Monday, October 31, 2016

How Badly Is Fukushima Radiation Damaging the Pacific Ocean? by Richard Wilcox

How Badly Is Fukushima Radiation Damaging the Pacific Ocean?

Copyright Richard Wilcox 2014
Richard Wilcox, PhD
Activist Post
Although its heart is rich in pearls and ores 
The Sea complains upon a thousand shores
– Alexander Smith (1)
I watched some wonderful movies over the summer with “ocean” themes and one was with Robert Redford called All is Lost. The entertainment value was good but it also made a statement about Man’s interference with Nature and how nature can strike back. I love films like All is Lost, Master and Commander, in which the imperial navy visits the Galapagos Islands and “Kon Tiki,” a story about a 4,000 mile trek across the ocean, because they show the unspeakable beauty and power of the world’s great oceans. Can humans actually destroy them?
Over the past year we’ve read many news stories about mass die-offs of marine species in the Pacific Ocean and other regions. One hypothesis in the alternative media is that the massive radiation released from the Fukushima nuclear disaster is the cause. Others blame over-fishing, pollution or climatic events.
My opinion is that if the die-offs are unusual and “man made” then it is a combination of factors, but Fukushima is probably one of them. The Earth is under many human threats — we are an industrious species — Fukushima is doing the ocean only harm, and following that logic, at a minimum the health of local species and perhaps wider ecosystems are being affected in a reverse synergy whereby organisms have surpassed the limits they can endure.

How Badly Is Fukushima Radiation Damaging The Pacific Ocean? By Richard Wilcox PhD

How Badly Is Fukushima Radiation
Damaging The Pacific Ocean?
By Richard Wilcox PhD
Although its heart is rich in pearls and ores
The Sea complains upon a thousand shores
- Alexander Smith (1)

Copyright Richard Wilcox 2014

I watched some wonderful movies over the summer with “ocean” themes and one was with Robert Redford called All is Lost. The entertainment value was good but it also made a statement about Man's interference with Nature and how nature can strike back. I love films like All is Lost, Master and Commander, in which the imperial navy visits the Galapagos Islands and “Kon Tiki,” a story about a 4,000 mile trek across the ocean, because they show the unspeakable beauty and power of the world's great oceans. Can humans actually destroy them?
Over the past year we've read many news stories about mass die-offs of marine species in the Pacific Ocean and other regions. One hypothesis in the alternative media is that the massive radiation released from the Fukushima nuclear disaster is the cause. Others blame over-fishing, pollution or climatic events.
My opinion is that if the die-offs are unusual and “man made” then it is a combination of factors, but Fukushima is probably one of them. The Earth is under many human threats -- we are an industrious species-- Fukushima is doing the ocean only harm, and following that logic at a minimum the health of local species and perhaps wider ecosystems are being affected in a reverse synergy whereby organisms have surpassed the limits they can endure.
Controversy and Denial
Folks love to argue about whether things like radiation has killed the ocean; whether global warming is real or not or caused by humans emitting CO2; or whether the Twin Towers on 911 were brought down with nanothermite or mini-nuke explosives. But in all three cases the harm that has been caused is uncontroversial. We should stop polluting the environment with harmful pollutants (such as sulfur dioxide from coal burning plants) and promote renewable energy sources; we know the official story of 911 is a total lie regardless of how the buildings were demolished (see, for example: Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth); and we know that whatever amount of radiation is leaking into the ocean it is a bad thing and needs to be stopped.

87. The Irony Of The Safety Lamp: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from

The Irony Of The Safety Lamp 

Have I made too much of this? What on earth is wrong with wanting to help people, even 
in institutionalizing the helping urge so it becomes more reliable? Just this: the helping 
equation is not as simple as Utopians imagined. I remember the shock I felt on many 
occasions when my well-meant intercession into obvious problems a kid was having were 
met with some variation of the angry cry, "Leave me alone!" as if my assistance actually 
would have made things worse. It was baffling how often that happened, and I was a 
well-liked teacher. Is it possible there are hills that nature or God demands we climb 
alone or become forever the less for having been carried over them? 

