites States for the funerals. I know Vamsi’s wife was very upset and there were some accounts of her suicide in the local papers. “Also, I should say I wasn’t a personal friend of his but knew of him at the Birla Institute of Technology and Science in Pilani, India , where we both went to school in 1992. They did tell me, though, that his loved ones were notified that they found some of Vamsi’s remains in the wreckage, but I am not sure of specifics.”
Although it’s unlikely to recover of any remains in a towering inferno like the WTC, the Arctic Beacon has uncovered a strange trail of suspicious evidence emanating from passengers at both the Pentagon and WTC, indicating the FBI may have been busy planting phony evidence at all locations on 9/11.
For example, two California ID cards of Flight 77 passenger, Susanne Calley, were miraculously uncovered in the Pentagon wreckage by a first responder, Capt. Jim Ingledue of the Virginia Beach Fire Department two days after 9/11. Although Capt. Ingledue believes the official account of 9/11, he admitted it was “very strange and highly unusual” to find unblemished paper-thin evidence in a meltdown like the Pentagon.
And even more miraculously than Calley’s ID’s a year after 9/11, four unscathed credit cards were returned to the parents of Waleed Iskandar, a suspicious Flight 11 passenger also not on the original passenger list but included a year later on unofficial flight lists.
Strangely, in light of the miraculous discoveries, both Iskandar and Calley’s loved one’s did not question the return or authenticity of the items returned, adding they were in perfect agreement with the government’s official version of 9/11.
Although Vamsikrishna’s parents could not be reached in India to discuss their son’s case, Sharma’s recollection of his friend isn’t the only one commenting about the strange nature of Kalashasthi’s suicide.
Anuradha Gupta, another friend from India who attended the same technical school, wrote a tribute shortly after the suicide, saying:
“On October 20th, a friend called me, overcome with emotion and told me that Prasanna, studying to be a dental student had committed suicide the previous day. When newspaper reports came in, we all were shocked and almost defensive. “We told people that Hindus do not believe in suicide, that they believe in reincarnation and that their journey towards learning and evolution does not end with deathexcept that sometimes one can’t handle despair beyond a point
“We heard that Prasanna, a USC graduate student in the International Student Program for Foreign-Trained Dentists since April 2001 had moved to US only a year back, and was found in her Catalina Street apartment on Friday, October 19th. She was 25 years old. Near her body, they found a letter from New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani dated Oct. 12th inviting her to a memorial service scheduled for Oct. 28th to mourn the death of her husband.
“And from her friends, I learnt that though she was devastated, she was determined to move on and complete her dental course. However, a few questions haunted her” In the tribute, Gupta also commented that Kalashasthi refused counseling, all of friends saying she was recovering “fine” from the tragedy.
“The University Director of Student Counseling Service, Bradford King had referred her to Nadadur S. Kumar, associate director of the Office of International Services,” wrote Gupta. “In their regular chats, Kumar reminded Prasanna that counselors, even Indian ones were available to help her. Bradford even offered to walk her across to the counseling center. But it was her choice to not go in for professional counseling, not because of the stigma attached but because she felt she was doing fine, as did everybody else.
“Prasanna did reassure her families that L.A. was her home and that she would move on. Her brother was moving into the apartment she and her husband had shared near the USC campus to be with her, and she also had a new, extended family that included her friends, her classmates, and people at the University.” The strange suicide and Vamsikrishna’s questionable passenger status is just another example of the many oddities coming forward about the passengers on board all four 9/11 flights.
In the past, the Arctic Beacon has found most of the families of the doomed flights have remained silent or a few that have returned phone calls agree with the official 9/11 story word for word. This, however, is in stark contrast to the families of victims at Ground Zero who readily come forward, many openly disagreeing vehemently with the official story.

Wendy Burlingame

Daughter of Alleged Flight 77 Pilot Wendy Burlingame, 32, and her two dogs died when flames ripped through her 10th-floor apartment in Guttenberg, Hudson County. Burlingame was the daughter of American Airlines pilot Charles (Chick) Burlingame, whose plane crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.
“It’s just an extreme tragedy,” said Tim Sumner, who knew Wendy Burlingame from the 9/11 Families survivor group. “It’s an amazing blow to that family.” Wendy Burlingame’s aunt, Debra Burlingame, a member of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation board, was too heartbroken to speak.
The fire broke out about 12:30 a.m. in the Galaxy Towers apartment Burlingame shared with her fiancé, Kevin Roderick. Neighbors said Burlingame moved into the apartment overlooking the Hudson River about a month ago. Roderick escaped the fire.
Firefighters battled the stubborn blaze for about three hours before bringing it under control.Firefighters found Burlingame’s body in a hallway between the kitchen and a bedroom, investigators said. “It is suspicious at this point because the cause and origin have not been established,” Hudson County Prosecutor Edward De Fazio said.
There has never been a fire related incident in the history of the Galaxy. There are smoke detectors in every apartment and small portable fire extinguishers are available. Fire alarms, sprinkler systems and periodic fire drills and alarm testing, all add to your safety. Roderick, an Army veteran, escaped unscathed when the deadly blaze broke out in the bedroom at 12:03 a.m.
Hudson County Prosecutor Edward De Fazio said that “drinking might have been involved” but did not elaborate. Burlingame’s body was found in the hallway between the kitchen and bedroom. The couple’s two dogs also died. Police questioned and released Roderick.
He told them he thought Burlingame “was behind him” when he fled the smoky apartment.” So the daughter of the pilot of American Airlines Flight 77 dies in a suspicious apartment fire in an apartment complex that has never had a fire before. She’s then locked in the apartment by her boyfriend, who is ‘Ex’-Army. Something doesn’t smell right.

