Saturday, May 14, 2016

How to Beat Cancer on a Shoestring Budget By Tony Isaacs

How to Beat Cancer on a Shoestring Budget

Contrary to what mainstream medicine would have you believe, there are many natural and alternative cancer protocols which can help to beat cancer. More importantly, alternative therapies are usually much more effective and safe than mainstream cancer treatments − which actually cause cancer and cause it to spread.
Such alternatives are also usually only a fraction of the cost of conventional cancer treatment. However, alternative treatments are not covered by insurance, and when these treatments involve a lot of supplements (especially pricey ones), the costs can add up to a daunting expense for people whose budgets are limited.
The good news is… if you’re looking for how to beat cancer with limited funds is that there are plenty of very effective things you can do without spending a lot of money. For example, the following inexpensive suggestions pretty much cover all the bases for eliminating existing cancer and keeping it at bay:

5 Keys for Beating Cancer

  1. Eliminating toxins – by far the primary root cause of cancer − from your body and environment
  2. Making your body as inhospitable to cancer as possible
  3. Eating and living as healthy of an anti-cancer diet and lifestyle as possible
  4. Building and maintaining a healthy immune system − your natural first line of defense against cancer and other illness
  5. Taking strong anti-cancer and immune boosting herbs and other supplements

How to Beat Cancer on the Cheap

  • Eat the flaxseed oil/cottage cheese combo which is an integral part of the highly successful Budwig Diet protocol. Note: be sure to use small curd cottage cheese to come closer to the original quark cheese Johanna Budwig used. If you are a bit of a do-it-yourself type, you can also make your own healthy quark cheese at home with a bit of effort.
  • Eat lots of raw minced garlic and lots of hot peppers − either cayenne or habanero.
  • Eat a mostly raw, mostly vegetable diet, and be sure to include lots of cancer-fighting cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage.
  • Consume much of your vegetables in juiced form. Juiced vegetables are key components of many successful natural cancer protocols, most notably the Gerson protocol.
  • Avoid sugar, artificial sweeteners, white bread/bleached flour, fast foods, junk foods, microwaved foods, processed meat products, and processed foods in general. (For more information on a good diet for fighting cancer, see: The Best Cancer Fighting and Immune Boosting Food Choices)
  • Take lots of the inexpensive spice turmeric, which contains the cancer-fighting adaptogen curcumin (turmeric). Curcumin is also a very good natural anti-inflammatory. Note: turmeric is not absorbed very well, but you can increase absorption by also taking coconut milk and/or black pepper along with it.
  • One must-take supplement is milk thistle, which is essential for maintaining good liver health. This is needed to handle an increased toxic load on the liver due to cancer cell die-off. The late great alternative cancer pioneer Max Gerson observed that he never observed a single cancer patient who did not also have an impaired liver.
  • Cleanse your liver and bowels prior to starting any anti-cancer protocol and continue to do so regularly. Do this at least once every few weeks thereafter to make sure your liver is cleansed and better able to process toxins and pass them out of the body.
  • Do coffee enemas once or more each day. Coffee enemas help open up the bile ducts so that toxins can be eliminated more efficiently. They also greatly increase glutathione production and help relieve pain.
  • Parsley, chlorella, cilantro, dandelion root, and apple pectin all help bind and eliminate toxins, especially heavy metals.
  • In addition to regular direct sun exposure to the skin, try to get plenty of indirect sunlight into the eyes daily. In the summer of 1959, fifteen cancer patients at Bellevue Medical Center were instructed to stay outdoors as much as possible without wearing glasses or sunglasses. By autumn, the tumors in 14 of 15 had not grown, and some patients had gotten better. The one patient that didn’t have good results had not fully understood the instructions and had continued to wear tinted prescription glasses.
  • Oleander extract is a very powerful cancer-fighter and immune modulator, especially when combined with an overall anti-cancer lifestyle and other key cancer fighting and immune boosting items.