Allergens in Vaccines Are Causing Life-Threatening Food Allergies by Claire Dwoskin

Risk & Failure Reports
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Allergens in Vaccines Are Causing Life-Threatening Food Allergies

girl holding up a peanut
The question that few are asking is why life-threatening food allergies have become so alarmingly pervasive.
It would probably surprise few people to hear that food allergies are increasingly common in U.S. children and around the world. According to one public health website, food allergies in children aged 0-17 in the U.S. increased by 50 percent from 1997 to 2011.
Although food allergies are now so widespread as to have become almost normalized, it is important to realize that millions of American children and adults suffer from severe rapid-onset allergic reactions that can be life-threatening. Foods represent the most common cause of anaphylaxis among children and adolescents. The United Kingdom has witnessed a 700 percent increase in hospital admissions for anaphylaxis and a 500 percent increase in admissions for food allergy since 1990.
The question that few are asking is why life-threatening food allergies have become so alarmingly pervasive. A 2015 open access case report by Vinu Arumugham in the Journal of Developing Drugs, entitled “Evidence that Food Proteins in Vaccines Cause the Development of Food Allergies and Its Implications for Vaccine Policy,” persuasively argues that allergens in vaccines—and specifically food proteins—may be the elephant in the room.

Historical Perspective

CHAPTER TWO The Empire of I.G. Farben: Wall St. and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton from


The Empire of I.G. Farben

Farben was Hitler and Hitler was Farben.
(Senator Homer T. Bone to Senate Committee on Military Affairs, June 4, 1943.)

On the eve of World War II the German chemical complex of I.G. Farben was the largest chemical manufacturing enterprise in the world, with extraordinary political and economic power and influence within the Hitlerian Nazi state. I. G. has been aptly described as "a state within a state."
The Farben cartel dated from 1925, when organizing genius Hermann Schmitz (with Wall Street financial assistance) created the super-giant chemical enterprise out of six already giant German chemical companies — Badische Anilin, Bayer, Agfa, Hoechst, Weiler-ter-Meer, and Griesheim-Elektron. These companies were merged to become Inter-nationale Gesellschaft Farbenindustrie A.G. — or I.G. Farben for short. Twenty years later the same Hermann Schmitz was put on trial at Nuremburg for war crimes committed by the I. G. cartel. Other I. G. Farben directors were placed on trial but the American affiliates of I. G. Farben and the American directors of I. G. itself were quietly forgotten; the truth was buried in the archives.
It is these U.S. connections in Wall Street that concern us. Without the capital supplied by Wall Street, there would have been no I. G. Farben in the first place and almost certainly no Adolf Hitler and World War II.

MUTINY AT THE FBI: Comey warned by his own agents to indict Clinton or watch the FBI's reputation go down in flames by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

MUTINY AT THE FBI: Comey warned by his own agents to indict Clinton or watch the FBI's reputation go down in flames

(NaturalNews) As America inches toward open revolt over the runaway criminality and collusion of the democrats and the media, another kind of revolt is taking place inside the FBI. According to multiple sources in the independent media -- now the only remaining "free press" in America -- FBI director James Comey was forced into announcing a reopening of the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server by "livid" FBI agents who threatened to go public if Comey didn't act.

James Comey, long since suspected to be a Clinton operative who deliberately allowed Hillary Clinton to get away with a vast number of felony crimes and national security violations, now finds himself with his back against the wall. If he releases the evidence against Hillary Clinton already possessed by the FBI, he will face the wrath of Obama, the Clintons, the corrupt Loretta Lynch (DOJ) and the entire leftist media. If he once again gives Hillary Clinton a free pass on her numerous crimes, he then faces a mutiny inside the FBI which promises to bypass his authority and leak the criminal evidence directly to the alternative media.

FBI agents under Comey are desperately trying to save their agency from going down in flames