Katherine Smith

Katherine Smith’s case was one of the many cases, which was never really disclosed to the US Nation, however she was connected with the early September 11th attack investigation of the FBI. In February 2002, some news papers reported, that Smith, who had been charged “in a scheme with five men to sell fraudulent licenses…died in a fiery car crash the day before her first court appearance, a crash the prosecutor called “most unusual and suspicious” Source:
Katherine Smith sold IDs to five of the hijackers(1) was “smothered with gasoline and “firebombed” in her car one day before she was scheduled to testify. Source: Kansas City Star, 02/16/02
FBI agent J. Suzanne Nash said authorities were trying to determine what caused the car to burn. The gas tank did not explode and the car was only slightly dented from the crash. “Her death was not the result of the crash itself,” said THP Capt. Jimmy Erwin. “Her death was by other means.” (March 6th 2002) Source :,1426,MCA_437_1016243,00.html
As investigative journalist Wayne Madsen (->) reported in an article at counterpunch, Katherine Smith mysterious death was examined at the same institute who examined Don C Wiley (->), the MicroBiologist, who died under strange circumstances in 2001. (Source:
And “…in yet another strange twist, on March 14 (2002), a bomb and two smaller explosive devices were found at the Shelby County Regional Forensic Center, which houses the morgue and Medical Examiner’s Office that conducted Wiley’s autopsy. Dr. O.C, Smith, the medical examiner, told Memphis’ Commercial Appeal, “We have done several high-profile cases from Dr. Wiley to Katherine Smith (a Department of Motor Vehicles employee mysteriously found burned to death in her car after being charged in a federal probe with conspiracy to obtain fraudulent drivers’ licenses for men of Middle East origin) but there has been no indication that we offended anyone . . . we just don’t know if we were the attended target or not.”
Two of the five men, connected with the Katherine Smith case and fraudulent licenses had been Khaled Odtllah and Sakhera Hammad (Denko Mechanical->). When Hammad was arrested, investigators found a visitor’s pass for the World Trade Center, dated Sept. 5, 2001, in his wallet. He told authorities he was a plumber who worked on the center’s sprinkler system.

Daniel Pearl

Daniel Pearl was beheaded by 9/11 mastermind The alleged 9/11 chief planner, Pakistani national Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, told US interrogators in 2007 that he personally killed Wall Street Journal journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002. Pearl was kidnapped on January 23, 2002 while on his way to interview a Pakistani Jihadi leader in Karachi. The group which later claimed responsibility for the abduction called itself “The National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty.” Pearl’s kidnappers claimed Pearl was a CIA agent working in Pakistan to hunt down al-Qaida.
Several demands for Pearl’s release were sent via e-mail; demands including the release of all Pakistani terror prisoners held by the US. Pictures showing the journalist holding a newspaper with a man standing by his side holding a gun to Pearl’s head were attached to the e-mail sent by the kidnappers.
On February 21 2002 the kidnapper group released a disturbing video showing the execution of Daniel Pearl. Titled “The Slaughter of the Spy-Journalist, the Jew Daniel Pearl,” the 3-minute tape shows Pearl’s throat being slit and later the beheading is shown as well as the mutilated body of the journalist. An unknown man is then seen holding the head of Pearl in front of the camera. Daniel Pearl’s head and body were found on May 16, 2002 north of Karachi.
About a year later – on March 1st, 2003 – the alleged 9/11 chief planner, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, was arrested by Pakistani security forces in a compound in Rawalpindi. From there, the CIA sent Mohammed on a tour through secret intelligence prisons around the world before imprisoning him at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. During military interrogations the Pakistani al-Qaida leader confessed of having planned the 9/11 attacks and also to having executed Daniel Pearl.
Pakistani investigations had earlier revealed Mohammed’s involvement in the Pearl murder. It was suspected Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had ordered the American hostage killed, but it was not known for certain whether Mohammed himself had beheaded the journalist. Human Rights critics questioned the CIA transcripts of Sheikh Mohammed’s confession and said they could not be trusted as the al-Qaida suspect had probably confessed due to torture and abuse.
Now a report by Georgetown University’s “Center for Public Integrity” says that US intelligence officials have erased any doubts about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s claims of having personally killed Daniel Pearl. The new report filed by Georgetown University states that new technological tools were used to compare the hand of the murderer of Pearl with the actual hand of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who is in Guantánamo Prison awaiting trial. The Pearl murder video did not show the killer’s face or identity, only the hands are seen cutting off the hostage’s head.
A technique known as “vein-matching” delivered new information and resulted in the conclusion that Mohammed indeed did kill Pearl himself. During this process the blood veins seen on the hand of the killer were compared with those of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – the images matched

