Saturday, September 7, 2024

4998-5000: International Public Notice: Over the Target from Lincoln County Watch


Friday, September 6, 2024

4998-5000: International Public Notice: Over the Target from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

By the early 2010s, several of us had established enough groundwork to set up the private indemnity bonds backing and underwriting the States of the Union. 

This was necessary for our States to be able to conduct business.  Prior to that, we claimed the entire US National Debt as the Priority and Preferential Creditors to fund the indemnity bond. 

So that is what the Indemnity Bond is for and that is how it was funded. 

The Form 56 procedure was recommended to preserve the assets in the ESTATE trusts because the Municipal United States corporation dba UNITED STATES, was going into Chapter 7 Involuntary (and Permanent) Bankruptcy.  The individual ESTATE assets would have been surrendered to their Creditors --- not to the individual Americans they are owed to. 

So we surrendered these ESTATE trusts to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury to accept responsibility for them as Trustee.  He had to hold them separate and unharmed --- apart from the Chapter 7 action. 

Our ESTATES were thus preserved and exempt from the UNITED STATES bankruptcy, and because they were "foreign estates", they were also safe and exempt from the following USA, Inc. Chapter 11 bankruptcy. 

None of that had anything to do with the Indemnity Bond.  

It was calculated instead to preserve individual ESTATE assets intact from these quasi-public bankruptcies.  You will find your individual ESTATE holdings safely lodged with the U.S. Trustees and the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, if you took timely action. 

Otherwise, your individual ESTATES have been "subsumed" into the general bankruptcy of these foreign corporations, first one and then the other, and this results in a lump sum acquisition of your assets by the USA, Inc., which was enabled to reorganize under Chapter 11, as a direct result of receiving "your" individual ESTATE assets and adding them to their balance sheet. 

We protected the assets of the individual ESTATES by making the Receivers individually responsible for them. 

So that is why we went through the Form 56 drill. 

There have been pernicious rumors that we provided incorrect or self-interested advice or that we made illegal or inappropriate claims.  There have even been vague accusations that we sought and somehow gained control of  individual ESTATES and used them to fund the indemnity bond and other such nonsense.  

We, each individual American, who has contributed services and goods in inequitable exchange for private bank I.O.U.s under conditions of duress and non-disclosure, are in fact the Preferential and Priority Creditors of the entire system and both corporations engaged in this gigantic coercive racketeering scheme.  

You can thank us for protecting your individual assets in the midst of their collusive bankruptcy fraud and recoupment scheme, and blame them that such steps have been necessary.  

Those who failed to turn over "their" Municipal ESTATE to the tender mercies of the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, are still owed their ESTATE assets back from the new iteration of USA, Inc. that has emerged in record time from Chapter 11, but will have to endure another unknown claims process to scissor-kick their assets out of the clutches of the fraud artists. 

What needs to happen is a complete reform and a return of control to the lawful government and people of this country, and until that change is made, we can count on additional struggles and misappropriations of our assets and credit for the benefit of foreign privately owned corporations in the business of providing "essential government services".  

We leave it to each and every one of you to decide who has been upfront and honest with you --- and tried to protect your interests ---and who has cheated you and defrauded you and used your assets without sharing the profits and made inappropriate claims on your assets and put your assets at risk for their own benefit. 

Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump have been engaged in playing right and left hand of this fraud and manipulation, and the Principals standing in back of them, the Holy Roman Empire and the Government of Westminster and the British Monarch are the ones ultimately responsible for this entire Mess. 

So don't imagine that we have anything to gain above or beyond what everyone else stands to gain from putting an end to this criminality and don't imagine that we have practiced to deprive you of anything.  That role belongs to others who have been quite expert in their pursuits. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520944
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 6th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Impersonation Attempts Underway

 By Anna Von Reitz

As a great deal of the crimes committed have involved impersonation on paper, it should not surprise us that actual impersonation is now taking place, with individual actors pretending to be our Fiduciary, Anna Maria Riezinger, our Head of State, our Coordinators, and so on.  