CoQ10 — A Nutritional Powerhouse for Mitochondrial Health by Dr. Mercola

CoQ10 — A Nutritional Powerhouse for Mitochondrial Health

October 31, 2016 | 83,071 views
| Available in EspañolDisponible en Español

By Dr. Mercola
According to the industry publication New Hope,1 coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and the reduced version, ubiquinol, are among the most popular supplements for mitochondrial health.
Between 2000 and 2016, the number of Americans using CoQ10 increased from an estimated 2 million to 24 million, and the number of brands featuring CoQ10 has increased from 18 brands to 125.
This rapid growth suggests people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of mitochondrial health, which is really great news.
Ubiquinol plays an important role in the electron transport chain of your mitochondria, where it facilitates the conversion of energy substrates and oxygen into the biological energy needed by your cells for life, repair and regeneration.
It's a fat-soluble antioxidant, meaning it works in the fat portions of your body, such as your cell membranes, where it mops up potentially harmful byproducts of metabolism known as reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Taking this supplement helps protect your mitochondrial membranes from oxidative damage, and this in turn has been shown to be helpful for a number of health conditions and chronic diseases.
This is to be expected, since many conditions, including heart disease and migraines — for which CoQ10 has been found beneficial — appear to be rooted in mitochondrial dysfunction.
Low CoQ10 levels have even been detected in people with certain types of cancer,2 including lung, breast and pancreatic cancer, as well as melanoma metastasis, further strengthening the metabolic theory of cancer.

CoQ10 Versus Ubiquinol

Breaking Hillary email scandal: open rebellion at the FBI by Jon Rappoport

Breaking Hillary email scandal: open rebellion at the FBI
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)
Breaking Hillary email scandal: open rebellion at the FBI
By Jon Rappoport
8:03PM, Sunday, October 30
Sources: NBC News, Gateway Pundit
NBC is claiming it took the FBI until today to obtain a warrant to search the thousands of emails in the Weiner sexting case, in order to see whether they also impacted the Hillary scandal. The Dept. of Justice and Obama are fuming over FBI Director Comey's announcement that he is reopening the Hillary case.
As I indicated yesterday, Comey has been feeling big-time pressure from his own agents. Some had sent him letters of resignation, others flat-out refused to talk to him---all because he'd let Hillary off the hook the first time around. There was open rebellion at the Bureau.

Is America a Banana Republic? Corruption is Endemic Everywhere… Only in Banana Republics, Despotic Monarchies and America Do Corrupt Families Rule By Stephen Lendman Global Research,

Is America a Banana Republic? Corruption is Endemic Everywhere…

Only in Banana Republics, Despotic Monarchies and America Do Corrupt Families Rule

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On October 24, Vladimir Putin asked “is America a banana republic?” American writer O. Henry (William Sydney Porter) coined the term.
It refers to a politically unstable and/or repressive country where a small percent of the population enjoys a disproportionate share of wealth and power.
It’s where ordinary people are exploited, persecuted, imprisoned, murdered or disappeared for daring to challenge ruthlessly corrupt power responsibly, where profits are privatized while ordinary people bear the burden of high unemployment, impoverishment and loss of fundamental freedoms.
It’s a kleptocracy run by criminals, complicit with corporate thieves, bribing them to get their way – corrupt, rotten to the core gangsterism, run for personal gain, profiting at the public’s expense.
Bill and Hillary Clinton, America’s most notorious crime family, a Machiavellian duo, are heading back to Washington in January for their third co-presidential term, things rigged to assure it.  [Or will they, following the reopening of the FBI investigation into Hillary's emails? Author's article was written before the FBI's October Surprise, GR Editor, M.Ch.]
Their excessive corruption rivals how mafia bosses and drug lords amass wealth – the old-fashioned way by stealing it, selling influence, and other disreputable means.

9/11 Truth: Remembering Frank Legge By Kevin Ryan Global Research

9/11 Truth: Remembering Frank Legge

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WAS IRAN INVOLVED IN THE 9/11 ATTACKS?  The Court Case Linking Tehran to the 9/11 Attacks
Scientist and scholar Frank Legge passed away on October 20th 2016. Frank was a leader of the international 9/11 Truth Movement. He had been a co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies and a founding member of both Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice and Scientists for 9/11 Truth. His contributions to research into 9/11 will be remembered as among the most important in history.
Frank had a long and fulfilling life before and beyond the events of 9/11. He was a husband, father, and grandfather as well as a farmer, pilot, research scientist, and entrepreneur.
frank_leggeAfter obtaining a Diploma of Agriculture (Longerenong, Victoria, Australia), Frank spent his early years as an agricultural employee, then a contractor, in the state of Queensland. He then obtained a “conditional purchase” block of virgin bush in Western Australia, which he cleared and developed as a sheep and grain farm. On completion of this, Frank moved to Perth and enrolled at the University of Western Australia. During this period he obtained a pilot’s license and acquired a share in a plane, which was useful in enabling him to easily visit and continue operating the farm.

