Tuesday, August 27, 2013

War Against Syria Wouild Be The Least Popular War In American History by WashingtonsBlog

War Against Syria Would Be The Least Popular War In American History

Far Less Support than All Recent Wars … Even Less Popular than the King of England During the Revolutionary War

Slate and Infowars both ask with the Syrian War is the least popular war in American history. They point to much higher support for the Vietnam war … even in the midst of mass opposition to those hostilities.
Slate also notes:
47 percent of Americans supported the U.S. intervention in Libya in 2011, which Talking Points Memo noted at the time was the “lowest level of support for an American military campaign in at least 30 years.” Seventy-six percent of American initially supported the Iraq War, and 90 percent supported U.S. action in Afghanistan in 2001.
On the eve of NATO military action in Kosovo in 1999, Gallup described public support as “tepid” at 46 percent. By contrast, 81 percent of Americans thought that George H.W. Bush was “doing the right thing” prior to the beginning of Operation Restore Hope in Somalia. Fifty-three percent initially supported in the invasion of Grenada. Even at their worst points, support for the wars in Iraq and Vietnam hovered around 30 percent.

In contract, only 9% support a war against Syria.
There was 500% more support for the Iraq war when it started than a war against Syria today.
And ABC News pointed out in 2011:
In 1945, at the height of the war and when public polling was in its infancy, the American Institute of Public Opinion found that 75 percent of respondents favored continuing to fight until the German army was “completely defeated,” even if Adolf Hitler offered to make peace ….
According to Gallup polls, nearly eight out of 10 Americans supported former President Harry Truman’s decision to send troops to Korea in 1950 shortly after World War II concluded.
Indeed, more Americans supported the King of England during the Revolutionary War than support a war against Syria today.
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The U.S. Has Repeatedly Falsely Accused Others of Chemical and Biological Weapons Use

Shouldn’t We Be Cautious … Given the Repeated Bogus Claims?

In 1981, the U.S. accused the Soviets of supplying chemical weapons to Communist states in Vietnam and Laos for use in counterinsurgency warfare. It turned out that the “yellow rain” which the U.S. became hysterical about was actually honeybee feces.
The U.S. bombed a chemical weapons factory in Sudan in 1998. It turned out that it only made pharmaceutical drugs.
The U.S. accused Iraq of possessing chemical weapons … even though everyone knew that it didn’t.
Government officials confirm that the white House tried to link the anthrax attacks to Iraq as a justification for regime change in that country, even though it was obvious that there was no connection to Iraq.
And the U.S. accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons a couple of months ago … but the evidence points away from such a claim.
Given the history, shouldn’t we be cautious about chemical weapons claims … especially when experts are skeptical?

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