Benazir Bhutto

Bhutto Knew Too Much About Bin Laden, 911, the CIA
By Len Har Bhutto’s assassination by gun men was a pre-emptive strike! She might have exposed the CIA as the World’s number one terrorist organization. Pakistan Dictator Pervez Musharraf, Bush’s man in Pakistan, blames the victim. In some perverted sense, he may be right. Bhutto may have signed her own death warrant with the famous statement (censored by the BBC) that Bin Laden was murdered by Saeed Sheikh. [Her remarks found here] Bhutto pulled the rug from under Bush’s official 911 conspiracy theory. We must chalk up to official fraud and exploitation several “video tapes” that Bushies attributed to the world’s arch fiend, Osama bin Laden, the Lex Luthor of terror. Bush critics are now confirmed; there is no reason to suppose that bin Laden ever stopped being a CIA asset. While alive, that is.
The assassination of Bhutto appears to have been anticipated. There were even reports of “chatter” among US officials about the possible assassinations of either Pervez Musharraf or Benazir Bhutto, well before the actual attempts took place.As succinctly summarized in Jeremy Page’s article, “Who Killed Benazir Bhutto? The Main Suspects”, the main suspects are 1) “Pakistani and foreign Islamist militants who saw her as a heretic and an American stooge”, and 2) the Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, a virtual branch of the CIA. Bhutto’s husband Asif Ali Zardari directly accused the ISI of being involved in the October attack.The assassination of Bhutto has predictably been blamed on “Al-Qaeda”, without mention of fact that Al-Qaeda itself is an Anglo-American military-intelligence operation.Page’s piece was one of the first to name the man who has now been tagged as the main suspect: Baitullah Mehsud, a purported Taliban militant fighting the Pakistani army out of Waziristan. Conflicting reports link Mehsud to “Al-Qaeda”, the Afghan Taliban, and Mullah Omar (also see here). Other analysis links him to the terrorist A.Q. Khan.–Larry Chin, Anglo-American Ambitions behind the Assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the Destabilization of Pakistan
A sub plot is equally interesting. A former MI6/SIS agent, Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad, supervised wired transfers of $100,000 to Mohammed Atta shortly before 9/11. Has anyone ever stopped to ask the obvious question: what the hell was a man who was going to die in a suicide Attack do with $100,000? According to Turkish intelligence, Ahmad is a paid CIA informant who claims to have trained six 9/11 hijackers. Turkish intelligence charges that Al-Qaeda is merely the name of a secret service operation designed to stir up trouble and exploit tensions around the world.
While the pakistani inter services public relations claimed that former ISI Director-General Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on monday, the truth is more shocking. top sources confirmed here on tuesday, that the general lost his job because of the “evidence” india produced to show his links to one of the suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Centre. The US authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that $100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker mohammed Atta from pakistan by ahmad Umarr Sheikh at the instance of gen mahumd. Senior government sources have confirmed that india contributed significantly to establishing the link between the money transfer and the role played by the dismissed ISI chief. while they did not provide details, they said that indian inputs, including sheikh’s mobile phone number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link. a direct link between the ISI and the WTC Attack could have enormous repercussions. the us cannot but suspect whether or not there were other senior pakistani army commanders who were in the know of things. Evidence of a larger conspiracy could shake us confidence in pakistan’s ability to participate in the anti-terrorism coalition. indian officials say they are vitally interested in the unravelling of the case since it could link the ISI directly to the hijacking of the indian airlines kathmandu-delhi flight to kandahar last december. ahmad umar sayeed sheikh is a british national and a london school of economics graduate who was arrested by the police in delhi following a bungled 1994 kidnapping of four westerners, including an american citizen.–India helped FBI trace ISI-terrorist links
The London Times reports that from 1999-2000 Louai al-Sakka, incarcerated in a high-security Turkish prison 60 miles east of Istanbul, trained six 9/11 hijackers in a mountain camp near Istanbul. Sakka is said to have been captured by Turkish intelligence and ordered released. After moving to Germany, he assisted alleged 9/11 hijackers.Shortly before 9/11, Sakka was allegedly hired by Syrian intelligence – to whom he gave a warning that the Attacks were coming on September 10th, 2001.In the meantime, Wikipedia has this information about the man Bhutto claims murdered bin Laden.
