Thursday, April 18, 2013

Israel to Halt Mandatory Fluoridation

              Israel to Halt Mandatory Fluoridation

    Israel’s Health Minister German recently decided to halt mandatory fluoridation in the Country of Israel.
After looking at the science from both sides Health Minister German made a decision that will make her country a healthier place.
     It is likely that Health Minister German listened to Dr. Yolanda Whyte Pediatrician on her excellent observation on fluoridation.
     Michael Connett from the Fluoride Action Network adds to the information we already have about fluoride, with these ten important facts.
     With the upcoming town meeting concerning ending fluoridation in the Town of Templeton, this information is invaluable. 
     If you take the time to educate yourself on the health problems associated with water fluoridation you will be doing everyone in your community a huge favor. 


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