Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Eleventh Marble

                 The Eleventh Marble   

     Templeton residents who have lost their homes due to foreclosure in the latest Ponzi scheme from Wall Street may be interested in learning about what has become known as “The Eleventh Marble”.  Some residents may have lost their homes due to a lost job or health reasons but some also lost their homes due to variable rate mortgages that moved upwards and became unpayable, it is the latter group that has become victim to “The Eleventh Marble.”  
     The Eleventh Marble is a concept that involves usury or interest on a loan. The explanation to this concept involves putting ten marbles in a can and somehow expecting to get eleven out of the can.  The eleventh marble is the interest on the ten marbles.  Because there are only ten marbles and eleven are owed some portion of the loan must be paid with something else of value, someone, somewhere, is going to lose something of value to who ever loaned the marbles out in the first place. For those who could not make the increased mortgage payments they fell victim to “The Eleventh Marble” by loosing their home.
     This same concept can be used on whole countries.  By lending money to countries that are in need bankers can place those countries in “The Eleventh Marble”.   Wars are a great way of getting countries into debt or “The Eleventh Marble.”  World War One comes to mind for America. 
     Hypothecation is a term used to explain how bankers can actually own a country but not take possession.  By following the money much can be learned about our current situation worldwide.  The following link is an excellent primer on money as debt.
     By learning who is the creditor and who is the debtor much can be learned by who controls what we see, hear and read. 
     It would appear at this time we are all controlled by that “Eleventh Marble” or money as debt.   

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