Friday, July 19, 2013

The Boston Bombings: A tale of drills, patsies and terrible, terible geography by Mohammed Ismail

The Boston Bombings: A tale of drills, patsies and terrible, terrible geography
by Mohammed Ismail on Apr 29, 2013 • 8:03 pm No Comments
[UPDATE: Men previously thought to be pat of Craft International, could be part of National Guard Civil Support Teams (CSTs) 
Despite some sites claiming otherwise, picture below shows the man suspected of carrying the improvised explosive device in his backpack, still carrying his backpack after the explosion.
(Zoom in to the van near the finish line - two men wearing black jackets and brown khakis, clearly still carrying their backpacks)
On 15th April 2013, as marathon runners were crossing the finish line in the Boston marathon, two explosions – 10 seconds and about 100 yards apart – took place near the finish line. It was a scene of blood, debris and carnage.
Chief of emergency services at Massachusetts General Hospital, Alasdair Conn, said: “This is something I’ve never seen in my 25 years here … this amount of carnage in the civilian population. This is what we expect from war.”
The FBI were quick on the scene. Initial reports stated the bombs were homemade devices and were hidden along the marathon route.
By 18th April, the FBI were able to release photographs and videos of two suspects believed to have been involved in the Boston Marathon bombings.
FBI special agent in charge of the investigation, Richard Des Lauriers said, “The FBI developed a second suspect. “Suspect 1, is wearing a dark hat. Suspect 2—set down a backpack” at the site of the second explosion, he said during a press conference.

The two suspects were later identified as 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his 19-year-old brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. However, what has not been mentioned much in the media is how the FBI came to consider the two brothers as the main suspects.
Marathon bombings victim Jeff Bauman, 27, “whilst under heavy sedation for his injury”, was still able to identify to the FBI that the Tsarnaev brothers were responsible for the bombings and were the perpetrators who wore, “a cap, sunglasses and a black jacket over a hooded sweatshirt.” The FBI decided to take Bauman's eye-witness account, despite his condition.
The Hunt
As police began their search for the one remaining suspect on the 19th April, the city of Boston was placed in a state of complete lockdown. The older of the two brothers had reportedly been killed in a shoot-out with the police. State police announced that they would carry out a “controlled explosion” at the home where the two brothers lived.
The father of the two suspects, Anzor Tsarnaev, said, “Someone framed them. I don't know who exactly did it, but someone did and being cowards, they shot the boy dead...there are cops like this...I'm afraid for my other boy, maybe he will be shot dead too.”
“What else can I say? I have confidence in my children, in their innocence – I don't know what happened over there, how this came about. Only God Almighty and the person who did it know what really happened and the Almighty will punish them for that.”
The mother of the Tsarnaev brothers says her sons are innocent and are in fact victims of a set up:
“What I can say is, I am really sure...I am like a 100% sure that this is a setup. My two sons are really innocent...
“He (Dzhokhar) was controlled by the FBI, like for three, five years. They knew what my son was doing, they knew what actions and what sites on the Internet he was going [to], they used to come … and talk to me … they were telling me that he was really a serious leader and they were afraid of him.”
“How could this happen?…They were controlling every step of him, and they are telling today that this is a terrorist attack.
“They were talking to my son, and they called me officially and they told me that my son is an excellent boy and they have no problem with him…”
“At the same time, they were telling me that…he is getting information on really extremists…sites, so they were very, very afraid of him. So that’s why I think that this is a setup.”
Dzhokhar, an American citizen, spoke with a friend on 18th April whilst on the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth campus. His friend told CBS News there was “nothing out of the ordinary in their conversation.”
The Supposed Shootout – 19th April
The following is a transcript of an eye-witness’ account of the arrest of the naked man in the video:
GRIFFIN: And tell us what you saw from the moment you stepped on the scene.
RAMIREZ: So, I followed a couple of squad cars down Nichols Street towards Dexter. It was immediately a chaotic situation. I jumped out. There were a couple of other journalists there. We ran towards the scene. The police had, from multitudes of agencies, all had their weapons drawn, pointing at a vehicle that we could not see from our vantage point.
They were screaming for the man — for somebody to put his hands up, to get out of the car. At some point he did do that, because then we could tell that the officers were relaxing. We still couldn’t see the car or the suspect.
Then at some point they brought him from his vehicle to a police car. He was completely naked. He had been — during the confrontation, I did hear him and I believe you may be able to hear this on the tape we shot. He did — they did — they were ordering him to remove all his clothes, including his underwear. It was clear. It was clear.
GRIFFIN: You heard the police officers say, remove all your clothes?
GRIFFIN: Remove your skivvies?
RAMIREZ: Exactly, exactly. So that’s when they brought him completely naked into a police car.
GRIFFIN: Was he in handcuffs?
RAMIREZ: I believe he was cuffed, yes. He was being escorted, put in the car.
So about 10 or 15 minutes ago, the FBI arrived. When they –
GRIFFIN: When you say the FBI arrived, what kind of vehicle and who came out of that vehicle?
