Monday, February 20, 2012

Update 9/11 Mass. Initiative Petition

     A personal thanks goes out to all Templeton residents who signed the Massachusetts Citizen’s Initiative Petition to reopen the 9/11 Investigation.  Although many signatures were obtained the petitions were not handed in to the Town Clerk due to an insufficient number of collected signatures throughout the State of Massachusetts.
     Perhaps with better organization on a statewide level the signatures for this petition to reopen the 9/11 investigation could have been obtained but unfortunately this was not the case.
     I would also like to thank “Templeton Watch Pauly’s blog” for his freedom of the press and the ability to get this information to those who may be interested in this particular subject. 
    Not to be deterred by the lack of signatures to reopen the 9/11 investigation information has been gathered to hopefully show readers that a new investigation is needed to bring forth information that was left off the original 9/11 Commission Report.
     Here is information that many readers may not have been aware of due to the passage of time and our busy schedules.
     It is hoped that this information will pique the interest of some readers and they can continue gathering information to write their own investigation.    
     Many people didn’t feel right about the events that unfolded down in Florida on the morning of 9/11/01 with President Bush reading to the youngsters.  .  Why did his bodyguards leave an obvious target for the terrorists in a classroom full of elementary school children?
After the second tower was hit should not the Commander and Chief taken charge of the situation?
      This event along with our slow response to mobilize jets to intercept Flights 11,175,77 and 93 and the 411 days it took to form a commission to look into the events of 9/11 made many curious.  
     Then there was Building Seven.           
          Building Seven was the third skyscraper to fall on 9/11/01.  This forty seven-story building had 82 massive core columns and was New York Cities emergency bunker and home to several Federal Agencies.  Building Seven was not hit by a plane that day and at about 5:20pm fell at near free fall speed into it’s own footprint.  The official story was that Building Seven was brought down by fire.  Here is the video that changed my perception of 9/11 
     Recently 1500 Architects and Engineers have put their careers on the line and signed a petition stating they believe that Trade Center One, Trade Center Two and Building Seven came down with controlled demolition.  Here is that video   
     It seemed possible that the media may have omitted information from other events that happened that day?  After reading Jesse Ventura’s book American Conspiracies the former Governor of Minnesota and Navy Seal suggested this video. 
     Zero an Investigation of 9/11 was an excellent over view of events that happened on 9/11.  After reading Paul Thompson’s “ Terror Timeline” and several of David Ray Griffin books I appreciated the detective work that had been done in “Zero”.
     There is an incredible wealth of information that has been brought forth since the original 9/11 Commission Report.  It is for this reason it is believed a new investigation is needed. In the meantime we as informed citizens can gather information on this important subject and share this information with our friends and neighbors.
     It would seem this subject impacts us all.         


  1. Its scary stuff. I think people get too scared to question things, so they deem what they can't handle or don't understand as untrue or crazy. These days, I tend to believe an ex-Navy Seal over any regular politician. Mr. Ventura raises good questions. I fear we'll never truly know what happened on that horrible day.

    1. I felt somewhat betrayed by the people who may have perpetrated this crime against us all. Unfortunately this type of activity has been going on for a long time. I think by knowing the past it may help in judging what is going on in the present and future.