The Director of the FBI Reopens the Hillary Case — Paul Craig Roberts

The Director of the FBI Reopens the Hillary Case — Paul Craig Roberts

The Director of the FBI Reopens the Hillary Case
Paul Craig Roberts
Word has reached me from Washington that the FBI has reopened the Hillary case of her violation of US National Security protocols, not because of the content of the new email releases, but because voter support for Trump seems to be overwhelming, while Hillary has cancelled appearances due to inability to muster a crowd. The popular vote leaves the FBI far out on the limb for its corrupt clearance of Hillary. The agency now has to redeem itself.
I myself do not know what precisely to think.  Having been at the top of the Washington hierarchy for a quarter century, I have seen many mistaken judgments.  At one time I had subpoena power over the CIA and was able to inform President Reagan that the CIA had misled him.  He took note and proceeded with his policy of ending the Cold War with the Soviets.  On other issues I have been mistaken, because I assumed that there was more integrity in government than actually  exists.
However, FBI director Comey did not need to reopen the case against Hillary simply because some new incriminating emails appeared.  Having dismissed the other incriminating evidence, these emails could have passed unremarked.

EXCLUSIVE: Resignation letters piling up from disaffected FBI agents, his wife urging him to admit he was wrong by Ed Klein from Daily Mail

EXCLUSIVE: Resignation letters piling up from disaffected FBI agents, his wife urging him to admit he was wrong: Why Director Comey jumped at the chance to reopen Hillary investigation

  • James Comey revived the investigation of Clinton's email server as he could no longer resist mounting pressure by mutinous agents, sources say
  •  The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn't recommend an indictment against Hillary
  •  He told his wife that he was depressed by the stack of resignation letters piling up on his desk from disaffected agents
  • Comes was also worried that Republicans would accuse him of granting Hillary political favoritism after the presidential election
  •  When new emails allegedly linked to Hillary's personal server turned up in  Abedin and Anthony Weiner's computer, Comey jumped at the excuse 
New York Times bestselling author Ed Klein has just published his fourth book about the Clintons since 2005, Guilty as Sin. 
Klein had told how Bill Clinton enjoyed foot rubs, massages and romps in his presidential library with female interns and has described new details about Hillary's medical crises. Guilty as Sin is available in bookstores and for order from Amazon.
James Comey's decision to revive the investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server and her handling of classified material came after he could no longer resist mounting pressure by mutinous agents in the FBI, including some of his top deputies, according to a source close to the embattled FBI director.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

FBI Evidence Proves Innocence of Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Global Research,

FBI Evidence Proves Innocence of Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

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I have been contacted by attorney John Remington Graham, a member in good standing of the Minnesota bar. He informs me that acting in behalf of Maret Tsanaeva, the aunt of the accused Tsamaev brothers and a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic where she is qualified to practice law, he has assisted her in filing with the US District Court in Boston a pro se motion, including an argument of amicus curiae, and an affidavit of Maret Tsarnaeva. The presiding judge has ordered that these documents be included in the formal record of the case so they will be publicly accessible. The documents are reproduced below.
The documents argue that on the basis of the evidence provided by the FBI, there is no basis for the indictment of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The FBI’s evidence clearly concludes that the bomb was in a black knapsack, but the photographs used to establish Dzhokhar’s presence at the marathon show him with a white knapsack. Moreover, the knapsack lacks the heavy bulging appearance that a knapsack containing a bomb would have.
As readers know, I have been suspicious of the Boston Marathon Bombing from the beginning. It seems obvious that both Tsamaev brothers were intended to be killed in the alleged firefight with police, like the alleged perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo affair in Paris. Convenient deaths in firefights are accepted as indications of guilt and solve the problem of trying innocent patsies.
In Dzhokhar’s case, his guilt was established not by evidence but by accusations, by the betrayal of his government-appointed public defender Judy Clarke who declared Dzhokhar’s guilt in her opening statement of her “defense,” by an alleged confession, evidence of which was never provided, written by Dzhokhar on a boat under which the badly wounded youth lay dying until discovered by the boat owner and hospitalized in critical condition. Following his conviction by his defense attorney, Dzhokhar allegedly confessed again in jihadist terms. As legal scholars have known for centuries, confessions are worthless as indicators of guilt.
Dzhokhar was not convicted on the basis of evidence.

