Thursday, September 20, 2012

Infant Formula Warning Fluoride

             Infant Formula Warning Fluoride.      

     Templeton Mass Antifluoride Action (AFA) met with the Templeton Board of Health (BOH) at their monthly meeting on 9/13/12 to ask if the BOH would vote to endorse a town meeting article asking the town to vote to add a warning on town water bills concerning the mixing of fluoridated water with infant formula.  John Lynch governor of NH recently signed into law a similar bill HB1416 making this language mandatory in the “Live Free or Die” State.  HB1416 passed the House by a vote of 253-23 and passed the Senate unanimously before being signed into law by the governor.  The exact wording of what the Templeton BOH will be voting on is contained in the link below.
For those of us who have been drinking fluoride all their lives here is the language again.
     “Your public water supply is fluoridated.  According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child under the age of 6 months is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, there may be an increased chance of dental fluorosis.  Consult your child’s health care provider for more information.”
     Chairman Richard Trifilo of the BOH said he saw no reason this vote can’t be taken but would first like the actual language from the Center for Disease Control as mentioned in the NH adopted law 1416. That language is contained in the link below.
This information will be passed along to BOH members Edward Stacy, Donald Tourigny and Chairman Trifilo along with Health Director Phil Leger. It is hoped if time permits these individuals and other town residents will read the history of the politics concerning fluoride in Christopher Bryson’s book The Fluoride Deception and add to their knowledge on the science with The Case Against Fluoride by Connett, Beck and Micklem.   
    For those Templeton residents who are pregnant and missed the warning concerning the lowering of IQ associated with fluoridated water from the Harvard School of Public Health the link follows.
     Templeton residents who have taken the time to learn about fluoride and the dangers associated with this enzymatic poison will find the debate held in Phoenix Arizona on September 5th of 2012 a great learning tool.
     The more you know about fluoride the less excited you and your family will be to drink it.    

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