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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

1253: First Fraud, Second Fraud, Kavanaugh Proves His Prowess --- and Gets My Approval from Lincoln County Watch

Monday, September 17, 2018

1253:  First Fraud, Second Fraud, Kavanaugh Proves His Prowess --- and Gets My Approval from Lincoln County Watch

By Anna Von Reitz

The essence of the First Fraud against Americans is that when we say "United States" we are using the original meaning of the words --- as in "the states united under The Unanimous Declaration of
Independence" --- but when THEY, the Federales, say "United States" they are always referring to some version of the Federal United States, Territorial United States, or Municipal United States.  They don't know or don't allow that any other version of "United States" exists, until you haul out the actual Declaration of Independence and rub their noses in it.  

When my Mother repudiated their claims, she very clearly enunciated exactly what she meant by "United States" versus what THEY meant by "United States". She also tackled the word "citizen" and pointed out that Americans live in state republics and that we can either function as "nationals" of those republics and have no official duties or we can act as "State Citizens" when we occupy a public office and work for one of our state republics.  And in no case do the state republics allow Dual Citizenship.  Put a big star by that fact.  So far as our state republics are concerned, you are either for us or against us. No wishy-washy.  You are an American or you are not. 

So, if you are an American, you can be a "state national" known as a Virginian or a Wisconsinite or Californian and have no official duties or obligations to the government at all.  Or, you can work for the state republic in a Public Office --- such as a Justice of the Peace or Public Notary --- in which case you are a "State Citizen".  

Those are the only two options for an American, even though in a general sense, people talk about being "from the United States" ---meaning all the states as a group, it is more exact and proper to say that we are from The United States of America.  Note that "Americans" come from "America" and if we take up any international office in behalf of all our States, we are acting as "citizens" of The United States of America---- not what the Federales refer to as the United States.  

This is also why there are two different kinds of Passports --- those issued under the auspices of The United States of America  for those of us who live in the States and those issued under the auspices of the United States for those who live in the Territorial or Municipal United States.   

The Second Fraud against Americans occurs because the Federal United States is supposed to exercise nineteen enumerated "Powers" of our States "for" us.  They are all powers that belong to our States of the Union and they are all "Powers" arising in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  We "contracted out" those functions when we signed off on the Constitutions --- all three of them: Federal in 1787, Territorial in 1789, and Municipal in 1790.  

So these "Enumerated Powers" are actually our powers, but they are being exercised for us by subcontractors.  The subcontractors we hired to do this were the Federal United States, the Territorial United States, and the Municipal United States, each with specific limited duties and roles to fulfill.  

Unfortunately, the Federal United States organized under The Articles of Confederation ceased to function in 1860 and has been moth-balled "pending Reconstruction" ever since.  

The Territorial United States operated by the British Government usurped itself into position to take over the role of the Federal United States in Gross Breach of Trust and Contract and has been exercising the so-called "Delegated Powers" to our detriment ever since. 

Still later, the Municipal United States operated by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation got into the act, so that nineteen of our most important international functions have been commandeered and have been exercised to our detriment by foreign  "federal" subcontractors purported to be acting "for" us and under our authority. 

This then leads to the confusion used to promote the Second Fraud.  We have four entities, The United States, which is the original Union formed under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, the moth-balled Federal United States, the British-run Territorial United States, and the Municipal United States all being referred to as "United States", so when asked if you are a "United States Citizen" or a "citizen of the United States" --- it can mean any of several different things.  

For Americans, by definition, "US Citizen" can only mean that you owe duty to the original United States ---- "The United States".  

For Federal Citizens --- employees or dependents of any of the "federal" entities --- it means being subject to the Queen if you are inhabiting the Territorial "United States", or being subject to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation if you are inhabiting the Municipal "United States". 

But which is which and what do you mean by it?   If I say I am a "horse" I leave the door open to all sorts of assumptions and presumptions about what kind of horse. And that is precisely what has gone on here.   

It has been convenient and very profitable for the British Territorial Government to presume that when you check a box on a form saying that you are a "US Citizen" that you are a Territorial United States Citizen, and not an American merely meaning that you have an allegiance to The United States.  This subjects you to the British Queen, makes you liable for her debts,  and instantly deprives you of your constitutional protections.  

The same thing happens with the Municipal United States and its corporate "Government".  The presumption that you are a Municipal United States CITIZEN subjects you to the whims of the Municipal United States CONGRESS, makes you liable for their debts, and also deprives you of your constitutional protections. 

Obviously, you have to be extremely explicit about what you mean by it when you say you are a "United States Citizen" or better still, avoid all that confusion and explain that you are a national of The United States of America and not under any citizenship obligation at all. 

For an intriguing and enlightening expose of this whole issue, observe the word-play going on between Lindsey Graham and Supreme Court Justice Nominee Kavanaugh: 

Both these men know that "Americans" are exempt from prosecution in military tribunals and by the military's own admission we are owed The Law of Peace: AR 27-161-1 so long as we properly identify ourselves.  Every senior JAG officer worth his or her salt knows this, and here we have two of them on opposite ends of the stick. 