” was arrested and served time in prison for the 1994 abduction of several British nationals in India, an act which he acknowledges, he was released from captivity in 1999 and provided safe passage into Pakistan, apparently with the support of Pakistan and the Taliban (the hijackers were Pakistanis) in an Indian Airlines plane hijacking. He is most well-known for his alleged role in the 2002 kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Sheikh Omar Saeed was arrested by Pakistani police on February 12, 2002, in Lahore, in conjunction with the Pearl kidnapping,[4] and was sentenced to death on July 15, 2002[5] for killing Pearl. His judicial appeal has not yet been heard. The delay has been alleged to be due to his reported links with Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence.[6]Pakistani President, Pervez Musharraf, in his book In the Line of Fire stated that Sheikh was originally recruited by British intelligence agency, MI6, while studying at the London School of Economics. He alleges Omar Sheikh was sent to the Balkans by MI6 to engage in jihadi operations. Musharraf later went on to state “At some point, he probably became a rogue or double agent”.[7]On October 6, 2001, a senior-level US government official told CNN that US investigators had discovered Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh (Sheik Syed), using the alias “Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad” had sent about $100,000 from the United Arab Emirates to Mohammed Atta. “Investigators said Atta then distributed the funds to conspirators in Florida in the weeks before the deadliest acts of terrorism on US soil that destroyed the World Trade Center, heavily damaged the Pentagon and left thousands dead. In addition, sources have said Atta sent thousands of dollars — believed to be excess funds from the operation — back to Saeed in the United Arab Emirates in the days before September 11. CNN later confirmed this. [1]“– Omar Saeed Sheikh
Much of this was known but little publicized by the MSM. Few journalists dared challenge official conspiracy theories. Among those daring to get at the truth was Gore Vidal.
Vidal argues that the real motive for the Afghanistan war was to control the gateway to Eurasia and Central Asia’s energy riches. He quotes extensively from a 1997 analysis of the region by Zgibniew Brzezinski, formerly national security adviser to President Carter, in support of this theory. But, Vidal argues, US administrations, both Democrat and Republican, were aware that the American public would resist any war in Afghanistan without a truly massive and widely perceived external threat.–Gore Vidal claims ‘Bush junta’ complicit in 9/11
It was not Bhutto who misspoke but Musharraf, whose comments may have already backfired. Indeed, Bhutto was murdered –not by terrorists as Musharraf would have you believe. She was murdered, gunned down, in fact, because she was the woman who knew too much and dared to reveal that Osama bin Laden had been murdered. She did not misspeak! She named names. She exposed the fraudulent nature of the Bush/Blair “war on terrorism”. She stated –flat out –US policies cause world terrorism!
Musharraf just makes himself look worse with worse lies. As Bhutto’s murderers were caught on video tape, the BBC was caught censoring a most important piece of the puzzle. If Osama is dead, Bush’s war on terror is a treasonous fraud, a capital crime.
Was Afghanistan then turned to rubble in order to avenge the 3,000 Americans slaughtered by Osama? Hardly. The administration is convinced that Americans are so simple-minded that they can deal with no scenario more complex than the venerable lone, crazed killer (this time with zombie helpers) who does evil just for the fun of it ’cause he hates us, ’cause we’re rich ‘n free ‘n he’s not. Osama was chosen on aesthetic grounds to be the most frightening logo for our long contemplated invasion and conquest of Afghanistan, planning for which had been `contingency’ some years before 9/11 and, again, from 20 December, 2000, when Clinton’s out-going team devised a plan to strike at al-Qaeda in retaliation for the assault on the warship Cole.–Gore Vidal, The Enemy Within
Two questions must be asked about the Bhutto assassination: 1) Who benefits from it? 2) Who is lying about it? The most prominent liars are Pervez Musharraf who insists upon a ludicrous theory, easily disproven by widely distributed video tapes; and George W. Bush whose lies about “terrorism”, bin Laden specifically, have been challenged as never before. If, as Bhutto charged, bin Laden is dead, the whole rotten edifice comes crashing down. The beneficiaries are not suprisingly George W. Bush and Musharraf. Musharraf, like Bush, will now crack down on “terrorists” though the policies of both create it! Bhutto dared expose the fraud and paid with her life for having done so. The axis of Bush/CheneyMIC will prop up the dictator Musharraf, manipulating his apparatus of state to meet the demands of personal ambition and corporate greed. And, yes! All are oil and power mad!