Be sure that you are dealing with the actual man or woman and not an actor merely claiming to be someone.

There are also other kinds of "mischief" scams being played. This is an example of such a scam email which was recently sent out under the pretense of coming from one of our Coordinators: 

Quote this obvious SCAM message: 

Please I would like to ask you for a favor, I wanted to make a payment transfer amount of $4,200 to a relative of mine who is suffering from a serious illness so as to help proceed with surgery but my bank informed me that my bank account is currently under audit due to a loan I applied for so this development has made me unable to make any transfers at the moment. I am writing to know if you can help me make this transfer on my behalf, it is urgent. I will make sure to refund the amount to you once the audit on my bank account is done.
Looking forward to seeing your reply to know if you can help so that I can send you the bank details for the transfer. I will appreciate your effort in trying to help.

Teri never sent and will never send any message like this. Neither will our Fiduciaries or anyone else associated with our organizations.  

Everyone is advised to check and double-check all suspicious activities including phony emails and applications, inaccurate credit reports, fictitious title claims, weird inexplicable mail, and associated attempted criminal fraud activities.  

Unfortunately, this is becoming more common and more sophisticated as cartels are invading this country and criminal activity is increasing.  

Forewarned is forearmed. 

Our experts will be tracking these scam artists with due diligence, but we must all do our part and report suspicious activities and be proactive in protecting ourselves, our identity, and our property. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 6th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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Response to Janaya Titus

 By Anna Von Reitz

Janaya, I don't know why you can't get these simple concepts through your head, but I am going to repeat them one more time: there were no crimes investigated in Texas. What has happened in Texas is entirely a matter of internal misadministration by two volunteer Coordinators, and it has been dealt with. 

1. I am a Third Party.  I have no "dog in the fight".  I was called in to investigate the situation in Texas by more than a dozen disgruntled Texans who presented substantive complaints of wrong-doing by the Coordinators. 

Wrong-doing is not criminal.  In the modern world we call it "misadministration". 

Your friend was accused of wrong-doing, not any crime, and I certainly have committed no crimes, nor has anyone else in The Texas Assembly.  

It has all been wrong-doing of the kind that you have recently displayed, and an overall commitment to fight among yourselves in lieu of facing the actual challenges that Texas faces.  

Whether this is deliberate asinine behavior or just endemic to the climate, I can tell you that legalistic quarreling and trying to think of everything on Earth in terms of legal wrangling is inappropriate and part of what the rest of us are leaving behind. 

If that's the kind of world you want to live in, and what you want to engage in, it's not part of our jurisdiction.  

If you want to spend your life in a constant state of fight-fight-fight against everyone and everything you disagree with, be welcome, and go back to the District world, where constant fighting is the order of the day. 

2. You appear to mistake my position and Kimberly's.  Although I have no dog in the fight, I am responsible for administration of the whole process of calling the States into Session. 

That includes training Coordinators and working with Coordinators as an additional job added onto my work load, so any meddling in your State's affairs or any interest in wasting my time settling disputes at the State level is the last thing I want to do. 

What I want to see is sensible, common sense-minded, adult people gathering together in common cause to restore their lawful government.  And the more quickly and cooperatively they do that, the better. 

When Coordinators have over a year to accomplish the work and the overall performance of an Assembly goes backward instead of forward, there is obviously a problem. 

When this is accompanied by numerous complaints from different groups of people all over the State, it is more cause for concern.  

This is what we saw going on in Texas.  Declining membership, very few new members being added, lots of complaints from people who couldn't get their paperwork recorded, couldn't get a reply from the Coordinator Team, Texans who had been waiting ---literally--- for months to get in the door, and the participation in meetings was overall declining even among the pre-established membership.  

So, the work of the Coordinators wasn't getting done.  That much was obvious.  Our conclusion was that one Coordinator was grossly overworked and the other Coordinator, your personal friend, was going through a horrendous personal situation, such that she informed me she was "stepping back" from her duties and wouldn't be able to do much if anything until her personal life settled down. 