RAMIREZ: Several FBI agents in various states of either civilian clothes or tactical gear, wearing their blue FBI jackets. They came out; they went to the vehicle where the suspect was seated and removed him from the vehicle at one point. Now at this point they had gotten him dressed. He was still barefoot, he was wearing pants and a jacket, handcuffed from behind.
They led him away from the vehicle, towards a wall of a business. They shined flashlights in his face and it looked like they were taking photographs, like couldn’t tell exactly what they were doing, but it looked like they were taking photographs of his face.
Once they completed that, they walked him back to the vehicle and started to question him extensively for about five to 10 minutes. Then they put him back in the vehicle.
On 18th April, police denied the man in the video was Tamerlan. They said he was in fact the carjack victim, who, out of precaution, was stripped and questioned, but eventually allowed to go. But according to the Boston Globe and the Telegraph, the carjack victim was later identified as Danny, 26, an immigrant entrepreneur from China.
It is safe to say the naked man in the video is not Chinese. So who was he? Why would they steal his car from him, but then allow him to go free, unharmed?
Just to add to the confusion, there is another video in which a fully-clothed man was ordered by police to lie face-down on the ground. He is evidently not the same man as the one paraded by police in the ‘naked man video’.
Maret Tsarnaev, the aunt of the two brothers, is now on record as saying she is 100% sure the naked man in the above video is in fact her nephew Tamerlan:
The official narrative then states police captured Tamerlan and handcuffed him. Dzhokhar then made his getaway in an SUV, running over, dragging and killing his brother in the process. 
Linda, an eyewitness to the event called into WEEI 93.7FM and explained how the shootout in Watertown transpired. She said she and her boyfriend witnessed the first suspect (Tamerlan) get hit by a police SUV and then get shot multiple times. 
Following the explosion, Zubeidat Tsarnaev, mother of the two suspects, phoned her son Tamerlan to ensure he was safe. Tamerlan replied laughingly, “Mama, why are you worrying?” 
During the time of the supposed shootout with the police, Tamerlan was then the one to call his mother saying, “The police, they have started shooting at us, they are chasing us…Mama, I love you.” Mrs Tsarnaev then says the phone went silent. 
The Boat – 19th April
Police eventually lifted the order to remain indoors but advised citizens to remain vigilant. David Henneberry, a resident of Watertown, left his home for some fresh air having been forced to remain indoors by the city-wide lockdown. He noticed the cover on his boat was loose. “The tarp on his winterised boat had sort of been flapping in the wind,” said his stepson Robert Duffy. 
“He got closer and realised that one of the retention straps had literally been cut — not chafed, not broken or unhooked,” Duffy added. Upon approaching the boat, Henneberry saw what looked like blood on the tarpaulin. Lifting the tarpaulin, Henneberry saw a bloodied man. He immediately rushed into his house and called the police.
A police helicopter was then used to take shots of the boat using the on-board infrared camera. One of these images clearly shows a man attempting to leave the boat,but the official story states that he was in critical condition before the police arrived on the scene. Three Boston police officers responded to Henneberry’s call, and saw Dzhokhar attempting to leave the boat. We are told the police then engaged in an exchange of gunfire with the suspect during which the police state they riddled the boat with bullets. The important word to note here is “exchange” for reasons which will become clear shortly.
Due to the nature of events such as the Boston bombings, we only know what little information is provided to us via the mainstream media. The official narrative had – at the time of the incident – and continues to have many contradictions and unanswered questions. Nevertheless, when it came to filing the official sword FBI affidavit, it was much easier to catch the liars in the act as it would become much more difficult for them to make up facts on the spot.
By 22nd April, the affidavit which was filed under seal, was available online for all to see. The full can be viewed here. 
Page 11 of the sword testimony described the capture of Dzhokhar as thus: 
sarnaev unarmed
Police claimed Dzhokhar had shot at them from the boat and was “captured with several weapons.” 
However, it was later confirmed (in the Washington Post) by police officials that the suspect had no firearms on his person at the time of arrest. “…the suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing had no firearms when he came under a barrage of police gunfire that struck the boat where he was hiding, according to multiple federal law enforcement officials. 
“Authorities said they were desperate to capture Dzhokhar Tsarnaev so he could be questioned. The FBI, however, declined to discuss what prompted the gunfire.” 
The FBI then fell silent and refused to give any details as to what initiated the shootout and whether this shootout was the cause of Dzhokhar’s injuries. What’s more, this development in the story merely adds more confusion regarding previous details given by officials. Initially officials claimed the suspect was in critical condition because he had attempted to take his own life whilst in the boat. How was this possible when no gun was found at the scene of the shootout? 
The Jihadi Narrative – The FBI Connection
Despite neighbours describing the brothers as “sociable, compassionate and friendly,” and others expressing shock that either of them were involved in the bombing, a YouTube account belonging to Tamerlan was showcased on the mainstream media so as to steer your emotions a certain way and to ensure the official narrative would be accepted by the mass population – and steered they were. The city-wide lockdown only served to prevent eyewitnesses from seeing the actual events that would transpire later on. 
