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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Hellstorm The Documentary Paul Craig Roberts

Hellstorm The Documentary

Hellstorm The Documentary
Paul Craig Roberts
Readers at home and abroad have brought to my attention that Thomas Goodrich is not the only historian to report crimes committed against the German people and German POWs after Germany
had surrendered. Here are some of the sources brought to my attention:
Wartime propaganda is not concerned with truth. It is concerned with painting the enemy in the worst possible terms. The victors write the histories, and after enduring a war victor populations don’t want to read that their side’s behavior was no different, and possibly worse, than the cruel and inhuman behavior of the vanquished.
Obviously, this puts limits on what historians can write if they want readers and university careers. It is only many years later that truth can begin to make its appearance.
Some readers reacted to my review of David Irving’s book about the Nuremberg showtrial of Germans during 1945-46 with the comment that Irving understates allied criminality. Several sent me links to a documentary made recently by Americans based on midwestern American Thomas Goodrich’s history, Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-47. https://www.amazon.com/Hellstorm-Death-Nazi-Germany-1944-1947/dp/1494775069
There are 147 customer reviews of the book on amazon.com and 75% of the reviews are 5 star. Evidently, not even Zionist trolls were able to bury the book.
Not much of this documentary has to be true in order to reach the conclusion that what the Americans, British, and above all the Soviets did to Germans during the war and in the war’s final days and, worse, after the war, dwarfs in its inhumanity and illegality everything the Nazis did. More Germans died during the two years after the war than died in fighting the Americans and British during the war. Mass exterminations of Germans and systematic rape of German females as young as eight years old were going on during the Nuremberg trials. What happened to Germans fit the program for the genocide of Germany advocated by the Jewish US Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morganthau.
Nazi Germany is the most demonized entity in modern history, and the demonization continues. To whom did the killer bitch compare the Russian President in order to demonize him but to Hitler. Seventy-two years after the end of WW 2 Hollywood still produces movies that vilify Germany. Consequently, few historians have dared to write about what was done to Germans. But Thomas Goodrich did, and Kyle Hunt made a documentary from the book. Judging from the screen credits, many Americans were involved in producing the documentary. Little doubt but they have all been labeled “white supremacists.” (White supremacist is a curious term. Obama is partly black, but he declared the white supremacy doctrine of the neoconservatives when he said that Americans were the exceptional people and America was the indispensable country.”)
I watched it, and I can tell you that you will need to be emotionally and mentally strong to watch this documentary, not only because it will affront your belief in the goodness of your country but also because it forces you to confront unspeakable evil that cannot be blamed on Nazis.
Of course, the book and the documentary can be a hoax. The problem we face today is that although we know that the print and TV media and NPR are propaganda organs, so can be documentaries and information available on the Internet. I know a lot, but WW 2 was not a subject I studied closely even though I grew up in its aftermath. What do people born decades later know of it? Nothing but what they saw in movies in which Nazis are the ultimate evil.
In my lifetime I have watched truth diminish. By and large scientists serve the government’s military programs and cannot speak out when the government lies without ending their careers. Economists serve Wall Street, the big banks, and the global corporations. Psychologists and anthropologists help Washington subdue its victim populations. Journalism serves the government’s lies. Medical doctors prescribe according to the pharmaceutical companies. Wherever you look, you see professionalism serving a material interest.
The question I ask myself is what material interest does the book and documentary serve? Nazi Germany has been dead and buried for 72 years. Indeed, Germany has not been an independent country for 72 years and has no prospects of becoming one. Marine Le Pen is branded right-wing because she is for French sovereignty, but as some Europeans have said, the CIA would assassinate her before they would allow her to become president of France. Indeed, the former deputy director of the FBI recently said that the CIA was going to assassinate President Trump. http://thehill.com/homenews/media/346171-former-mueller-deputy-on-trump-government-is-going-to-kill-this-guy
Making peace with Russia is a massive threat to the military/security complex’s vast budget and power, and they are not going to allow it. Neither are they going to allow Marine Le Pen and the French voters to break up NATO and the EU in the name of French sovereignty, thereby threatening Washington’s power over Europe.
What powerful interest is served by Goodrich’s book and Hunt’s documentary?
Can we say it is a Russian plot to make themselves look far worst than Nazis?
Is it an Israeli plot to discredit themselves in order to discredit the goyim?
Clearly it is not a plot that would serve the military/security complex or Wall Street and the banks.
What other powerful interests are there?
Here is the link to the documentary:
As the Romans did to Carthage, Germany might not exist today had Washington not decided that Germany needed to be rebuilt as a barrier to communism and as a forward base for the Cold War against the Soviet Union.

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