86. No Place To Hide: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from

No Place To Hide 

How could the amazing lives of George Washington, Andrew Jackson, the John D. 
Rockefellers, Margaret Fuller, Amy Lowell, my own immigrant McManuses, Gattos, 
Zimmers, Hoffmans, and D'Agostinos, have added up to this lifeless Utopia? Like a black 
hole it grew, although no human being flourishes under such a regime or rests easily 
inside the logic of hundreds of systems intermeshing into one master system, all 
demanding obedience from their human parts. Here is a materialistic inverse of Ezekiel's 
spiritual vision of wheels within wheels. 

The CDC is Being Influenced by Corporate and Political Interests by Carey Gillam

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The CDC is Being Influenced by Corporate and Political Interests

Carey Gillam
Carey Gillam
Concerns about the inner workings of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been mounting in recent months amid disclosures of cozy corporate alliances. Now a group of more than a dozen senior scientists have reportedly lodged an ethics complaint alleging the federal agency is being influenced by corporate and political interests in ways that shortchange taxpayers.
A group calling itself CDC Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research, or (CDC SPIDER), put a list of complaints in writing in a letter to CDC Chief of Staff and provided a copy of the letter to the public watchdog organization U.S. Right to Know (USRTK). The members of the group have elected to file the complaint anonymously for fear of retribution.
“It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests… and Congressional intent for our agency is being circumvented by some of our leaders. What concerns us most, is that it is becoming the norm and not the rare exception,” the letter states. “These questionable and unethical practices threaten to undermine our credibility and reputation as a trusted leader in public health.”

CHAPTER XXVI. OF CIVILL LAWES: Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes from


Civill Law what

By CIVILL LAWES, I understand the Lawes, that men are therefore bound to observe, because they are Members, not of this, or that Common-wealth in particular, but of a Common-wealth. For the knowledge of particular Lawes belongeth to them, that professe the study of the Lawes of their severall Countries; but the knowledge of Civill Law in generall, to any man. The antient Law of Rome was called their Civil Law, from the word Civitas, which signifies a Common-wealth; And those Countries, which having been under the Roman Empire, and governed by that Law, retaine still such part thereof as they think fit, call that part the Civill Law, to distinguish it from the rest of their own Civill Lawes. But that is not it I intend to speak of here; my designe being not to shew what is Law here, and there; but what is Law; as Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and divers others have done, without taking upon them the profession of the study of the Law.
And first it manifest, that Law in generall, is not Counsell, but Command; nor a Command of any man to any man; but only of him, whose Command is addressed to one formerly obliged to obey him. And as for Civill Law, it addeth only the name of the person Commanding, which is Persona Civitatis, the Person of the Common-wealth.

Chronic Illness and the State of Our Children’s Health from NVIC

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Chronic Illness and the State of Our Children’s Health

father holding sick son
… chronic illnesses are also responsible for 7 in 10 American deaths—twice as many deaths as all infectious/communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, combined—and they account for 78 cents of every health care dollar spent.
A nation is only as healthy as its children.
— Harry Truman (1946)
Approximately 27 percent of U.S. children live with chronic health conditions that can affect their daily lives and normal activities. These maladies often contribute greatly to school absenteeism and require continual medical attention.
Many studies suggest chronic health problems, along with learning and developmental disorders, appear to be on the rise. These rising childhood illnesses include, but are not limited to:
  • Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Auto-immune disorders
  • Developmental/Learning Disorders
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Food allergies
  • Obesity
  • Respiratory allergies
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Spina bifida

The Vulnerable Child—Chronic Illness in U.S. Children

FBI reopens Hillary email probe: what took so long? from Jon Rappoport

FBI reopens Hillary email probe: what took so long?
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)
FBI reopens Hillary email probe: why did it take so long?
By Jon Rappoport
File this one under: "Come on. Really?"
The elephant in the room: HOW LONG HAS THE FBI KNOWN that new Hillary emails require reopening the probe in her handling of classified materials?
On or about September 23---over a month ago---the FBI announced it was looking into the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal, which involved a 15-year-old girl.
Suddenly, now, FBI Director James Comey states that, as part of this investigation, his people have found emails from and to Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, Hillary's closest aide---and these emails appear to be pertinent to the Hillary email case.
Therefore, Comey says, the FBI is reopening that case.

Does Drinking Alcohol Really Increase Your Cancer Risk? By Suresh Nair

Does Drinking Alcohol Really Increase Your Cancer Risk?

