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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Part 21 The Final Lamb, Or, Stop Being Stupid: Anna Von Reitz

The Final Lamb, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 21

By Anna Von Reitz

The Bible is essentially an Egyptian-retelling of Hebrew history liberally edited numerous times by groups with axes to grind.  What remains is a very strange book indeed.
Even the name of the Bible is peculiar.  The words "Holy Bible" translate as "Sun Book".  Why?  Because the Egyptians who created it worshiped a sun god, Amon Ra, and their object in compiling the Bible was very different from what we assume. 
Didn't it ever strike you as odd that the Hebrews, out there roaming around in the desert, managed to compile such a record as the Bible presents? 
Well, the fact is, they didn't.  The Egyptians and Ethiopians compiled and kept it for them from the time of Joseph to the burning of the Great Library at Alexandria and beyond.
 It's an Egyptian Monotheist search for the True God that preserved the history of the Hebrews and later, the history of the Israelites, and as a result what comes down to us is seen through Egyptian-colored lenses.
This is also why you have been taught to say, "Amen" at the end of every prayer. This is like saying, "Dear Father in Heaven....blah, blah, blah.....Egyptian Sun God". 
We assume that "Amen" means "It shall be so." and that it is like a seal confirming the missive sent Heavenward, but like so many other things ---what we assume is undermined by other meanings of the same or similar sounding words.
Now, it may seem ridiculous and surely our Creator knows what we intend, so that no heartfelt communication is wasted----yet imagine the irony of it, that virtually every prayer in Christendom is factually indistinguishable from the prayers of Ancient Egyptian sun worshipers?
The Egyptians and Ethiopians were by far the largest contributors to the preservation of the history of the Hebrews and Hebrew writings in general until the time of the Romans, when  the Romans took over the task of preserving, editing, and passing along the bits that served their purposes.
And the Romans were nothing, if not pragmatic.
The story of Jesus that they allowed to come forward is tailored to suit the Roman desire to preserve the Pax Romanus, the Roman Peace, and to inculcate the values of good citizenship---- that is, acquiescence to indentured servitude and slavery-- among the conquered races. 
The Jesus we have inherited is a watered-down and tamed version of the actual story, and central to His story, are facts that we are never, ever told.  Jesus lived in Nazareth all right, and so, he is called "a Nazarene", but more importantly, he was also a Nazorean.  More of the usual similar word deceits have been used to cover up this fact.
The Nazoreans were a populous sect inhabiting the Galilea area and standing as a buffer between the Samaritans to the North and the Temple Hebrews of the South.  To put it mildly, Jesus came from the wrong side of the tracks, despite his bloodline to King David.
The Nazoreans as a group-- to which John the Baptist also belonged --- were famous for being polluted with Egyptian and Samaritan mysticism.  This is part of why the Pharisees were so offended by the popularity of a Nazorean---and fearful of it, too.
The many miracles attributed to Jesus were derided as circus tricks among the educated Pharisees who were themselves adherents of the Great Abomination, Semiramis, and practitioners of idolatry and supporters of her moneychangers sitting in the Temple Courtyard.
When Jesus drove the moneychangers from the Temple and raised Lazarus from the dead, they knew they had to do something about him or lose their own shooting match.  So they colluded with the Romans who were not happy with the prospect of a political uprising of the natives to put an end to His ministry.
Thus the charge against Jesus was that he was (according to the Roman viewpoint) claiming to be "King of the Jews" and was a threat to Roman rule in the Levant, but the charge against Jesus from the standpoint of the Pharisees is never revealed. 
They condemned him as a Nazorean Necromancer for raising Lazarus from the dead.
The Nazoreans have throughout history been a secretive sect. After the death of John the Baptist and the crucifixion of Jesus and the razing of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD the larger portion of the Nazoreans came to settle in the Tigris-Euphrates Delta, a vast swamp, where their descendants have lived ever since. 
Over the twenty intervening centuries the blend of Ancient Samaritan, Hebrew and Egyptian mysticism they started out with has been blended with the mysticism of their Muslim neighbors and the surviving Nazoreans have been hunted like animals through the swamps of the Fertile Crescent by successive waves of Bounty Hunters dispatched by the German and British and Russian and American governments. 