People immediately jumped onto their Facebook and Twitter accounts cursing Muslims, Arabs, the Czech Republic and even Czechoslovakia – a sovereign state which was peacefully dissolved and as of 1st January 1993 became two independent countries: the Czech Republic and Slovakia. With that history lesson in mind, enjoy the following tweets:
In regards to Tamerlan, an anonymous US government officials said he had travelled to Russia in 2012 and returned to the US after six months. We have already established (mother’s interview above), the FBI had been controlling/shadowing the two brothers for several years. 
At this point, I would like to remind you of a couple of historical events, which share striking resemblances with the Boston bombing:
On 22nd November 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald was framed and arrested for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Not only was Oswald shadowed by the FBI, he reported to them many times from 1961 until his cold-blooded murder in 1963. 
The second event was the bombing of the World Trade Centres (New York) in 1993. Thanks to FBI informant, Emad Salem, who – before it was too late – realised the FBI had set up the event as a sting operation to capture patsies. Subsequently, he secretly recorded a conversation with his FBI handler (John Anticev), complaining that he had been given an actual bomb and not a dummy.
Another bit of information to keep in mind as this story develops, was covered in an interesting article in the NY Times, which reported that several of the terror plots supposedly stopped by the FBI, “…were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naïvely played their parts until they were arrested.”
Furthermore, Judge Napolitano has said on air that the FBI have been involved in at least 17 false-flag plots since 9/11.
Excited at the prospect of another sensationalist story, some news channels were quick to jump on Tamerlan’s possible link with fighters in Chechnya, and ran with it. 
However, the official media outlet of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate Province of Dagestan, VDagestan, issued a statement saying: 
“After the events in Boston, the US, information has been distributed in the press saying that one of the Tsarnaev brothers spent 6 months in Dagestan in 2012. On this basis, there are speculative assumptions that he may have been associated with the Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate, in particular with the Mujahideen of Dagestan.
The Command of the Province of Dagestan indicates in this regard that the Caucasian Mujahideen are not fighting against the United States of America. We are at war with Russia, which is not only responsible for the occupation of the Caucasus, but also for heinous crimes against Muslims.
Also, remember that even in respect to the enemy state of Russia, which is fighting the Caucasus Emirate, there is an order by the Emir Dokku Umarov, which prohibits strikes on civilian targets.
In this regard, the Command of the Mujahideen of the Province of Dagestan urges the media, primarily the American, to halt speculations and promotion of Russian propaganda.
If the US government is really interested in establishing the true organizers of Boston bombings, and not in complicity with the Russian show, it should focus on the involvement of Russian security services in the events”.
Command of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate Province of Dagestan
It should also be noted, the official story states the brothers robbed a 7-eleven and stole a car in order to get out of town. Does that sound like the actions of individuals who were sponsored by foreign fighters to carry out an attack in the US? 
The Ever-coincidental Drill
Before the bombs exploded, several announcements were made that the extra security in place was because there was a “drill”.
Speaking toLocal 15 News, University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach Ali Stevenson said, “They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about.
“It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.” 
Stevenson added he “thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.” 
Having a drill of a very similar nature and overlapping the actual attack coincides with previous false-flag terror attacks such as the 7/7 London bombings.
If there was in fact a drill, why when asked did Boston Police Commissioner state there was no specific intelligence” of a drill? 
Continuing our comparison of the eerily similar framing of Oswald and the Tsarnaev brothers, when Oswald was caught by police after being framed for “murdering a police officer”, he protested his innocence.
Reporter: “Oswald, did you shoot the President?”
Oswald: “I didn’t shoot anybody, sir. I haven’t been told what I’m hear for.”
Reporter: “Do you have lawyer?”
Oswald: “No sir, I don’t.” 
Do you recall the phone call Tamerlan made to his mother as police started shooting at him and his brother? Did that sound like someone who knew what was going on? 
Before being gunned down by Jack Ruby in the Dallas Police Department basement, Oswald was able to declare: 
Oswald: “…I don’t know what this is all about.”
Reporter: “Did you kill the President?”
Oswald: “No sir, I didn’t”
Reporter: “Were you in the building at the time.”
Oswald: “Naturally if I work in that building, yes sir.”
Reporter: “Did you kill the president?”
Oswald: “No, they’re taking me in because of the fact that I lived in the Soviet Union. I’m just a patsy.” 
The brothers will never the chance to shout out, “we’re just patsies.” One of them was run over and shot multiple times and according to doctors at Beth Israel hospital, the other may never speak again. The biggest clue we get in the case of Dzhokhar is a tweet he published on 2nd September, 2012. With it, he illustrates his distrust in the government and terror attacks on US soil. So the question which begs to be asked is, why would anyone who knew 9/11 was an inside job, want to commit a terror attack in the US when they know the only ones who benefited from 9/11 were the US and Israeli governments. 