William Cooper

William Cooper Killed in Arizona after 9/11 6th November 2001
“…God bless my family. I love my wife & children more than life itself. Everything I do is for the future of all my children. They may not understand why I have sacrificed so much, why I am so dedicated to this work; but someday they will. I want them to know they are the most important People in my life, and how very, very much I love them…” – William Cooper
William Cooper has been killed and an Apache County sheriff’s deputy wounded in a shoot-out, authorities said. William Milton Cooper, 58, of Eager, had hosted a talk show broadcast on the Worldwide Christian Radio out of Nashville, which receives it via phone from his home in St. Johns. The deputy, whose name was being withheld by authorities, was shot twice in the head while trying to arrest Cooper, a state Department of Public Safety spokesman said today. Cooper was killed by another officer.
Several deputies were attempting to arrest Cooper, who was armed with a handgun, said Officer Steve Volden, a spokesman for the DPS, which was investigating the shooting. He said details of the shooting would be released later today. The deputy was in critical condition at a Phoenix hospital early today, Volden said.
Cooper was one of the most widely known Shortwave radio broadcast, “the Hour of the Time”, heard worldwide and on the Internet. “William Cooper may be one of America’s greatest heroes and this story may be the biggest story in the history of the world.” said Mills Crenshaw, KTALK, Salt Lake City.
William Cooper was reared in an Air Force family. As a child he lived in many different countries, graduating from Yamato High School in Japan. Since he has traveled through or lived in many different foreign countries Mr. Cooper has a world view much different than most Americans.
William served with the Strategic Air Command, United States Air Force. He held a secret clearance working on B-52 bombers, KC-135 refueling aircraft, and Minuteman missiles. William received his Honorable Discharge from the United States Air Force in 1965.
William joined the United States Navy fulfilling a dream previously frustrated by chronic motion sickness. He served aboard the submarine USS Tiru (SS-416), USS Tombigbee (AOG-11), Naval Support Activity Danang RVN, Naval Security and Intelligence Camp Carter RVN, Danang Harbor Patrol RVN, Dong Ha River Security Group RVN, USS Charles Berry (DE-1035), Headquarters Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet, USS Oriskany (CVA-34).
Cooper was a member of the Office of Naval Security and Intelligence serving as a Harbor and River Patrol Boat Captain at Danang and the Dong Ha River Security Group, Cua Viet, Republic of Vietnam. William Cooper was awarded several medals for his leadership and heroism during combat including two with “V” for Valor.
He served on the Intelligence Briefing Team for the Commander In Chief of the Pacific Fleet. William was the Petty Officer of the Watch and designated KL-47 SPECAT operator in the CINCPACFLT Command Center at Makalapa Hawaii. There he held a Top Secret, Q, SI, security clearance.
William Cooper achieved the rank of First Class Petty Officer, QM1, E- 6 after only 8 years of Naval service, a difficult task in any branch of the United States military. William Cooper received an Honorable Discharge from the United States Navy on December 11, 1975.
William attended Long Beach City College where he picked up an Associate of Science Degree in Photography. He founded the Absolute Image Studio and Gallery of Fine Art Photography in Long Beach, California.
William held the position of Executive Director of Adelphi Business College, Pacific Coast Technical Institute, and National Technical College. Mr. Cooper was the National Marketing Coordinator for National Education and Software.
He produced several documentaries covering subjects such as the Kennedy assassination and secret black projects that have built flying disk shaped craft. William is an internationally acclaimed radio personality broadcasting the Hour Of The Time on WBCQ worldwide short-wave 7.415 MHz from 10 PM until 11 PM Eastern Standard Time (0300 to 0400 UTC) Monday through Thursday nights.
William Cooper is the author of Behold A Pale Horse. The book has become the best selling underground book of all time. It is read and promoted by word of mouth by People of all races, religions, and nationalities.
Read More Here