No blame was assigned to either Coordinator --- being overworked is being overworked and having personal life issues is common to us all, so that part of the investigation into the situation was completed. 

3. We received over two dozen complaints of various kinds from diverse groups of people --- not just one little clique --- accusing the Coordinators of wrong-doing.  Out of these, we investigated thirteen issues brought against the Coordinators in Texas.  

We stopped investigating when we realized that there was already more than enough evidence presented from emails and living testimony to conclude that wrong-doing on a broad scale had occurred. 

This finding didn't presume to establish WHY the wrong-doing had occurred, simply that it had,  and that it was impacting more than just one area of operations. 

I removed the Coordinators at that point. 

The Federation doesn't get to choose Coordinators, but we can refuse to work with Coordinators who don't do the job and who don't do it right.   

So this is what we found in Texas: a combination of not getting the job done and open wrong-doing in the accomplishment of the work.  

4.  A great emphasis has been placed on purported injustice to the Coordinators thus removed, yet the facts are the facts. 

Texans were waiting for months to get their paperwork done.  Texans were being told outrageous things, like being told they could "never" be part of the Texas Assembly.  Basic information, like ---where was the money from recording fees deposited and accounted for?--- was not forthcoming, and on top of that, those asking these simple questions were being punished for asking.  Committee work and Committee building was at a standstill, two-blocked, and bottle-necked.

These same Coordinators have continued the bad performance aspects of their tenure by failing to turn over property belonging to The Texas Assembly to the Marshal at Arms.  

5.  Because one of the Coordinators wasn't present for part of the time, she was invited to speak to her part in the situation, and address what she did, what she didn't do, what she knew about the situation, and even simply to say, I made a mistake, I'm sorry.  We spent three hours and heard nothing but excuses for her absence and innuendos trying to cast aspersions on the Federation for wrong-doing taking place in Texas by Texans.

6. The acceptance and the firing of Coordinators is entirely an administrative process that the Federation is responsible for throughout the assembling process.   Like firing anyone, it's not a pleasant responsibility.  

However, sometimes, it has to be done to prevent further harm to the organization as a whole, and, in this case, to prevent further bullying and mistreatment of Texans.  

7.  Our final finding was that the Coordinators were bullying people in Texas and the Texans regrouped and railroaded the Coordinators --- or attempted to, for cause.  Neither "side" was blameless in this circumstance.  

Removing the Coordinator Team and yes, you could say, "firing" them, is my administrative duty and my judgment call.  I reviewed the emails and testimony and made that call.  

Wrong-doing did occur.  It did adversely impact Texans and The Texas Assembly.  

No crimes, per se, were alleged and none were considered as part of our investigation into the circumstance. 

8. Your stance, Janaya, seems to be that I am meddling in State affairs and that I have no right to dismiss the services of a volunteer from any State, but so long as the Federation holds the responsibility for summoning the States into Session and bringing them into assembly and protecting and guiding them in that process, that will be my duty, whether I like it or not.  

9. Your further stance seems to be that it is somehow the Federation's fault that Texans banded together and railroaded the Coordinator team and that their positions entitled them to special support and exoneration, but that isn't true.  

Being a Coordinator doesn't give anyone carte blanc authority of any kind.  Their role has been simply and repeatedly defined in writing and in public for a long time, so that they and everyone working with them has cause to know that they are not CEOs, not vested with any special "authority" conferred by the Federation, and are merely supposed to hold the blueprint for the group and ask questions the group may have.  

That is a far cry from the autocratic tyranny we found in Texas, and also which Kimberly expressed toward me at our last meeting.  

I was willing to support her to the extent that if corrections were made, I would have accepted her as a Coordinator on a new team of Coordinators.  Instead of accepting the fact that progress was stalled and wrongs had been committed, she spat out angry vindictive words and displayed to everyone there the autocratic and disrespectful behavior that brought Texas into this crisis in the first place--- just as your current actions display the ugly legalistic Corporate Mindset that everyone else here is determined to leave behind. 

I am throwing your 90 page complaint into the trash bin, where it belongs. 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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