As Oswald was being hustled away from one of the press conferences, he leaned slightly towards a reporter and said, “A policeman hit me.” However, the press decided to ignore this as an explanation for his bruised face and later on reported the official narrative, which was the bruises were a result of a slight scuffle during his arrest. 
Similarly, despite two eyewitnesses reporting to have seen a police SUV run over Tamerlan, police have once again told the media what to report; namely that it was Dzhokhar who ran over, dragged and killed his own brother whilst trying to get away. 
Oswald’s loved ones and those who knew him pleaded his innocence,but their pleas fell on deaf ears. The brothers’ aunt, mother and father have all come out stating that the two were setup. 
Both Oswald and the Tsarnaev brothers have been exonerated by the alternative media by photographs from the respective days. 
Expert photographic analysis of the following image has revealed that the man in the doorway was in fact Lee Harvey Oswald, rendering everything in the Warren Report as false.
Likewise, photographs and video stills taken during and after the two explosions in Boston prove the innocence of at least Dzhokhar who can be seen leaving the scene with his backpack.
Dzhokhar’s backpack is clearly white with black stripes, yet FBI Special Agent in Charge, Richard Deslauriers stated that the IED was hidden in black nylon backpacks. Interestingly enough, the FBI chose to only release pictures in which it was not possible to identify the colour of Dzhokhar’s backpack. It is only by the grace of God and runners/spectators deciding to take pictures that we have evidence proving the lies of the FBI. Now you understand why the FBI took all surveillance footage from that day, and insists on ignoring the pictures/videos taken by the people.
Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, as well as many others, claim to have seen surveillance footage showing Dzhokhar dropping his backpack, and calmly walking away before the explosion. If they have such hard-hitting evidence, why not release it to the public to put an end to the theories and speculation?

What ‘s more, in all the images in the public domain, Dzhokhar is holding his bag over his right shoulder. The following image was taken after the explosion. In it, his right hand is at the height you would normally have it if holding onto a bag, proving he left the scene with his backpack.
Note the position of the right hand – holding onto his backpack, which he wore over his right shoulder in all of the other pictures.
Enemy Narrative
Prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US had undertaken military “interventions” in Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and the Dominican Republic, as well as sending great amounts of military aid to Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. All this was done on the basis that there was a real and legitimate threat from the Soviet Union. Countless lives and trillions of dollars were taken from the American people to make such a feat possible. It would be an understatement to label the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) in the US as an out of control beast. 
It therefore made sense to use a man who visited Russia on a regular basis and spoke Russian as a patsy in the assassination of President Kennedy. 
After the Soviet Union collapsed, it was no longer possible to justify the huge arsenal nor the military bases around the world. The US had to rethink its foreign policy in order to maintain its military establishment. The MIC had to become relevant and needed again. On 4th February, 1992, the New York Times said, “…in a world where the postwar enemy has ceased to exist, the C.I.A. and its handful of sister agencies, with their billion-dollar satellites and mountains of classified documents, must somehow remain relevant in the minds of Americans.” 
America needed a new enemy. 
Colin Powell, the then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, “I want to scare the hell out of the rest of the world. I don’t say that in a bellicose way.” Though Powell claimed he was not being aggressive, during the Bush administration’s four year term, the US launched two wars: one against Panama and one against Iraq. All this aggression was to reinforce in the American psyche the need to continue building the MIC. 
America’s new enemy became the “Muslim fundamentalist”. A decade before the collapse of the Soviet Union, America was aiding the Muslim fighters in Afghanistan to defeat the invading Soviet forces. Operation Cyclone was the name of the most covert operations conducted by the US to fund, train and arm fighters against the Soviet Union. Funding began at 20-30 million dollars a year in 1980, and would eventually rise to $630 million by 1987. Standing before a group of Afghan fighters, the then United States National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, declared, “That land over there is yours, you’ll go back to it one day because your fight will prevail and you’ll have your homes, your mosques back again because your cause is right and God is on your side.” 
Cue the first boogeyman of the 21st century – Alqaeda.
Today, Afghanistan is no longer the home of freedom fighters, according to the US, but rather a hotbed of fanatical radicals who threaten US security. The truth of the matter is, as Brzezinski said in his book, arming and training the Afghan fighters when they did had served its purpose – to quash any Russian influence in the area – and they (the fighters) were no longer needed. Overnight, the US has changed its foreign policy from championing the cause of the Afghan fighters, to labelling them as terrorists. 
As a result, the American people have been conditioned to feel fear and suspicion whenever any mention of a suspect (Tamerlan) travelling to a place rife with Muslim fighters (Russia) is made in the media. Tamerlan, like Oswald, was able to travel to Russia without alerting the national security teams of both nations. 
The fact of the matter is, the Tsarnaev brothers were the perfect patsies. Their movements were monitored by the FBI 100% of the way until their role in the grand chess game, came to an end. 





