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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Why It Matters



Why It Matters

Todd Hayen

Silhouette of depressed and anxiety person head. Negative emotion image. Person head shaped paper on black torn paper background.

I have always considered myself a rather apolitical person, even to the point where I didn’t bother myself with what was happening in the world.

I was fine as long as my home government kept the wolves at bay (meaning they kept me safe from foreign invasion). Yes, a pretty naive and selfish way to be, I admit, but I managed to maintain that stance for most of my adult life.

I have always been interested in what I believed were government anomalies: the JFK assassination, the moon landing, the 9-11 fiasco. But I always believed they were just that—anomalies—not “business as usual.” Even though you would have thought that I would have been convinced otherwise when the Twin Towers came down, it wasn’t until Covid, and the research that ensued from there, that I became thoroughly certain the corruption of the US government, and governments the world over, is the norm.

I don’t need to go into detail regarding the extent of this corruption—and I don’t think the word “corruption” adequately describes it. What we are experiencing here, and have been experiencing for decades, if not centuries, is the complete opposite of what the majority believe about these systems.

They not only are not what they seem to be but are consciously and intentionally the opposite. They are presented as something that is benevolent, good, upstanding, and decent, but in reality, they are the complete opposite—they are malevolent, bad, deceitful, and indecent. To the point where they can only be described adequately as blatantly evil.

This fact is a fact few people can swallow.

It seems to be nearly impossible for average folks to entertain this possibility, let alone see it for what it is, an indisputable fact. I am sure most of you reading this would agree with my assessment. How do “they” pull this off? Your guess is as good as mine. But considering that this sort of inhuman intention has existed in smaller quantities for eons in the “human cosmology” of planet Earth, it really doesn’t take much brain power to see it forming on this massive global scale.

Sure, we could argue for hours regarding the evidence for my statements here. And maybe I have some of the details wrong. But again, there isn’t much of a way to explain what is happening, and what HAS been happening, without this as the explanation.

If you think you have a different explanation, let me hear it. I would much rather be proven wrong than proven right.

And some people (maybe even some sheeple) may even agree, but then say, “So what?” These people may continue with comments like,

“There has always been corruption, people high up who want power and money, and do bad things. There are the world’s Hitlers, Maos and Stalins. There are people like this out there now, and there always has been. The world isn’t perfect, but it is self-regulating, and these “bad” people eventually get their comeuppance and fall from power and the world settles back into relatively benevolent homeostasis.”

That’s what they tell us.

Historically this may appear to be true, but we have never been in a state as we are now where the global world order itself is tainted and dysfunctional. The “bad” factions have always been relatively small, and the powers that eventually subdue them have been relatively large and more powerful. And we can’t ignore the fact that maybe what we have always perceived as the “good guys” were actually the opposite—bad guys masquerading as good guys. Maybe in a more passive-aggressive way back then, but still “bad.”

If you take the time and look with detail at the atrocities the world experienced during the Second World War you can accurately say, “Well, what we are experiencing now is nothing like that.” This may be true in appearance. But that assessment does not mean it can’t eventually get that bad.

More than likely, however, the future destruction of the world will not take the form of physical annihilation of buildings, land, and physical human lives (although we certainly can currently experience such “old fashion” obliteration in Palestine and Ukraine) but will instead begin with the destruction of humanity.

What will the destruction of humanity look like? First and foremost, it will involve the separation of humans from their soul. Most “sheep types” will not find this to be a threat, as the “soul” is not a real thing to them, it is an abstraction, a made-up religious word that most of them probably do not even believe exists (getting people to this state was one of the first efforts of the agenda). This soul detachment will take place in a variety of ways, and many of these methods are in place right now. You know what they are, I need not take up space here and list all of them.

The transhuman movement is probably one of the most prominent methods of soul detachment. Medical technological advancement is the primary culprit in this currently successful movement. Again, I need not explain how this is happening, but most people do not care, and if they care at all, they typically are all for it as it means to them a longer human life (or I should say, “longer physical existence”—let me leave the word “life” out of it). Maybe even an existence with less physical suffering.

So why does any of this matter?

We can do without a soul, we can do with more fun, more days added to our now-too-short physical lives, less suffering, we can do with more “things” to play with, to enjoy. What is so bad about that? Human beings in most situations have already been made slaves to the system, and have been such for quite some time.

We are used to it, how will it get so bad we actually notice it? Most of us have not yet.

Needless to say, it will get worse. But what is “worse”? The word “worse” generally implies that it will become more uncomfortable, more unmanageable, more painful. These unpleasantries may not actually come to be. It is hard to say if we would be “uncomfortable” if we all lived in a physical bubble and never moved around, never enjoyed the sun, never enjoyed human interaction, never could feel anything bad or uncomfortable with our senses. Wouldn’t that be nice, and “comfortable?” Would being soulless be “uncomfortable?”

We measure physical comfort with the senses. The brain, the intellect, measures information coming from the senses and interprets the information to be either painful or pleasant. Why do we no longer measure comfort with the heart? Well, for the most part, many of us still do, sometimes. But that awareness dies with the death of the soul. When the soul is dead, the heart is dead as well.

And with a dead heart, we can live in our bubble, in our Smart City, in our vaccinated stupor, with our chip-infested brains, in our synthetic bodies—we can live this way with comfort of the senses. We won’t need the sun, hugs, touches, love or nature to commune with from the heart. Nothing that the senses will detect will be unpleasant. The heart, however, will be soul-less, and won’t be able to feel a thing.

This is where we are headed. And this is why it matters.

Todd Hayen PhD is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Categories: latest, opinion, Todd Hayen

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