Michael Zebuhr

-Updated 2 April 2006 Michael Zebuhr was a graduate student at Clemson University, in South Carolina. A few months ago Michael Zebuhr was as naive about 9/11 as most other college students. However, one of his professors, Judy Wood, was among the first “full” members of a group called Scholars For 9/11 Truth.
Scholars For 9/11 Truth was created in response to professor Steven Jones, of Brigham Young University. After he announced his research that shows that the World Trade Center buildings appear to have been brought down with explosives, Professor Jim Fetzer, of the University of Minnesota, convinced him to join with him in creating an organization to expose 9-11.
Professor Judy Wood, of Clemson University, in South Carolina. Professor Wood says that Michael discovered the 9-11 information on her web site by himself. Even though she was actively involved in exposing 9/11, she implied that she did not push the issue on the students. Professor Wood says that Michael became fascinated with the 9/11 information, and he began to research the issue. He joined the Scholars For 9/11 Truth as a student member. He soon organized a 9/11 student group on the campus. He was very active in educating the other students about 9/11, and he was in the process of arranging a showing of some 9/11 videos to the students. It appears that Michael became much more active in educating students about 9-11 than professor Wood.
During spring break he and his mother went to Minneapolis to visit his sister, who was a student at the University of Minnesota, where Professor Fetzer works. We do not know whether Michael’s sister was also involved with the 9/11 issue, or whether she knew of Professor Fetzer.
On 18 March 2006 Michael, his sister, his mother, and a friend were walking to their car after dinner at a restaurant when they were approached by a couple of young men who demanded his mother’s purse. She gave it to them without a fight, but one of the men shot Michael in the head anyway, for no apparent reason. He died quickly.
The two men escaped in a car. Police were soon chasing after a car that matched the description. A woman was driving. Two male passengers tossed loaded handguns out the window. After a few miles the woman stopped the car and all three people in the car were arrested.
However, the two men, Omari Kwakou Thomas (2920 Northway Drive, Brooklyn Park), and James Michael Walker (2938 Morgan Avenue North, Minneapolis), were soon released. The woman, Aiesha Camille Williams (1301 Highway 7, Apt #127, Hopkins), is still in jail, but the police insist she had nothing to do with the murder. Mug shots are not available.
A description of the murder.
A news report about the suspects being released:
More about professor Wood and Michael here:
Why would the police release murder suspects?
If you were driving a car that matched the getaway car for a murder, and if you were to toss a loaded handgun out the window as you tried to evade the police, would the police let you go free?
Would they be able to instantly determine that you had nothing to do with the murder? Would they decide that no investigation was needed?
Senseless murder? Or execution?
Is this just another meaningless murder in a nation that has thousands of murders every year? Or was his murder connected to his involvement in educating students about 9/11? Is there any connection to Professor Judy Wood, Professor Jim Fetzer, or Scholars For 9/11 Truth?
There are several possibilities. Let’s first list a few facts and coincidences. Let’s start with some of the suspicious aspects of Minnesota.
Suspicious aspects of Minnesota
• The Minneapolis FBI arrested up Zacarias Moussaoui
Harry Samit, the FBI agent who arrested Zacarias Moussaoui in August 2001, worked in Minneapolis.This arrest — and the trial that is taking place in March 2006 — helps to support the government’s conspiracy theory that the September 11 attack was conducted entirely by 19 Arabs.
This FBI agent is still supporting the official government story.
• Coleen Rowley, Minneapolis FBI
Coleen Rowley was the FBI agent who is held up by many people as a hero and a whistleblower because she announced that the FBI ignored information that some Arabs were training as pilots to attack America. She was working at the Minnesota FBI officeat the time.She appears to be exposing incompetence in the FBI, but in reality she is supporting the government official story that Arabs attacked us on September 11. She is currently running for Congress.
She is still supporting the official government story. Do we really need another person in Congress who supports the official theory on 9/11?
• Senator Paul Wellstone died in Minnesota
Senator Paul Wellstone, his wife, and daughter died in a mysterious plane crash in Minnesota. However, the Minnesota FBI did not find anything suspicious about it.Here is one investigative reporter’s view of the Wellstone accident:
Wellstone and 911: The Uncanny Connections
Summary of Minnesota
While every FBI office is lying about 9-11 and other major crimes, the FBI department in Minneapolis, Minnesota is very actively involved in promoting the theory that the Arabs were training to be pilots, and that they were attacking us on September 11.
The Minneapolis FBI obviously wants to protect the official story on the September 11 attack. So why should we trust their investigation into the murder of Michael Zebuhr? Why should we trust the local police department to tell us the truth?
Shouldn’t we consider the possibility that Minneapolis, Minnesota is one of the cities that the criminal network has total control over?
If they have control over the police department, the FBI agents, and most city officials, it would be a safe place for them to arrange Paul Wellstone’s murder, the setup of an Arab patsy, and the murder of students who are exposing the 9-11 attack.
Let’s consider some of the coincidences in regards to Michael Zebuhr and the Scholars For 9/11 Truth.
Coincidences with the Scholars for 9/11
• Professor Wood was quiet about 9-11
Professor Wood was a full member of Scholars For 9/11 Truth from its beginning in January 2006, but she did not seem to encourage students or faculty at the University to look into the issue. The students apparently had to discover the information on their own.Why would Professor Wood join a group that exposes 9-11 if she had no interest in educating students or faculty? Was she too afraid to talk to the students or faculty about 9/11? Or did she join the organization for some other reason?
• Scholars For 9/11 Truth is full of suspicious people
The Scholars For 9/11 Truth has attracted a lot of people who are either amazing stupid, or they are trying to deceive us about the September 11 attack.It is possible that only the “full members” of the group have influence over it, and most of them are probably just names on a list rather than active participants.
However, some of the names will be familiar to you if you have read our articles about deception. Phil Berg, Morgan Reynolds, and Webster Tarpley are three of the full members.
Morgan Reynolds is currently trying to convince us that the airplanes that crashed into the World Trade Center towers were illusions created by blue screen technology. See the The Bovine Gas Theory for more details, or the Jimmy Walter article.
• Professor Wood is stupid, or a criminal
For example, her site promotes the idiotic theories from the mysterious Finnish military expert who wants us to believe that the World Trade Center buildings were brought down by miniature hydrogen bombs that do not need a fission bomb to start the fusion. this technology exists, it is a secret. Why would a professor at Clemson University promote a theory that has absolutely no supporting evidence?
We could understand her mistake if she was a professor of art or music, but she is a professor of mechanical engineering. Therefore, her promotion of the miniature hydrogen bombs is certain to be deliberate deception.
• Professor Wood promotes other criminals
Her page that has links has several categories. Under her category “Favorite 9/11 Sites” she has Stefan Grossman’s site gallerize. We mention Grossman in these articles:
The Bovine Gas Theory
Why are we tolerating their deception?
Under her category “Excellent videos and articles” we find only these three entries:
• “Loose Change” (video), 2nd Edition
• 911 Eyewitness
• A Fairy Tale from Hell:  An Introduction to 9/11
She also includes links to 911blogger and other sites that promote idiotic theories, such as the airplanes were illusions created by blue screen technology. Also, she promotes sites that cannot find any Israeli involvement in 9-11.
Student comments about Professor WoodStudents wrote the following comments about Professor Wood at the website Rate My Professors. Only these three comments are available to the public:

She is an odd lady, to say the least. She is very good at what she does, but she can’t always explain it well enough for students to understand. SHE TAKES FOR EVER TO GIVE EXAMS BACK!!!!! It took here 3 weeks to give an exam back once.12/12/05
Like others said, she had good intentions and when she wasn’t trying to convince us Bush blew up the WTC she was actually nice, but she wasn’t a great teacher. Too many times she starts examples and doesn’t finish them. And yes, she was in a coma for 6 years. How crazy is that.11/30/05
She woke up from a coma and decided her calling was to become a professor. She did not really seem to know the material, and she was hopeless at trying to convey it to the student. She fails to be able to complete a thought if not a sentance. If it is possible at all, aviod her.
If these students are correct in their description of Professor Wood, she may be suffering from brain damage. This would fit the pattern that we find in his criminal network. Specifically, they look for people who can be taken advantage of in some manner, such as through deception, bridery, blackmail, and threats. Professor Wood is promoting the theory that the World Trade Center towers were brought down with miniature hydrogen bombs, and she may be promoting that theory because she honestly believes it due to brain damage.
She may not be a member of the criminal network; rather, she may be one of their Useful Idiots.
By the way, the possibility that a university professor has brain damage should not surprise you. Students and parents have been complaining for years that some teachers are incompetent; that we need to put teachers through tests; and that we should eliminate tenure because it is allowing the incompetent professors to have lifetime employment regardless of how appalling their behavior is.
Professor Wood’s personal website:
Read More Here
Even More Info Here

Hunter S Thompson

Hunter Thompson was working on WTC collapse story before mysterious sudden death, warned he’d be ‘suicided’ Hunter telephoned me on Feb. 19, the night before his death. He sounded scared. It wasn’t always easy to understand what he said, particularly over the phone, he mumbled, yet when there was something he really wanted you to understand, you did. He’d been working on a story about the World Trade Center attacks and had stumbled across what he felt was hard evidence showing the towers had been brought down not by the airplanes that flew into them but by explosive charges set off in their foundations. Now he thought someone was out to stop him publishing it: “They’re gonna make it look like suicide,” he said. “I know how these bastards think . . .”
Hunter S. Thompson … was indeed working on such a story.
Now check out this February 25 Associated Press story about Thompson’s death. Sounds a lot like a professional hit with a silencer:
“I was on the phone with him, he set the receiver down and he did it. I heard the clicking of the gun,” Anita Thompson told the Aspen Daily News in Friday’s editions.
She said her husband had asked her to come home from a health club so they could work on his weekly ESPN column…
Thompson said she heard a loud, muffled noise, but didn’t know what had happened. “I was waiting for him to get back on the phone,” she said.
(Her account to Rocky Mountain News reporter Jeff Kass is slightly different: “I did not hear any bang,” she told Kass. She added that Thompson’s son, who was in the house at the time, believed that a book had fallen when he heard the shot, according to Kass’ report.)
Mack White sums up the questions well:
Thompson’s family says he was not depressed, nor was he in enough to pain to kill himself. In fact, by all reports, he was quite happy. He was talking on the phone to his wife, getting ready to work on his column, when he decided it would be wise to kill himself, so that he could go out (we are told) while “still at the top of his form,” even though this would mean not finishing his column or his expose on 9/11 (potentially the most important thing he would ever write) (?)…
RELATED: Hunter S. Thompson Suicide Story Changes
This account says Thompson killed himself while sitting in a chair on his typewriter and yet the original account tells us that Thompson shot himself while talking to his wife on the phone in the kitchen. Why has the story changed andwhat is the significance of the word typed on the paper in light of the fact that Thompson said he would be ‘suicided’ before being able to release a major story on explosives bringing down the twin towers?
RELATED: Hunter S. Thompson thought 9/11 an inside job