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The Boston Bombings: A tale of drills, patsies and terrible, terrible geography
by Mohammed Ismail on Apr 29, 2013 • 8:03 pm No Comments
[UPDATE: Men previously thought to be pat of Craft International, could be part of National Guard Civil Support Teams (CSTs) 
Despite some sites claiming otherwise, picture below shows the man suspected of carrying the improvised explosive device in his backpack, still carrying his backpack after the explosion.
(Zoom in to the van near the finish line - two men wearing black jackets and brown khakis, clearly still carrying their backpacks)
On 15th April 2013, as marathon runners were crossing the finish line in the Boston marathon, two explosions – 10 seconds and about 100 yards apart – took place near the finish line. It was a scene of blood, debris and carnage.
Chief of emergency services at Massachusetts General Hospital, Alasdair Conn, said: “This is something I’ve never seen in my 25 years here … this amount of carnage in the civilian population. This is what we expect from war.”
The FBI were quick on the scene. Initial reports stated the bombs were homemade devices and were hidden along the marathon route.
By 18th April, the FBI were able to release photographs and videos of two suspects believed to have been involved in the Boston Marathon bombings.
FBI special agent in charge of the investigation, Richard Des Lauriers said, “The FBI developed a second suspect. “Suspect 1, is wearing a dark hat. Suspect 2—set down a backpack” at the site of the second explosion, he said during a press conference.
The two suspects were later identified as 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his 19-year-old brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. However, what has not been mentioned much in the media is how the FBI came to consider the two brothers as the main suspects.
Marathon bombings victim Jeff Bauman, 27, “whilst under heavy sedation for his injury”, was still able to identify to the FBI that the Tsarnaev brothers were responsible for the bombings and were the perpetrators who wore, “a cap, sunglasses and a black jacket over a hooded sweatshirt.” The FBI decided to take Bauman's eye-witness account, despite his condition.
The Hunt
As police began their search for the one remaining suspect on the 19th April, the city of Boston was placed in a state of complete lockdown. The older of the two brothers had reportedly been killed in a shoot-out with the police. State police announced that they would carry out a “controlled explosion” at the home where the two brothers lived.
The father of the two suspects, Anzor Tsarnaev, said, “Someone framed them. I don't know who exactly did it, but someone did and being cowards, they shot the boy dead...there are cops like this...I'm afraid for my other boy, maybe he will be shot dead too.”
“What else can I say? I have confidence in my children, in their innocence – I don't know what happened over there, how this came about. Only God Almighty and the person who did it know what really happened and the Almighty will punish them for that.”
The mother of the Tsarnaev brothers says her sons are innocent and are in fact victims of a set up:
“What I can say is, I am really sure...I am like a 100% sure that this is a setup. My two sons are really innocent...
“He (Dzhokhar) was controlled by the FBI, like for three, five years. They knew what my son was doing, they knew what actions and what sites on the Internet he was going [to], they used to come … and talk to me … they were telling me that he was really a serious leader and they were afraid of him.”
“How could this happen?…They were controlling every step of him, and they are telling today that this is a terrorist attack.

“FBI, they were scared of my oldest son, they always told me that he’s a leader…they are afraid of him because, you know, he is a leader, he talks about Islam a lot.
“They were talking to my son, and they called me officially and they told me that my son is an excellent boy and they have no problem with him…”
“At the same time, they were telling me that…he is getting information on really extremists…sites, so they were very, very afraid of him. So that’s why I think that this is a setup.”
Dzhokhar, an American citizen, spoke with a friend on 18th April whilst on the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth campus. His friend told CBS News there was “nothing out of the ordinary in their conversation.”
The Supposed Shootout – 19th April
The following is a transcript of an eye-witness’ account of the arrest of the naked man in the video:
GRIFFIN: And tell us what you saw from the moment you stepped on the scene.
RAMIREZ: So, I followed a couple of squad cars down Nichols Street towards Dexter. It was immediately a chaotic situation. I jumped out. There were a couple of other journalists there. We ran towards the scene. The police had, from multitudes of agencies, all had their weapons drawn, pointing at a vehicle that we could not see from our vantage point.
They were screaming for the man — for somebody to put his hands up, to get out of the car. At some point he did do that, because then we could tell that the officers were relaxing. We still couldn’t see the car or the suspect.
Then at some point they brought him from his vehicle to a police car. He was completely naked. He had been — during the confrontation, I did hear him and I believe you may be able to hear this on the tape we shot. He did — they did — they were ordering him to remove all his clothes, including his underwear. It was clear. It was clear.
GRIFFIN: You heard the police officers say, remove all your clothes?
GRIFFIN: Remove your skivvies?
RAMIREZ: Exactly, exactly. So that’s when they brought him completely naked into a police car.
GRIFFIN: Was he in handcuffs?
RAMIREZ: I believe he was cuffed, yes. He was being escorted, put in the car.
So about 10 or 15 minutes ago, the FBI arrived. When they –
GRIFFIN: When you say the FBI arrived, what kind of vehicle and who came out of that vehicle?