Why?  To discover their secrets---- and pound them out of the survivors.
Persistent rumors of "Angelic weapons" in the area inhabited by the Nazoreans provided the impetus for this action.  It was said that the remaining Nazoreans were the guardians of weapons that pre-dated the Flood of Noah, and that like the Ark of the Covenant, these weapons were of divine origin and surpassing power. 
The Biblical references to Four Angels being "bound" in the same area and being released in the Latter Days gave credence to the claims and so from the days of Hitler's search for the Aryans (Orions) to now, the Nazoreans have been hunted and tortured and decimated for their knowledge in the most systematic and ferocious genocide of modern times.
Russian efforts finally yielded pay dirt two years ago with the recovery of "Gabriel's Hammer".
This weapon dates from the Great Plasma War which occurred 32,000 years ago.  Positioned in Antarctica it is able to punch down or pull up large sections of the Earth's crust by as much as 400 vertical feet.  Smaller models of the same technology can suspend or alter the laws of gravity----handy for dropping missiles and airplanes out of the air, or sinking battleships to the bottom of the sea.
Conventional warfare as it has existed on the planet is at an end, and the Russians hold the winning hand.   They continue to scour Syria and loot Sirian (as in Sirius B) archeological sites for the remaining three "angels".  If there are any Nazoreans left on Earth, they are few and far between.
From these sobering ruminations we must rouse ourselves and ask--- what of the Lamb of God?  Was he not sacrificed once and for all, for the goats and sheep alike, for all debts in all jurisdictions of the Earth?  Yes.  That was the deal.  All our sins--- that is, all our debts --- are "fore-given" before we can even commit them.  The slate is wiped clean and our debts and mistakes no longer stand between Heaven and Earth. Our Father no longer remembers our transgressions.
So how is it that we are being plagued by Rome---  the Roman Catholic Church --- with accusations of indebtedness, after they have claimed and seized hold of all the corporate governments on Earth and absorbed all the riches of both land and sea?  Why aren't our debts being paid for by these feckless Trustees? And paid in every jurisdiction?
Why, indeed?
Jesus, the Nazorean, triumphed over Satan.  The contest wasn't even close.  Yet, over time, Satan's followers embedded within the Church have found their ways and means and most of all, their excuses for not paying up---- especially on their home turf, the international jurisdiction of the sea.   
First, we were told that only confessing Christians could inherit the Kingdom--- and only Roman Catholics were confessing Christians, so that left everyone else out.   
But no, that was not The Deal. 
Satan was allowed to do his worst and he failed.  He lost the bet.  Both the goats and the sheep belong to Jesus, the Nazorean, and Satan has no claim against them.  All people of all faiths, existing in all jurisdictions, have been bought and paid for---and set free. 
All other pretensions are nothing but filthy, dirty lies.
Second, we were told that we are bound by the Doctrine of Scarcity, that there just isn't enough to go around, and that's why people starve to death and die of thirst, the reason we must allow abortion to prevent overpopulation and the excuse for so many other evils.
But that isn't true, either.
This planet was blessed with inexhaustible resources, far more than enough to provide all the actual needs and many of the vain wants of every man, woman, and child ever born. 
Any claim otherwise is simply another filthy, dirty lie and a blasphemy against our Father who has loved us and provided for us and lifted us up as true sons and daughters.
As beneficiaries of the Divine Trust, it is long past time for us to sit up and take notice and action: what possible excuse is there, that all our debts aren't being paid?  Every single one of them?  Literally?
We are all Exempt and all our "vessels" in trade and commerce alike are "pre-paid" and tax percuse----goats and sheep alike. 
We have no further need of "redemption" for all have been redeemed for all time, and yet, the reign of Satan has been allowed to continue on.  His deceptions and deceits and false claims have been entertained and the Children of the True God have continued to be oppressed.
The Storehouses of God that Benedict XVI ordered to be opened, have not been opened.

No matter what else happens in the world of men, or which country holds the weapons--- it's time for the actual Mission of Redemption to be fulfilled and for the Trustees to render the accounts.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com

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