In a hurry? Click here to read the Article Summary...

Is there any harm in drinking alcohol? After all, most cultures throughout the world have traditionally consumed alcoholic beverages for thousands of years. Of these, a few alcoholic beverages have evolved into global commodities that are produced commercially on a large scale − including beer from barley, wine from grapes, and other distilled beverages.
Unfortunately, alcohol lovers all over the world need to be aware of the latest information on this topic. According to a recent extensive review of multiple research studies, alcohol consumption has been conclusively shown to be the direct cause of seven types of cancer – including those of the oropharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, and breast. Also, there is growing evidence to implicate alcohol consumption in the development of skin, prostate, and pancreatic cancer.
[Note: the oropharynx is the middle part of the throat behind the mouth and includes the back one-third of the tongue, soft palate, and side and back walls of the throat. The larynx is the hollow muscular organ that forms an air passage to the lungs and holds the vocal cords and is also known as the voice box. The esophagus, also known as the gullet or food pipe, is the tube that connects the throat to the stomach.]
Published in July this year in the scientific journal Addiction, the review study concludes that there is more than enough credible evidence to conclusively state that drinking alcoholic beverages is a direct cause of these different cancers.

Are You Taking Your Iodine? Posted by Dr Sircus

Are You Taking Your Iodine?

Are you taking your iodine? Everyone should be supplementing with iodine but if you live on the west coast of the United States, Canada or Mexico you better be taking your iodine and your children should be taking their iodine because:
Thanks to the environmental disaster that was Fukushima and the incredibly long half-life of iodine-129, the Pacific coast may never be the same again. It will take about 16 million years for the contamination from the tremendous nuclear accident to dissipate.
While a vast array of radioactive isotopes were released into the environment during the Fukushima meltdown, iodine-129 is a particularly concerning material, due to its incredibly long half-life. This means that basically any food that comes from the North American western coast will likely be contaminated with radiation for innumerable generations to come. Radiation in the oceans will inevitably enter our water supply, and consequently our food supply as well. According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), iodine from the ocean enters the air as sea spray or iodine gas. Once in the air, iodine can then combine with water particles and enter surface water and soil once the particles fall to ground. Iodine can remain in the soil for extremely long periods of time, because it can combine with organic material easily. Plants and vegetation that grow in this soil also have the potential to absorb the iodine.

How Regenerative Farming Methods Can Restore Ecology and Rebuild Communities by Dr.Mercola

How Regenerative Farming Methods Can Restore Ecology and Rebuild Communities

October 29, 2016 | 129,232 views

By Dr. Mercola
In Peter Byck’s lovely short film, “One Hundred Thousand Beating Hearts,” Will Harris shares the story of how he went from being a conventional “commodity cowboy” to a regenerative farming pioneer. Today, Harris’ farm, White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, Georgia, produces high-quality grass-fed products.
But while beef and other animal products are the commodities being sold to the public, what Harris is really producing is healthy soil, and the success of his farm is a great demonstration of how you can accomplish the conversion from conventional to regenerative agriculture.
From 1946 — when his father was still running the farm — to 1995, the farm used industrial farming methods and chemicals. Harris had just one focus: how many pounds of beef he could produce at the lowest price possible.
Today, such concerns no longer occupy his mind. Instead, he’s wholly absorbed in figuring out how he can make the land thrive even more. Instead of feeding cattle, he now says his business is built around feeding microbes in the soil — all those crucial microorganisms that in turn make the soil fertile.
Because while the fertilizer they laid down each year helped the crops grow, what they did not realize was the damage being done underground.
Synthetic fertilizers actually harm the microorganisms in the soil, without which soil degradation sets in, nutrition (both in the soil and the food) goes down and, ultimately, the entire ecosystem begins to suffer.

