Sunday, January 6, 2013

Holocaust Revisionism

                      Holocaust Revisionism

     In a recent article in Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) it was announced that the Jewish Holocaust would be taught in Australia School Systems.
     Many believe that The Nation of Israel was strengthened politically and financially by the events of the Holocaust with many Jews moving to Israel due to World War II and the policy of The Final Solution.   The shame of what the world did to the alleged six million Jews acted as a catalyst for Israeli funding by not only Germany and the United States but also by World Banking Interests and others caught up in the shame the Holocaust story brought the world.  
     Growing up reading Exodus by Leon Uris and The Diary of Anne Frank in English classes taught here in our hometown, brought a feeling of remorse.  How could people do this to other people?  Hollywood and television documentaries did nothing but add to this loathing of self, but then came 9/11/01, Ground Zero and Court Case 02-2424C. 
     Case 02-2424C was a case heard at the Worcester Superior Court in early 2005 concerning contractual obligations where the facts seemed to have little to do with the outcome of the case.  As a public official it was new to me to see such apparent distortions of law and a total disregard for the truth.
     With 9/11 the mainstream media and public opinion did not seem to match the actual event.  There seemed to be much information ignored and distorted in the events of 9/11(similar to case 02-2424C) especially when it came to the possible involvement of Mossad and the CIA and other intelligence agencies  (see 9/11,Oil and The Brute Squad on Templeton Times blog) on that fateful day.

     The question for many became, if omission and deception are part of the formula for 9/11 and case 02-2424C does this also hold true for events concerning the Holocaust?   
     These Historical Revisionist believe that something quite different occurred in Germany concerning the Holocaust and here is some of their story.
     The literature on the subject of the Holocaust is vast.  The books that will be used as references for this blog involving Holocaust Revisionism include The Holocaust Hoax Exposed by Victor Thorn, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century by Arthur R. Butz and Dissecting the Holocaust by Germar Rudolf as Editor. 
     Paul Rassinier a former political prisoner at Buchenwald (from 1943-1945) and geographer first began writing on the Holocaust in 1948.  After several books questioning the gas chambers Mr. Rassinier reached a definitive conclusion on the tale of extermination of the Jews: “a historic lie: the most tragic and the most macabre imposture of all time”.   Rassinier’s works were not translated into English until Harry Elmer Barnes published The Drama of the European Jews in 1975. 
     Mr. Thorn an Author and reporter for The American Free Press’s book The Holocaust Hoax Exposed is a quick read and interesting.  This link gives an idea of what Mr. Thorn’s work is all about but is not exhaustive. There are three parts to this link totaling about fifteen minutes in all. 
     Here is part II.
     Here is part III.
     Mr. Butz is an Electrical Engineering teacher at Northwestern University in Chicago, his book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century is an excellent read and represents one of the base works concerning Historical Revisionism and The Holocaust.  The link below gives an idea of his topic that includes the gas chambers at Auschwitz.
     Here is part II
    Links total about thirty minutes.
    Germar Rudolf an accomplished Chemist edits a compilation of material about the Holocaust that is very informative.  Mr. Rudolf’s book Dissecting the Holocaust The Growing Critique of “Truth” and “Memory” is packed with alleged facts and figures from seventeen different authors who compile twenty- two articles in just under six hundred pages of fine print.  The reader will be impressed by the amount of information that has been gathered by the Historical Revisionists.  Here is Mr. Rudolf.
     There are approximately fifteen Countries that have laws to jail people who speak out about Historical Revisionism and the Holocaust; we are not on that list currently.  David Irving a famous English author and historian has been jailed for his work involving the Holocaust.  Here is what Mr. Irving’s historical research has uncovered concerning the Holocaust.
     One of the most hated Historical Revisionists on the mainstream media’s radar would have to be David Duke.  Here is Mr. Duke being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN.
     Here are some of Mr. Duke’s thoughts on the Holocaust.
     The topic of the Holocaust should be taught in our school systems as it has much to teach us.  Let all the alleged facts be placed on the learning table and especially the historical events that led us to the Holocaust story and those historical events that followed.
     Noam Chomsky noted Jewish author has written “The holocaust was the most extreme atrocity in the human history, and we lose our humanity if we are even willing to enter the arena of debate with those who seek to deny or underplay Nazi crimes… by accepting the presumption or legitimacy of debate on certain issues, one has already lost one’s humanity.”  Alternately another great man said “and the truth will set you free.”  Can we have it both ways with the Holocaust Story? 



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