RAMIREZ: Several FBI agents in various states of either civilian clothes or tactical gear, wearing their blue FBI jackets. They came out; they went to the vehicle where the suspect was seated and removed him from the vehicle at one point. Now at this point they had gotten him dressed. He was still barefoot, he was wearing pants and a jacket, handcuffed from behind.
They led him away from the vehicle, towards a wall of a business. They shined flashlights in his face and it looked like they were taking photographs, like couldn’t tell exactly what they were doing, but it looked like they were taking photographs of his face.
Once they completed that, they walked him back to the vehicle and started to question him extensively for about five to 10 minutes. Then they put him back in the vehicle.
On 18th April, police denied the man in the video was Tamerlan. They said he was in fact the carjack victim, who, out of precaution, was stripped and questioned, but eventually allowed to go. But according to the Boston Globe and the Telegraph, the carjack victim was later identified as Danny, 26, an immigrant entrepreneur from China.
It is safe to say the naked man in the video is not Chinese. So who was he? Why would they steal his car from him, but then allow him to go free, unharmed?
Just to add to the confusion, there is another video in which a fully-clothed man was ordered by police to lie face-down on the ground. He is evidently not the same man as the one paraded by police in the ‘naked man video’.
Maret Tsarnaev, the aunt of the two brothers, is now on record as saying she is 100% sure the naked man in the above video is in fact her nephew Tamerlan:
The official narrative then states police captured Tamerlan and handcuffed him. Dzhokhar then made his getaway in an SUV, running over, dragging and killing his brother in the process. 
Linda, an eyewitness to the event called into WEEI 93.7FM and explained how the shootout in Watertown transpired. She said she and her boyfriend witnessed the first suspect (Tamerlan) get hit by a police SUV and then get shot multiple times. 
Following the explosion, Zubeidat Tsarnaev, mother of the two suspects, phoned her son Tamerlan to ensure he was safe. Tamerlan replied laughingly, “Mama, why are you worrying?” 
During the time of the supposed shootout with the police, Tamerlan was then the one to call his mother saying, “The police, they have started shooting at us, they are chasing us…Mama, I love you.” Mrs Tsarnaev then says the phone went silent. 
The Boat – 19th April
Police eventually lifted the order to remain indoors but advised citizens to remain vigilant. David Henneberry, a resident of Watertown, left his home for some fresh air having been forced to remain indoors by the city-wide lockdown. He noticed the cover on his boat was loose. “The tarp on his winterised boat had sort of been flapping in the wind,” said his stepson Robert Duffy. 
“He got closer and realised that one of the retention straps had literally been cut — not chafed, not broken or unhooked,” Duffy added. Upon approaching the boat, Henneberry saw what looked like blood on the tarpaulin. Lifting the tarpaulin, Henneberry saw a bloodied man. He immediately rushed into his house and called the police.
A police helicopter was then used to take shots of the boat using the on-board infrared camera. One of these images clearly shows a man attempting to leave the boat,but the official story states that he was in critical condition before the police arrived on the scene. Three Boston police officers responded to Henneberry’s call, and saw Dzhokhar attempting to leave the boat. We are told the police then engaged in an exchange of gunfire with the suspect during which the police state they riddled the boat with bullets. The important word to note here is “exchange” for reasons which will become clear shortly.
Due to the nature of events such as the Boston bombings, we only know what little information is provided to us via the mainstream media. The official narrative had – at the time of the incident – and continues to have many contradictions and unanswered questions. Nevertheless, when it came to filing the official sword FBI affidavit, it was much easier to catch the liars in the act as it would become much more difficult for them to make up facts on the spot.
By 22nd April, the affidavit which was filed under seal, was available online for all to see. The full can be viewed here. 
Page 11 of the sword testimony described the capture of Dzhokhar as thus: 
sarnaev unarmed
Police claimed Dzhokhar had shot at them from the boat and was “captured with several weapons.” 
However, it was later confirmed (in the Washington Post) by police officials that the suspect had no firearms on his person at the time of arrest. “…the suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing had no firearms when he came under a barrage of police gunfire that struck the boat where he was hiding, according to multiple federal law enforcement officials. 
“Authorities said they were desperate to capture Dzhokhar Tsarnaev so he could be questioned. The FBI, however, declined to discuss what prompted the gunfire.” 
The FBI then fell silent and refused to give any details as to what initiated the shootout and whether this shootout was the cause of Dzhokhar’s injuries. What’s more, this development in the story merely adds more confusion regarding previous details given by officials. Initially officials claimed the suspect was in critical condition because he had attempted to take his own life whilst in the boat. How was this possible when no gun was found at the scene of the shootout? 
The Jihadi Narrative – The FBI Connection
Despite neighbours describing the brothers as “sociable, compassionate and friendly,” and others expressing shock that either of them were involved in the bombing, a YouTube account belonging to Tamerlan was showcased on the mainstream media so as to steer your emotions a certain way and to ensure the official narrative would be accepted by the mass population – and steered they were. The city-wide lockdown only served to prevent eyewitnesses from seeing the actual events that would transpire later on. 