Slow Start, Big Finish

Russia Loses UN Human Rights Council Place, Saudi Arabia Re-Elected By RT Global Research,

Russia Loses UN Human Rights Council Place, Saudi Arabia Re-Elected

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For the first time since UNHRC’s inception in 2006, Russia has lost an election to the UN Human Rights Council after being narrowly beaten by Croatia in a vote. Saudi Arabia was successfully re-elected, despite criticism from human rights organizations.
The 47 places on the council are distributed on a regional basis, with staggered ballots seeing a third of the body re-elected each year. Russia had finished its three-year term and was running against Hungary and Croatia for the two available seats from Eastern Europe.
With Hungary far ahead, Croatia received the votes of 114 of the 193 member countries, and Russia was selected on 112 ballots.
“”It was a very close vote and very good countries competing, Croatia, Hungary. They are fortunate because of their size, they are not exposed to the winds of international diplomacy. Russia is very exposed. We’ve been in the UNHRC for several years, and I am sure next time we will stand and get back in,” said Russia’s UN envoy Vitaly Churkin. Russia is eligible to run next year, against a new set of countries.
Saudi Arabia sailed through the Asian ballot with 152 votes, and will represent the region on the UNHRC alongside China, Japan and Iraq for the next three years.

The Director of the FBI Reopens the Hillary Case — Paul Craig Roberts

The Director of the FBI Reopens the Hillary Case — Paul Craig Roberts

The Director of the FBI Reopens the Hillary Case
Paul Craig Roberts
Word has reached me from Washington that the FBI has reopened the Hillary case of her violation of US National Security protocols, not because of the content of the new email releases, but because voter support for Trump seems to be overwhelming, while Hillary has cancelled appearances due to inability to muster a crowd. The popular vote leaves the FBI far out on the limb for its corrupt clearance of Hillary. The agency now has to redeem itself.
I myself do not know what precisely to think.  Having been at the top of the Washington hierarchy for a quarter century, I have seen many mistaken judgments.  At one time I had subpoena power over the CIA and was able to inform President Reagan that the CIA had misled him.  He took note and proceeded with his policy of ending the Cold War with the Soviets.  On other issues I have been mistaken, because I assumed that there was more integrity in government than actually  exists.
However, FBI director Comey did not need to reopen the case against Hillary simply because some new incriminating emails appeared.  Having dismissed the other incriminating evidence, these emails could have passed unremarked.

Israel: 1984 Everlasting by Stanley L. Cohen from CounterPunch

Israel: 1984 Everlasting

Photo by SarahTz | CC BY 2.0
Photo by SarahTz | CC BY 2.0

Empty Declarations of Democracy… Vacant Boasts of humanity
For decades, Israel has held itself out as being the lone “democracy” in the Middle East; a state where the rights of individuals could not and would not be held hostage to the autocratic whims of royalty, but rather a full partner to a free and robust electoral process that guarantees not just meaningful input from the governed but the ability to challenge state policies as the winds of change blow from “the river to the sea.”
Once again, recent events have proven this to be just so much a perverse myth… empty rhetoric… second only to the brazen unfounded Israeli boast of having the “most humane army in the world,” even as the body count of Palestinian children grows in cemeteries and prisons that have become very much its own unique brand of 21st century youth hostel.
Recently, Hagai El-Ad, an Israeli and Jew, who serves as executive director of B’Tselem (The Israel Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories), spoke before the UN Security Council urging it to take immediate action against Israel’s illegal settlements.
Demagoguery and Inhumanity Exposed

Putin and Xi in Western Propaganda Why does XJP get off so lightly? by Jeff J. Brown from

Putin and Xi in Western Propaganda

Why does XJP get off so lightly?
Better watch out, Vlad. When Western propaganda throws an “-ism” at you, the gloves have come off. Think Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, communism, socialism, extremism and “Islamic” terrorism, for starters. After all, behind the Great Western Firewall, they are all the same thing, right?
economist-cover-putin-blue-black-skull-with-jets-for-eyes-16-10-21A recent cover and main article in the Economist, pictured left, reminds me of just how hyperbolic and ideological is the West’s propaganda against Russian President Vladimir Putin. While maybe good polemical fodder as a cartoon on the editorial page, the fact that this demonic caricature merits front cover status, indicates just how programmed and institutionalized Western mainstream media is. Westerners love to insult the Anti-West press for being “party organs” and “government mouthpieces”. But, why travel so far? They only need to stay home with their national New York Times, Radio France, and BBC, to really appreciate Bernaysian psyops being passed off as serious journalism (as in Edward Bernays). I don’t call it living behind the Great Western Firewall for nothing.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

See the list of 65 presstitutes who colluded with the Clintons to defraud America and steal the election... CALL FOR THEIR ARREST by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

See the list of 65 presstitutes who colluded with the Clintons to defraud America and steal the election... CALL FOR THEIR ARREST

(NaturalNews) To even call this 2016 president election an "election" is a cruel joke. Democracy is supposed to be about open, fair and free elections, and those elections must be predicated on open, fair and free access to information so that voters can make an informed decision. Yet all we have today is a media that's in the tank for Hillary, a justice system infiltrated by deep state corruption, a voting system rife with leftist fraud, a culture of extremist, violent intimidation of those who oppose Clinton and an Obama regime steeped in such criminality and fraud that it actively encourages illegal aliens to run across the border to America so they can vote.