Dan Wallace

Died at Age 23 On February 4th, 2007 According to the 9/11 “truth seekers”, members of his family often die in their sleep from heart attacks. Reports are here and hereConsidering those particular “truth seekers” lie about Zionism, why should we believe their explanation for his death?
We would be fools not to consider that this was a murder by Zionists.
If it was a murder, it shows what happens when you make a mistake in regards of who to trust.
Dan Wallace was a teenager when his father, Lt. Robert Wallace, a New York City firefighter, died during the September 11 attack. Dan Wallace became interested in exposing the truth about the September 11 attack.
Unfortunately for him — and the rest of us — he joined, a group of Zionists posing as truth seekers.
As a result of his mistake, instead of exposing 9/11, he helped promote deception and lies.
He supposedly just finished making a DVD that shows that the Council of Foreign Relations was behind the September 11 attack. [Link]
If you think the CFR is the mastermind of the corruption, read this:
Those of you who visit our site should know by now that we believe that virtually every group of 9/11 truth seekers is actually part of a Zionist gang trying to cover up the 9/11 crime.
One of the peculiar similarities between the deaths of Dan Wallace and Michael Zebuhr is the lack of interest in understanding why they died:
Michael was part of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth, but none of the scholars showed any interest in investigating his strange murder.
Dan Wallace was part of, but so far they are not showing any interest in demanding an autopsy to determine the cause of his strange death.
The people who did 9/11 are not playing games. They killed thousands of people on 9/11, and there are thousands more whose health is permanently damaged from breathing the demolition debris and microscropic particles caused by thermite.
In the century prior to the 9/11 attack the Zionists were responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people in various wars and slaughters.
If you cannot figure out who to trust, you may end up associating with criminals. The Zionists were trying to use Michael Zebuhr to show that Professor Jones was incorrect for believing that molten iron was pouring out of the south tower. The Zionists were trying to convince us that it was molten aluminum.
It is possible that Michael Zebuhr was killed because he started to realize that he was being used by the Zionists or is it possible that he killed because he began to realize that he was associating with criminals?

Even More Deaths To Research:
Bertha Champagne (Longtime babysitter for 911 Perp Marvin Bush’s family) — Crushed by a car
John P. O’Neill (FBI Counter-terrorism expert, Obsessed with catching Osama Bin Laden, Suspected Clinton/Bush/FBI complicity in the cover-up and protection of Bin Laden) — Died in the WTC on 9/11
Un-named Ticket Agent (Boston Logan Ticket Agent who checked Atta and Alomari) — Suicide
Suzanne Jovin (Yale Student who had a thesis about Osama Bin Laden, Her thesis adviser was an intelligence operative) — Murdered (Killer unknown)
Perry Kucinich (Brother of Congressman who advocated new 9/11 investigation) — Fell down
Ezra Harel (Chairman of the Israeli Company That Handled Security For All 9/11 Airports) — Heart attack
Bruce Ivins (Patsy in the 9/11-linked “Anthrax” Case) — Drug overdose

Our Posts on 9/11

9/11= False Flag Attack
9/11 hidden in Hollywood – was it being revealed to us before it happened?
Fake Victims of 9/11
9/11 Coincidence or Conspiracy?
A hijackers passport survived the inferno on 9/11?
9/11 Shock Opera… Act 4 – Building 7 and Flight 93: The Grand Finale that Wasn’t
Info About The Anthrax Mailings Of 2001
New 9/11 Coloring Book Features Terrorist Trading Cards – Including Julian Assange
What Hit The Pentagon On 9/11? A Missile or a Plane?
This Former Marine Was Picked Up By The FBI Over Facebook Posts About 9/11
9/11/12 Will Be The Official Completion Of The NWO?
Reality Check: The U.S. Government Created Al Qaeda?
FBI: 9/11 Truthers Should Be Treated As Possible Terrorists
Top IED expert arrested for Child Porn; Investigated 9/11 and Oklahoma
Bush Knew Bin Laden Murdered in 2001
CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July
US Invoked ‘State Secrets’ to Hide 9/11 Intelligence Failing
9/11: The WTC Elevator Key
Operation “Falcon Virgo” (to be conducted by the people who could NOT track 4 airliners on 9/11, but can pinpoint the location of Santa Claus.)
Michael Jackson: Rituals of Blood Sacrifice for 9/11 Event hidden in album Blood on the Dance Floor
10 Years Later: Still Conspiracies
The Osama Bin Laden Conspiracy…
Ex-FBI Employee Claims She Saw Angels at Flight 93
Truth behind 9/11 will annihilate Israel: Video
American Airlines and United to face multi-billion dollar lawsuit claiming 9/11 negligence
9/11 ‘Education’ Is Brainwashing Your Child (PDF Document)
Why does NASA have a 9/11 memorial on Mars?
TV and Movies Predict the Future
US President Ronald Reagan Meeting with the Taliban
The 9/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Agents
NSA Whistleblower Details How The NSA Has Spied On All US Citizens Since 9/11
Haunting picture predicted 9/11 thirteen years before the attack


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  4. Hey there,

    I just finished reading your article about the whistleblower deaths connected to 9/11, and I couldn't help but be captivated by the depth of research and information you've compiled. It's incredible how you've delved into this rather controversial topic and presented it in such a comprehensive and well-structured manner. Your dedication to shedding light on these lesser-known aspects of 9/11 is truly commendable, and it's evident that you've invested a lot of time and effort into this piece.

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