  • Get regular exercise or other physical activity.
  • Drink plenty of pure water.
  • Meditate, practice the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or take other measures to control stress.
  • Other than milk thistle, if you can afford a handful of supplements, some of the most important ones to consider are colloidal silver, N-acetyl cysteine, iodine, selenium (methylselenocysteine is the best form for fighting cancer), and trace minerals.
Finally, a good positive attitude can go a long, long way. Believe that you can beat cancer and your chances of beating it become greater!
Live your life without the threat of cancer. Go here to be notified each week about new, cutting-edge information that impacts your health.
Article Summary
  • Alternative cancer therapies are usually much more effective and safe than conventional cancer treatments (i.e. chemotherapy and radiation) which actually cause cancer and cause it to spread.
  • Alternative treatments are often not covered by insurance and therefore the costs can add up for people with limited budgets. But there are plenty of very effective things you can do to beat cancer without spending a lot of money.
  • 5 Keys for Beating Cancer are:
    1. Eliminating toxins from your body and environment
    2. Making your body as inhospitable to cancer as possible
    3. Eating and living as healthy of an anti-cancer diet and lifestyle as possible
    4. Building and maintaining a healthy immune system
    5. Taking strong anti-cancer and immune boosting herbs and other supplements
  • Some inexpensive cancer treatments include:
    • Budwig Diet protocol
    • Eat lots of raw minced garlic and lots of hot peppers (cayenne or habanero)
    • Eat a mostly raw, mostly vegetable diet, including lots of cruciferous vegetables
    • Consume much of your vegetables in juiced form
    • Avoid sugar, artificial sweeteners, white bread/bleached flour, fast foods, junk foods, microwaved foods, processed meat products, and processed foods in general
    • Take lots of the inexpensive spice turmeric
    • Take milk thistle for maintaining good liver health
    • Cleanse your liver and bowels prior to starting any anti-cancer protocol and continue to do so regularly
    • Do coffee enemas once or more each day
    • Parsley, chlorella, cilantro, dandelion root, and apple pectin help bind and eliminate toxins, especially heavy metals.
    • In addition to regular direct sun exposure to the skin, try to get plenty of indirect sunlight into the eyes daily
    • Oleander extract is a very powerful cancer-fighter and immune modulator
    • Get regular exercise or other physical activity
    • Drink plenty of pure water
    • Meditate, practice the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or take other measures to control stress
    • Other supplements to consider include: colloidal silver, N-acetyl cysteine, iodine, selenium (methylselenocysteine is the best form for fighting cancer), and trace minerals
  • Maintain a good positive attitude. Believe that you can beat cancer!

If Cancer Scares You, Do Not Miss This...

Over 20,000 people die each day from cancer. So if it scares you, that’s understandable.
However… whether you’re trying to avoid cancer or beat it if you’ve got it, there is one very powerful antidote to the fear, and to the disease itself: knowledge.
In “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest” you’ll discover the most powerful ways to prevent, treat, heal from, and beat the disease. Though you haven’t heard of most of these ways, you deserve to, so…


About Tony Isaacs

Tony Isaacs is a member of the National Health Federation and the American Botanical Council who is a natural health advocate and researcher and the author of books and articles about natural health including Cancer's Natural Enemy. Mr. Isaacs articles are featured at The Truth About Cancer, the Health Science Institute's Healthiertalk website, CureZone, the Crusador, Health Secrets, the Cancer Tutor, the Silver Bulletin, the New Zealand Journal of Natural Health and several other venues. Mr. Isaacs also has The Best Years in Life website which helps people avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. In addition, he hosts the Yahoo Oleandersoup Health group of over 3500 members and the CureZone Ask Tony Isaacs - Featuring Luella May forum. Mr. Isaacs and his partner Luella May host The Best Years in Life Radio Show every Wednesday evening on BlogTalk Radio.

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