What court and system of justice and form of law is owed to all the non-Federal, non-citizen civilians indicted for pedophilia, human trafficking, and related crimes?  And what is the status of Territorial United States Citizens versus Municipal United States CITIZENS facing these same Tribunals?  

Technically, so-called "Federal Grand Juries" and federated State of State Grand Juries can't even address an American National, nor can they produce a "jury of our peers" from their jury pools. 

Both Bill and Hillary Clinton have thus far evaded arrest by seeking safe-harbor in our jurisdiction, thinking that The United States of America is uninhabited and that our judicial system is so far decayed that we cannot possibly arrest and prosecute them under the Public Law.  But we can.  And that is the actual, factual answer to the veiled debate going on between Graham and Kavanaugh.   

Americans are owed the Public Law, which means the Un-Revised United States Statutes-at-Large, and the General Session Laws of their States.  In any military tribunal we are owed The Law of Peace ---- and only regarding issues that are legitimately within military jurisdiction.  

Obviously, the crimes of soldiers and corporate officials are within military jurisdiction, and just as obviously, the crimes of Joe Average are not. 

The Truth about the "Injustice System" that the US Attorney General's Office has been running and the railroading of Americans into federal jurisdiction is about to break out, because the high ranking criminals will expose it rather than be tried themselves. 

Our land jurisdiction Grand Juries can present charges against Americans and indictments against Federales, both.  And this is the end of the Great Fraud --- when enough Americans understand the importance of reclaiming their birthright political status and restoring the right functioning of their government, well-educated pirates and criminals will no longer be able to play "jurisdictional hop-scotch" and escape prosecution for actual crimes--- and equally,  hapless, innocent Americans will no longer be mis-construed as any kind of Federal citizen and railroaded into federal courts. 

And here is one other crucial Fun Fact:  even though we see all sorts of Municipal Courts, "Family" Courts, Traffic Courts, etc., and all sorts of "State of State" and "STATE OF STATE" courts ---- all of these courts are bringing their prosecutions through the U.S. District Attorneys.  

So when Joe Blow, Bar Association Attorney, brings a "civil" case against you, he is not actually working in any kind of private capacity nor is he working for any Court that has any natural jurisdiction over you and he is not actually operating in any civilian capacity.  He is working as an adjunct to the U.S. District Attorney, who is the "Person" actually responsible for prosecuting you for any and every crime and infraction, from speeding tickets to murder. And they are doing absolutely all of this under the false presumption that you are a "citizen" of the Federal United States, Territorial United States or Municipal United States.  

It is for this reason that when you file your paperwork related to a court case in ANY court no matter what the Court is named or what jurisdiction it displays, that you send a copy to the U.S. District Attorney, informing him/her that you are an American National, that you are exercising your exemptions and have reclaimed your reversionary trust interest in your state and your natural birthright political status---- and are not "voluntarily" acting in any federal capacity at all.  Make sure that you carbon copy the whole package to everyone involved --- the Judge, the opposing attorney, the Clerk, and the District Attorney.  

When you go after these bastards, it will be the US District Attorney's Office responsible for failure to honor your exemption and your indemnification from loss and damage. 

The actual Prosecutors never read the case files.  This is so that they can maintain "plausible deniability".  If they get caught improperly prosecuting Americans under false presumptions and enforcing unconscionable contracts, they can plead that they never saw the evidence you provided the Clerk.  And the Clerk can plead that he or she has no duty to nurse-maid the Prosecutors. 

So you need to shove it down the throats of the US District Attorneys and they need to discipline the local Bar Attorneys and Judges, who have been getting rich racketeering and pillaging bogus PUBLIC TRUSTS.  

And everyone needs to look sharp and mind their hind-quarters. 

Please note: 
Graham: So, if you’re in Afghanistan, do your constitutional rights protect you against your own government?
Kavanaugh: If you’re an American in Afghanistan, you have constitutional rights as against the U.S. government.
See what is really being said?  If you are on foreign soil, do your constitutional rights protect you against you own government?  

You have to stop and ask yourself --- "What's my own government?" 

If you are an American, the Territorial United States is not "your own government".  It's a British entity.  And if this entity were your "own government", you would have no constitutional rights in Afghanistan or anywhere else.  If you are an American, the Municipal United States is not "your own government" --- ditto, ditto. 

Kavanaugh knows this, so he very properly responds -- "If you are an American in Afghanistan, you have constitutional rights as against the U.S. government." 

If --- and be prepared to prove it. 

American --- not a "US citizen".  

Against the U.S. government  --- not your own government, but a government under subcontract via the Territorial or Municipal Constitutions. 

Your own government in international jurisdiction is The United States of America [Unincorporated].  Know it, say it, make it explicit as a sharp knife.


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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