People immediately jumped onto their Facebook and Twitter accounts cursing Muslims, Arabs, the Czech Republic and even Czechoslovakia – a sovereign state which was peacefully dissolved and as of 1st January 1993 became two independent countries: the Czech Republic and Slovakia. With that history lesson in mind, enjoy the following tweets:
In regards to Tamerlan, an anonymous US government officials said he had travelled to Russia in 2012 and returned to the US after six months. We have already established (mother’s interview above), the FBI had been controlling/shadowing the two brothers for several years. 
At this point, I would like to remind you of a couple of historical events, which share striking resemblances with the Boston bombing:
On 22nd November 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald was framed and arrested for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Not only was Oswald shadowed by the FBI, he reported to them many times from 1961 until his cold-blooded murder in 1963. 
The second event was the bombing of the World Trade Centres (New York) in 1993. Thanks to FBI informant, Emad Salem, who – before it was too late – realised the FBI had set up the event as a sting operation to capture patsies. Subsequently, he secretly recorded a conversation with his FBI handler (John Anticev), complaining that he had been given an actual bomb and not a dummy.
Another bit of information to keep in mind as this story develops, was covered in an interesting article in the NY Times, which reported that several of the terror plots supposedly stopped by the FBI, “…were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naïvely played their parts until they were arrested.”
Furthermore, Judge Napolitano has said on air that the FBI have been involved in at least 17 false-flag plots since 9/11.
Excited at the prospect of another sensationalist story, some news channels were quick to jump on Tamerlan’s possible link with fighters in Chechnya, and ran with it. 
However, the official media outlet of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate Province of Dagestan, VDagestan, issued a statement saying: 
“After the events in Boston, the US, information has been distributed in the press saying that one of the Tsarnaev brothers spent 6 months in Dagestan in 2012. On this basis, there are speculative assumptions that he may have been associated with the Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate, in particular with the Mujahideen of Dagestan.
The Command of the Province of Dagestan indicates in this regard that the Caucasian Mujahideen are not fighting against the United States of America. We are at war with Russia, which is not only responsible for the occupation of the Caucasus, but also for heinous crimes against Muslims.
Also, remember that even in respect to the enemy state of Russia, which is fighting the Caucasus Emirate, there is an order by the Emir Dokku Umarov, which prohibits strikes on civilian targets.
In this regard, the Command of the Mujahideen of the Province of Dagestan urges the media, primarily the American, to halt speculations and promotion of Russian propaganda.
If the US government is really interested in establishing the true organizers of Boston bombings, and not in complicity with the Russian show, it should focus on the involvement of Russian security services in the events”.
Command of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate Province of Dagestan
It should also be noted, the official story states the brothers robbed a 7-eleven and stole a car in order to get out of town. Does that sound like the actions of individuals who were sponsored by foreign fighters to carry out an attack in the US? 
The Ever-coincidental Drill
Before the bombs exploded, several announcements were made that the extra security in place was because there was a “drill”.
Speaking toLocal 15 News, University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach Ali Stevenson said, “They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about.
“It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.” 
Stevenson added he “thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.” 
Having a drill of a very similar nature and overlapping the actual attack coincides with previous false-flag terror attacks such as the 7/7 London bombings.
If there was in fact a drill, why when asked did Boston Police Commissioner state there was no specific intelligence” of a drill? 
Continuing our comparison of the eerily similar framing of Oswald and the Tsarnaev brothers, when Oswald was caught by police after being framed for “murdering a police officer”, he protested his innocence.
Reporter: “Oswald, did you shoot the President?”
Oswald: “I didn’t shoot anybody, sir. I haven’t been told what I’m hear for.”
Reporter: “Do you have lawyer?”
Oswald: “No sir, I don’t.” 
Do you recall the phone call Tamerlan made to his mother as police started shooting at him and his brother? Did that sound like someone who knew what was going on? 
Before being gunned down by Jack Ruby in the Dallas Police Department basement, Oswald was able to declare: 
Oswald: “…I don’t know what this is all about.”
Reporter: “Did you kill the President?”
Oswald: “No sir, I didn’t”
Reporter: “Were you in the building at the time.”
Oswald: “Naturally if I work in that building, yes sir.”
Reporter: “Did you kill the president?”
Oswald: “No, they’re taking me in because of the fact that I lived in the Soviet Union. I’m just a patsy.” 
The brothers will never the chance to shout out, “we’re just patsies.” One of them was run over and shot multiple times and according to doctors at Beth Israel hospital, the other may never speak again. The biggest clue we get in the case of Dzhokhar is a tweet he published on 2nd September, 2012. With it, he illustrates his distrust in the government and terror attacks on US soil. So the question which begs to be asked is, why would anyone who knew 9/11 was an inside job, want to commit a terror attack in the US when they know the only ones who benefited from 9/11 were the US and Israeli governments. 