This isn't an election... it's a coordinated leftist coup d'etat.

The aim of the coup is to occupy all the positions of power in America with radical leftists, communists and criminal democrat party loyalists. From those positions of power, the strategy is to systematically dismantle the American Constitution, Bill of Rights and Supreme Court while crushing the American middle class with punitive economic policies that keep the masses trapped in poverty (Obamacare, anyone?).

A Plague of Hopelessly Inept Demands and Declarations by Anna von Reltz

A Plague of Hopelessly Inept Demands and Declarations
My email has been jammed the past few weeks with all sorts of high-sounding "Declarations" and "Demands" and "Orders" and accusations of "Conspiracy Against the Constitution" and "Writs of Mandamus" and "Writs of......"
Well, you get the picture. All sorts of very angry people, and all of them talking in very high-tone and calling the government out in the name of "We, the People, of the United States of America".
My friend, Ron, sent me another one of these tonight, and wearily, I just had to sit down and tell him----
"Yes, but it is all totally useless and meaningless and if you take the time to listen I can tell you why."
Americans are defined as "the free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States".
Catch that?
NOT the "free, sovereign and independent people of the United States of America".
That is because there is no country [at least no country of ours] called the United States of America. And no National Trust established under that name.
It's the "United States Declaration of Independence" --- not the "United States of America Declaration of Independence".
Where you start seeing the words "united States of America" is in the original Constitution, called "The Constitution for the united States of America"------ but note, there is a small "u" on the word "united". It is used as an adjective describing "States of America"---- the actual name of the entity contracting for services from the federal government.
And what was the "States of America"?

Countering Despair in America: Social Progress by Instructive “Presidential Caricatures” of “What’s Wrong”… Opportunities to transform Social Suffering into Social Beauty By Dr. Robert Rennebohm Global Research

Countering Despair in America: Social Progress by Instructive “Presidential Caricatures” of “What’s Wrong”…

Opportunities to transform Social Suffering into Social Beauty

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This essay is intended to counter the despair generated by the American presidential campaign (and the associated global chaos and wars) with a positive, constructive reaction to what is occurring.  I want to try to explain why the current state of affairs, as depressing and frightening as it may seem, represents a tremendous opportunity to accelerate Social Progress and create unprecedented Social Beauty (the foundation of which is creation of collaborative, independent, national Public Economies).
Exemplary of the despair and fear is an email message I recently received from a patient who lives in Eastern Europe:
“I hope that your president (whether Clinton or Trump) will do not much harm to our planet and its people.”
She is scared, worried, and depressed by the American presidential campaign and what is happening in the world as a whole. She feels anger and frustration—particularly when considering how difficult it is to make sense out of what is happening, and how little control she feels over what seems so out of control and so difficult to remedy.

The City of London’s ReColonization of America By Preston James,from Veterans Today

The City of London’s ReColonization of America

Secret Slavery has never been so well camouflaged!

by  Preston James

As many Intel insiders know, it’s a fact of life that the world power structure is divided into three main action agents, the City of London, the Vatican and Washington DC.
Each are controlled by a Luciferian pedophile network many call the Old Black Nobility, the Olympiads or the Illuminati. This small number of men prefer to work in the darkness and maintain a low public profile — instead directing these three control structures to do their bidding.
The Vatican has been infiltrated by this satanic network and, instead of providing sound Christian doctrine, provides spiritual misdirection designed to use unbiblical traditions to lead believers away from truth.
Washington DC was set up as an illegal, unconstitutional secret Illuminati independent nation by High Freemasons of the Crown to transform America the Republic into the financial engine and secret military arm of the RKM Banksters who run the City of London.
john adams
Yes, the real power to control America and the western world lies in the City of London, which is a separate financial district and an independent nation-state inside London, UK, comprising about one square mile in area.