As Oswald was being hustled away from one of the press conferences, he leaned slightly towards a reporter and said, “A policeman hit me.” However, the press decided to ignore this as an explanation for his bruised face and later on reported the official narrative, which was the bruises were a result of a slight scuffle during his arrest. 
Similarly, despite two eyewitnesses reporting to have seen a police SUV run over Tamerlan, police have once again told the media what to report; namely that it was Dzhokhar who ran over, dragged and killed his own brother whilst trying to get away. 
Oswald’s loved ones and those who knew him pleaded his innocence,but their pleas fell on deaf ears. The brothers’ aunt, mother and father have all come out stating that the two were setup. 
Both Oswald and the Tsarnaev brothers have been exonerated by the alternative media by photographs from the respective days. 
Expert photographic analysis of the following image has revealed that the man in the doorway was in fact Lee Harvey Oswald, rendering everything in the Warren Report as false.
Likewise, photographs and video stills taken during and after the two explosions in Boston prove the innocence of at least Dzhokhar who can be seen leaving the scene with his backpack.
Dzhokhar’s backpack is clearly white with black stripes, yet FBI Special Agent in Charge, Richard Deslauriers stated that the IED was hidden in black nylon backpacks. Interestingly enough, the FBI chose to only release pictures in which it was not possible to identify the colour of Dzhokhar’s backpack. It is only by the grace of God and runners/spectators deciding to take pictures that we have evidence proving the lies of the FBI. Now you understand why the FBI took all surveillance footage from that day, and insists on ignoring the pictures/videos taken by the people.
Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, as well as many others, claim to have seen surveillance footage showing Dzhokhar dropping his backpack, and calmly walking away before the explosion. If they have such hard-hitting evidence, why not release it to the public to put an end to the theories and speculation?

What ‘s more, in all the images in the public domain, Dzhokhar is holding his bag over his right shoulder. The following image was taken after the explosion. In it, his right hand is at the height you would normally have it if holding onto a bag, proving he left the scene with his backpack.
Note the position of the right hand – holding onto his backpack, which he wore over his right shoulder in all of the other pictures.
Enemy Narrative
Prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US had undertaken military “interventions” in Korea, Vietnam, Cuba and the Dominican Republic, as well as sending great amounts of military aid to Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. All this was done on the basis that there was a real and legitimate threat from the Soviet Union. Countless lives and trillions of dollars were taken from the American people to make such a feat possible. It would be an understatement to label the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) in the US as an out of control beast. 
It therefore made sense to use a man who visited Russia on a regular basis and spoke Russian as a patsy in the assassination of President Kennedy. 
After the Soviet Union collapsed, it was no longer possible to justify the huge arsenal nor the military bases around the world. The US had to rethink its foreign policy in order to maintain its military establishment. The MIC had to become relevant and needed again. On 4th February, 1992, the New York Times said, “…in a world where the postwar enemy has ceased to exist, the C.I.A. and its handful of sister agencies, with their billion-dollar satellites and mountains of classified documents, must somehow remain relevant in the minds of Americans.” 
America needed a new enemy. 
Colin Powell, the then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, “I want to scare the hell out of the rest of the world. I don’t say that in a bellicose way.” Though Powell claimed he was not being aggressive, during the Bush administration’s four year term, the US launched two wars: one against Panama and one against Iraq. All this aggression was to reinforce in the American psyche the need to continue building the MIC. 
America’s new enemy became the “Muslim fundamentalist”. A decade before the collapse of the Soviet Union, America was aiding the Muslim fighters in Afghanistan to defeat the invading Soviet forces. Operation Cyclone was the name of the most covert operations conducted by the US to fund, train and arm fighters against the Soviet Union. Funding began at 20-30 million dollars a year in 1980, and would eventually rise to $630 million by 1987. Standing before a group of Afghan fighters, the then United States National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, declared, “That land over there is yours, you’ll go back to it one day because your fight will prevail and you’ll have your homes, your mosques back again because your cause is right and God is on your side.” 
Cue the first boogeyman of the 21st century – Alqaeda.
Today, Afghanistan is no longer the home of freedom fighters, according to the US, but rather a hotbed of fanatical radicals who threaten US security. The truth of the matter is, as Brzezinski said in his book, arming and training the Afghan fighters when they did had served its purpose – to quash any Russian influence in the area – and they (the fighters) were no longer needed. Overnight, the US has changed its foreign policy from championing the cause of the Afghan fighters, to labelling them as terrorists. 
As a result, the American people have been conditioned to feel fear and suspicion whenever any mention of a suspect (Tamerlan) travelling to a place rife with Muslim fighters (Russia) is made in the media. Tamerlan, like Oswald, was able to travel to Russia without alerting the national security teams of both nations. 
The fact of the matter is, the Tsarnaev brothers were the perfect patsies. Their movements were monitored by the FBI 100% of the way until their role in the grand chess game, came to an end. 





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